Saturday, November 26, 2011

Which games are you playing this weekend?

Before this holiday weekend began, my plan was to play a trio of games I've been meaning to finish for quite some time: Deadly PremonitionFinal Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light and Pokemon Black.

Instead, I've been playing a pair of old Famicom games, Chack'n Pop and Door Door (below), via emulation, as well as one other game I can't tell you about at the moment.

Door Door has some disgustingly adorable box art, doesn't it?

Actually, I could tell you about it, but I don't want to, as I'm saving its unveiling for a to-be-published-at-a-later-date post.

Anyway, those are the games I'm playing this holiday weekend. What are all of you playing (assuming, of course, you're playing games at all)?

Friday, November 25, 2011

What's on your holiday wish list?

With Thanksgiving in the rear-view mirror, it's time to look forward to all of the gift-giving and gift-receiving holidays that dot the December page on the calendar like so many pieces of candy on a gingerbread house.

Speaking of gifts, what gaming-related ones are you hoping to receive from the fat man in the red suit (or whoever presides over your winter holiday of choice) this season?

Surprisingly, my wish list contains just one item at the moment: A 3DS.

A red 3DS like the one above, in particular. I know I've spent a lot of time whining here and on Twitter about wanting a pink one--and only a pink one--but it's now quite clear that the pink 3DS that's already available in Europe and Japan isn't going to be released in North America anytime soon and, frankly, my desire to obtain a 3DS, any 3DS, by the end of 2011 currently outweighs my desire to own a pink 3DS at some future point in time.

Anyway, the point of this post wasn't to share my holiday wish list; it was to ask about all of yours. So, have at it!

It's like a bad Christmas sweater, but better

I can't remember with any certainty the last time I owned any kind of Christmas sweater, be it of the bad or good (is there such a thing?) variety, but I think it was back when I was a pre-teen and I think it (the sweater) had reindeers sashaying across the chest.

Well, I'd proudly own (and even wear) one again if said sweater used the t-shirt design below, created by Tim Shumate and called "8Bit Christmas," as a source of inspiration.

As a t-shirt, though, I'm not sure what I think about it. Oh, it's creative and interesting and all that, but I honestly couldn't see myself buying it and wearing it around town. How about you?


Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

I know it can be a bit annoying for folks to go on and on about what they're thankful for on Thanksgiving, especially given the holiday's history, but I'm going to do so anyway.

Along with being thankful for my family and friends, my health, my home and my livelihood, among other things, I'm thankful for everyone who has ever visited this blog. I'm especially thankful for all of you who comment once in a while and, as a result, help make this site feel more like a community than an electronic soapbox.

Now, get off your computer and go stuff your face with your family members and/or friends (if you celebrate Thanksgiving, of course).

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

A most agreeable gaming blog

If you're looking for a website to peruse this weekend, may I suggest the recently launched--well, back in July--A Most Agreeable Pastime?

This blog certainly has an interesting hook: Every post resides within "the Victorian Manor of Lucius P. Merriweather and Sir Gaulian, two stalwart enthusiasts of the new pastime of Video Gaming."

For instance, reviews of "long-lost classic games" can be found in the manor's cellar, while Lucius' and Sir Gaulian's backlogs can be found on its mantelpiece.

It's all rather cheeky--not to mention completely engrossing--so if you're at all into cheeky, engrossing blogs, check out amostagreeablepastime. at your earliest convenience.