Saturday, February 04, 2017

Five overlooked Nintendo DS games you need to play as soon as possible

Don't worry, I'll publish more than "five overlooked games you need to play as soon as possible" posts this year. In fact, I'm working on a handful of reviews as we speak. I also have a slew of "Manual Stimulation" and "Nice Package!" posts waiting to be written.

The above isn't the full extent of what you can expect to see here in the coming weeks and months, of course; I just want everyone to rest assured that (hopefully) interesting content is on the way.

That's not to suggest the post you're reading right now is a total bore. I mean, unless you harbor an irrational hatred for Nintendo's DS handheld.

For those who are at least somewhat curious about that duel-screened system and its extensive catalog of games, you should get at least a slight kick out of this write-up about five Nintendo DS titles I think have been overlooked by the masses.

Daigasso! Band Brothers--I have a feeling I should include this game's 2008 sequel here instead, especially considering that more recent effort earned an English release (as Jam with the Band, although it only saw the light of day in Europe). I'm sticking with the 2004 original, though, because I've spent more time with it and, well, I prefer its cover art. Plus, if you're going to jump into an unknown game series, you should start at the beginning, don't you think? Anyway, don't fret about the first Daigasso! Band Brothers being in Japanese. You don't need to know a lick of that overwhelming language to enjoy this music game. All you need is a DS or 3DS system with a working d-pad and A, B, X and Y buttons--as they're what you use to play Daigasso! Band Brothers. In that respect, this early DS title is a lot like Namco's long-running (and also well worth trying) Taiko no Tatsujin releases, although in Daigasso! Band Brothers you use all sorts of instruments, rather than just drums, to play a vast selection of tunes.

Loopop Cube: Lup Salad--It blows my mind that none of this adorable game's many versions ever left Japan. Yes, this 2008 release, published by the charmingly named Dimple Entertainment, came out 12 years after the original title, developed by Fupac and published by Datam Polystar, was made available to Japanese PlayStation owners. And two years after the game hit the Nintendo DS, Dimple offered PSP fans a port, too. The different iterations aren't identical, mind you--each one offers up slightly unique puzzles, modes and options--but they all basically look and play the same. Speaking of Loopop Cube's gameplay, think one part Puzznic (or Bejeweled) and one part Sokoban. Although, unlike Hiroyuki Imabayashi's box-moving puzzler, Loopop Cube's stages are depicted from the side. That means some light platforming action is thrown into the mix, too. It's all explained in this wonderfully fashioned write-up, so check it out should you ever pick up a copy of this brilliant brain-teaser.

My World, My Way--I was skeptical when my pal Mollie first mentioned this Atlus-published game during a recording of The Nichiest Podcast Ever. Those skeptical feelings remained even after I watched some video footage of it. Still, Mollie's word means a lot to me, so I dutifully tracked down a used copy and put My World, My Way through its paces as part of my #ADecadeofDS series in early 2015. (Read my impressions here.) I walked away from that experience thrilled I'd followed Mollie's sage advice, as My World, My Way is a delightfully weird RPG that mixes traditional turn-based battles with a thoroughly unique world-building component. Also, its protagonist (a bratty princess who wants to be an adventurer) is about as far from typical as you can get--always a plus in my book. By the way, if you prefer the PSP to the DS, and if you can understand Japanese (or you don't mind playing a game you won't understand), developer Global A published an upgraded version of the game for Sony's first handheld in Japan, as Sekai wa Atashi de Mawatteru: Hikari to Yami no Princess, in 2009.

Pop Cutie! Street Fashion Simulation--Hey, I think the aforementioned Mollie turned me on to this oddity, too. Or was it Anne? Regardless, one of those two wonderful ladies deserve the biggest hug I can give them for making me aware of Pop Cutie! Although I wouldn't put this Koei-made title in the same league as Nintendo's similarly themed Style Savvy series, it's still a lot of fun. Just don't go into a playthrough expecting an overly deep experience. It feels very much like a mobile game before mobile games were a thing. (For an explanation, read my #ADecadeofDS post about Pop Cutie!) Don't take that as a negative, as it allows you to pop into and out of this Street Fashion Simulation without a whole lot of fuss--a big positive for someone like me who no longer has the time or energy to regularly spend multiple hours per day on a game. Bonus: even copies of Pop Cutie! are pretty cheap these days.

Zombie Daisuki--Here's another overlooked Nintendo DS title that gives off strong "mobile game" vibes. As was the case with Pop Cutie!, though, I don't use that term to cast aspersions on Zombie Daisuki. This ChunSoft creation isn't perfect--something I made pretty clear in the last post I published about it a couple of years ago--but if you can nab a cheap cart, I say go for it. There's no question Zombie Daisuki looks great, with pixel art that would've been drooled over during the medium's heyday. It also sports an intriguing premise--one which puts you in control of a horde of blue-skinned zombies and then has you sic them on living, breathing human beings. (It's not as horrific as it sounds, I swear. Everything here is presented in a very comical manner.) On the flip side, you may grow tired of Zombie Daisuki repetitive actions--hence my suggestion that you not blow too much to buy it.

See also: five overlooked Famicom, GameBoy, GameBoy Advance, Game Gear, PC Engine and PlayStation games you need to play as soon as possible

Wednesday, February 01, 2017

Can you believe this is the beginning of The Gay Gamer's 11th year as a blog?

I certainly can't believe it. Regardless, it's true. I published my first post here all the way back on Feb. 1, 2007. I can't say my early write-ups were very good but, hey, you've got to start somewhere, right?

At any rate, I'm glad I launched this blog 11 years ago. I did it, by the way, because I desperately needed a place to geek out about all of the games and systems and related stuff that excited and interested me.

I also wanted to create a space where others would feel safe to do the same. Admittedly, I assumed at the time that the "others" in question would be limited to LGBT folk, so it's been a pleasant surprise to see a lot of "straight" people stop by this blog over the last 10-plus years as well.

Speaking of which, I'd like to thank everyone who has visited, followed or commented on this blog at some point or other between 2007 and now. I appreciate it more than you can imagine.

If you've never left a comment, by the way, why not start now? I respond to each and every one, and if I'm to be honest, I prefer engaging in those conversations to focusing on my own blatherings.

You don't have to limit those conversations to this blog, of course. I'm also active on Facebook, Flickr, Instagram, Tumblr and Twitter, so give me a holler (or whatever) on any or all of those sites if you're up for such social-media shenanigans.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Five overlooked GameBoy Advance games you need to play as soon as possible

So far, my "five overlooked games you need to play as soon as possible" series has offered up posts about (what I consider to be) unfortunately ignored Famicom, PC Engine, PlayStation, Game Gear and GameBoy gems.

This entry obviously focuses on a handful of disappointingly overlooked GameBoy Advance titles.

I've got at least a few more such posts up my sleeve, by the way--in case any of you are worried the one you're reading right now is this series' last hurrah. In fact, the plan is to publish write-ups about PSP, DS and 3DS games I think you need to play as soon as possible, and I'll also likely publish follow-ups to my earlier GameBoy and Famicom features as well.

In the meantime, here are five GBA games I believe too many people have turned up their noses at (intentionally or not) over the years.

Guru Logi Champ--Do you like Picross? If the answer is yes, you'll undoubtedly like this 2001 title, which was developed by the wizards at Compile. (They gave the world Aleste, Gunhead and Puyo Puyo, among other classics.) Don't worry, Guru Logi Champ is no simple Picross rip-off; it takes the basics of Nintendo's electronic nonogram games and runs with them, injecting a smidge of action and a dash humor into what's usually a rather sedate experience. Add in the fact that Guru Logi Champ's box and cartridge are among the most appealing ever produced for the GameBoy Advance (see photos of both in this "Nice Package!" post) and it's not hard to understand why pretty much anyone who's played this colorful puzzler is sure to recommend it.

Hatena Satena--Here's another wacky GBA game that's similar to Picross. It's quite a departure from Gugu Logi Champ despite this fact, though, and that's likely because Hatena Satena also recalls another classic puzzler, Minesweeper. Although I'd say Guru Logi Champ is more immediately accessible than this Hudson-made game, don't take that to mean I'm suggesting you pick up the former over the latter. If forced to choose between the two from an aesthetic standpoint, I'd go with Hatena Satena, no question. (Of course, Guru Logi Champ is a looker, too.) Also worth noting: copies of this 2001 title should be much cheaper than those of the above-mentioned one. The only problem here is that Hatena Satena may not be easy to find these days, so be patient if you want to add it to your collection.

Hitsuji no Kimochi--This is likely to be the most "controversial" of all the game recommendations I make in this post. Why? Though Capcom both developed and published this 2002 title (released outside of Japan as Sheep), it hasn't received the best of reviews in the years since. Still, I think it's worth checking out if you're open to trying something different. That's what you get with Hitsuji no Kimochi, after all, as it's an action-puzzle game that tasks players with herding--you guessed it--sheep. Admittedly, its graphics could be better, and it's hardly the longest of GameBoy Advance titles (offering just 24 stages), but it's also unique and sports some wickedly cute packaging (see it in all its glory here), so you could do worse than hunt down a copy if you need to fill out your GBA library.

Slime MoriMori Dragon Quest: Shōgeki no Shippo Dan--This 2003, Japan-only release isn't as good as its successors, the first of which is known by many North American fans of the Nintendo DS as Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime. Still, it's well worth buying and playing if you enjoyed that dual-screened follow-up. Anyone who has experienced Rocket Slime will feel right at home with Slime MoriMori Dragon Quest, as both titles feature the same gameplay--save the latter's frantic tank battles. In other words, you spend a lot of time flinging an adorably vacant blue slime around a vaguely Zelda-like overworld. And you spend nearly as much time picking up and flinging the many enemies and items that litter those same playfields. You also gather resources and rescue slime buddies, activities that should sound familiar to anyone who's at all knowledgable about this title's highly acclaimed DS sequel.

Zooo--If this game's name doesn't ring a bell, how about Zoo Keeper? For whatever reason, developer Buddiez, Inc.--or was it publisher Success?--changed the series' name from Zooo to Zoo Keeper between the release of this title and its 2004 sequel. Thankfully, the gameplay's basically the same no matter what it's called, although of course there are no touch controls in this iteration. That's actually the main reason I like Zooo the most out of all these animal-themed, match-three puzzlers. For me, the Zoo Keeper DS and 3DS games are too easy because of their stylus-focused controls, while being forced to use the GBA's d-pad and face buttons in Zooo creates a kind of tension that makes you feel really good whenever you hit any sort of milestone. Bonus: pretty much any copy of Zooo you come across these days is sure to be bargain-basement cheap.

Are there any GameBoy Advance titles you think are overlooked and thus deserve more love from the masses? Let me and others know about them in the comments section of this post.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Shall We Do It? (Boxlife and The Starship Damrey plus Kirby: Planet Robobot and Poochy & Yoshi's Woolly World demos)

Although I've spent more time with Dragon Quest VII in the last couple of weeks than I've spent with the games discussed here, I'm going to save my comments about the former for my inevitable review of it. (Yes, this means I'm that close to finishing Dragon Quest VII's main campaign--thanks to putting more than 25 hours into it since 2017 started.)

Plus, I think I've said more than enough about my Dragon Quest VII playthrough up to this point. And then there's the fact that I've had so much fun with all of the games named in this post's headline that I'd rather write about them instead.

Boxlife--Who could've thought that a game about putting together boxes would wind up being fun? Besides the folks at skip Ltd., the makers of Boxlife (Hacolife in Japan), I mean.

Actually, let me step back a bit and revise my comment about this DSiWare (don't worry, you can still buy it from every region's 3DS eShop) title being fun. A more accurate way to describe it would be "enjoyably frantic," or maybe, "challenging--sometimes in a way that makes you chuckle, and sometimes in a way that makes you want to crush your DSi or 3DS system beneath the heel of a heavy boot."

OK, so, yes, Boxlife occasionally will cause you to lose your cool, but the good news here is you'll usually walk away from those occasions feeling like whatever mistakes you made during your last round were your fault, not the fault of "cheap" artificial intelligence.

At any rate, my advice to anyone who buys Boxlife after reading this write-up: stick with it. The game's "factory mode," especially, may drive you batty at first, but spend some time with its "R&D mode" and things eventually will click. That's when Boxlife's brilliance really hits you and makes you happy you dropped $4.99 (or whatever it costs in your neck of the woods) on it.

Kirby: Planet Robobot demo--It's been a while since I played a Kirby game. In fact, I think the last one I properly put through its paces was Kirby's Return to Dream Land for the Wii. I intended to follow up that experience by buying the pink puff's first 3DS offering (Triple Deluxe), but for whatever reason I never got around to it. When a demo was made available for that title's sequel, though, I decided I had to try it.

Now that I have, I'm itching to give the full game a go. Why? For starters, Planet Robobot focuses on what every Kirby game since the first (that would be 1992's Dream Land for GameBoy) has focused on: having fun. And by that, of course, I mean having a blast inhaling enemies and then taking on and using their special abilities against other foes. Planet Robobot also is a real looker, with candy-coated visuals that are as likely as the title's gameplay to bring a smile to your face.

Most importantly, though, this effort positively differentiates itself from past entries in the series by tossing something decidedly new at players: colorful mech suits that Kirby can pilot. Without fail, they're overpowered, but that's surely the point. Regardless, it's a blast climbing into one and then basically having your way with the rest of that part of the stage, and I look forward to finding out how they impact the overall adventure this time around.

The Starship Damrey--Although I've thoroughly enjoyed all of the Guild series games I've played so far (and that includes Aero Porter, Attack of the Friday Monsters!, Crimson Shroud and Weapon Shop de Omasse), I spent a long time dragging my feet in regard to The Starship Damrey.

I ignored it for a few reasons, of course, with one being that I've never been a big fan of games that have to be played from a first-person perspective and another being that a few folks told me The Starship Damrey was short and not worth my while. I'm glad I pushed aside both roadblocks late last year and bought this digital title while it was on sale, because the two hours I've devoted to it in the last week or so have been beyond intriguing.

If you don't know much about The Starship Damrey, the gist is that basically plops you into a seemingly abandoned spaceship and then tasks you with figuring out why you're there and what's happened to your crewmates. Oh, and you do this using a handful of robots that are placed around said ship, as you're unable to get out of the bed you wake up in at the start of the game.

Anyway, I have no idea how close I am to figuring out the mystery at the heart of The Starship Damrey (I just passed the two-hour mark last night), but even if I accomplish that feat in the next hour, I know I'll walk away from the game feeling I got more than my money's worth with it.

Poochy & Yoshi's Woolly World demo--I've been of two minds about this 3DS port of Good-Feel's undeniably adorable Wii U platformer since it was first revealed last fall.

At first, I was thrilled I'd finally be able to give it a go (as I don't own a Wii U and I loved the developer's similarly crafty Kirby's Epic Yarn) while on the go. Later, my enthusiasm faltered when I decided Poochy & Yoshi's Woolly World's visuals were far less impressive than I initially imagined them to be.

Well, things took a turn back toward "OK, I'm buying this sucker ASAP" after I played the game's demo--a few times over, at that--over the weekend. When seen on an actual 3DS screen, Poochy & Yoshi's Woolly World looks almost shockingly good. More importantly, it feels shockingly good, too, and that's true whether you experience it on an original 3DS or a New 3DS. (I played through the demo twice using both systems. )

If you're a frame-rate snob, you'll want to make sure you own a New 3DS, but rest assured you'll still have a blast with it if you only have access to an OG system.

See also: 'Are we f$%kin' there yet? (or, more thoughts on Dragon Quest VII after spending 40-plus hours with the 3DS remake)'

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Manual Stimulation: Bubble Bobble (Famicom Disk System)

As promised in my last post about the packaging produced for the "Disk Writer" version of Bubble Bobble's Famicom Disk System port, here is that Japanese release's instruction manual.

Something I've got to say right off the bat is that I'm sorry if the scans offered up here seem overly pale. The fact is, they pretty accurately depict the real-world product.

Thankfully, they look a lot better when you click on them and blow them up a bit, so I'd highly recommend doing just that as you work your way through this write-up.

Anyway, the first real page of Bubble Bobble's Famicom Disk Writer booklet (below) shares the game's rather simplistic story--rescue Bub's and Bob's girlfriends from the "Cave of Monsters"--complete with an abundance of exclamation points.

The next page, as you probably can make out, explains Bubble Bobble's wonderfully straightforward controls.

The couple of pages that follow (see above and below) attempt to expand that education by sharing a few more advanced strategies that can be employed while playing this classic single-screen platformer.

It isn't until the 10th and 11th pages of Bubble Bobble's Famicom Disk Writer manual that we get to the really good stuff. In this case, that means bios of the game's protagonists (the aforementioned Bub and Bob, or Bubblun and Bobblun in Japan) and chief antagonists.