Saturday, September 17, 2011

Who cares what I'm playing, which games are *you* currently playing?

I know this is my blog and, as such, I'm free to be as self-centered as I want to be but, darn it, sometimes I get a bit sick of writing post after post about the games that I'm playing--or the games that I wish I was playing--at any given moment.

Photo taken by Flickr user khkg

So, I'm turning things over to all of you this weekend. Which games are you currently playing, or which games are you looking forward to playing in the near-and-not-so-distant future?

Friday, September 16, 2011

So far, so meh: The latest Panzer Dragoon game will be a Kinect-only XBLA release

I seem to be the only person on the Internet who is disappointed by the fact that, according to a number of sources, Project Draco, the spiritual successor to Team Andromeda's Panzer Dragoon titles, will be a Kinect-only XBLA release.

Sure, it's great to hear that Yukio Futatsugi and Manabu Kusunoki, the two men chiefly responsible for the series' first three installments, are working on this Microsoft-backed iteration, too, but I highly doubt even that info will be enough to get me to invest in a Kinect between now and whenever Project Draco hits the XBLA service early next year.

Should its developers be so kind as to throw in an option that allows folks to play the game with a good, old-fashioned controller, though, I'll of course pick it up without a second thought.

Anyway, for more information on Project Draco, including a fairly in-depth description of how it's played, check out this NeoGAF post.

My prayers have been answered: Ni no Kuni (PS3) coming to North America in early 2012

It seems like it was just yesterday that I was bemoaning the fact that the PS3 version of Level-5's Ni no Kuni may never see the light of day in North America. Oh, wait, it was just yesterday!

Anyway, it seems all of that bemoaning was for naught, as, according to, Level-5 president Akihiro Hino mentioned during a Tokyo Game Show 2011 interview panel held last night that an English version of Ni no Kuni will be brought stateside early next year.

A few of the questions bouncing around inside my befuddled brain as a result of Hino's announcement: How much will the English version cost (the Japanese version will cost ¥8,800, or about $115)? Who is going to publish it? Will Sony release the golden "Magical Edition" PS3 system here as well as in Japan?

See also: Previous Ni no Kuni posts

Thursday, September 15, 2011

A few glimpses of Dragon Quest X (Wii) and Ni no Kuni (PS3) gameplay

I'm looking forward to getting my grubby hands on a good number of games at the moment, but only two of them are RPGs: Dragon Quest X for Wii and Ni no Kuni for PS3. (Oh, I just thought of another one: Paper Mario for 3DS. Still, my point stands.)

Since neither will hit store shelves in North America for some time (if ever, in the case of Ni no Kuni), I've decided to busy myself with searching for gameplay videos of both of the above-mentioned titles.

Well, I hit the jackpot earlier today. Here, for instance, is a smattering of gameplay footage of the Level 5-Studio Ghibli collaboration, shot on the floor of the Tokyo Game Show 2011:

Sure, the game's battle scenes look a bit boring, but its world map is a stunner.

As for Dragon Quest X, well, I can't share any YouTube videos of that much-anticipated title's first official trailer (included in the just-released-in-Japan Dragon Quest Collection) here, but I can direct you to a site where you can download an FLV version of said trailer.

If you can't be bothered with downloading and figuring out how to view an FLV file, you can always check out this post over at

The obscurer, the better

Did you know that "obscurer" is considered an acceptable, usable word? I've always thought you should say "more obscure" rather than "obscurer," but apparently that's not the case.

Anyway, all of that is beside the point. I only brought up the word obscure because it perfectly describes the games that are (briefly) detailed on one of my new favorite blogs, Kimimi's Blog.

Case in point: Kimimi recently covered what sounds like a lovely little WonderSwan Color game called Flash Koibitokun (above), in which "your small ninja is tasked with making sure precious love hearts find their way across the screen and soften the hearts of the people on the other side." (Go here to read more of Kimimi's thoughts on this import title and to watch a gameplay video of it.)

If you're at all interested in "games that generally have little coverage elsewhere," as Kimimi puts it, I'd highly recommend checking out at your earliest convenience.