Friday, May 06, 2011

Don't call me a podcast virgin

So, yesterday I did something I had never done before: I participated in a podcast.

A few weeks ago, the guys at Gayme Bar approached me about joining them for a cocktail and some conversation. My first thought was to decline their invitation, as I'd much rather share my thoughts about gaming via the written rather than the spoken word.

In the end, I caved--mainly because I thought it would be fun to chat about games with a couple of fellow gays.

I'm glad I did, because we had a lot of fun. After discussing this blog for a bit, we moved on to talking about our most recent acquisitions and about the topic of sex and violence in video games.

I'm not sure I made any sense whatsoever in that final segment, thanks in part to the two glasses of (cheap boxed) wine that were sloshing around in my stomach by then, but what can you do--especially when it's your first time at the rodeo, so to speak.

Hopefully I'll redeem myself on future podcasts--assuming there are other podcasts in my future, of course.

For more information about the guys Gayme Bar, or to listen to any of their previous podcasts, pay a visit to

Unpopular opinion of the day: Pac-Man CE DX isn't as good as its predecessor

Yep, you read that correctly: I'm currently of the opinion that Pac-Man Championship Edition DX isn't as good--or, in then end, as enjoyable--as the original Pac-Man Championship Edition.

Now, that isn't to say I don't like the game. On the contrary, I like it quite a bit--or, at least I like some aspects of it quite a bit.

I like, for instance, the bevy of options and modes included in Pac-Man Championship Edition DX. Players can choose from a number of different courses, graphical styles and soundtracks, all of which make this iteration of the game feel as though it's packed with content.

I have to say, though, that only that middle option--the one that allows you to alter the game's visuals at will--really interests me. The choose-your-own-soundtrack option is nice, but it's hardly a game changer (pun intended), and the huge number of selectable courses only seems impressive at the start--once you've played through them, you realize they're all a bit interchangeable.

Those aren't the only bullet points offered up to potential Pac-Man Championship Edition DX purchasers; there's also the new "sleepy ghosts"--they remain stationary until you pass them, after which they follow you--and the slow-motion effect that kicks in whenever you get too close to a nearby baddie.

Both of those additions are enjoyable for a while, but in the end they make Pac-Man Championship Edition DX seem both easier and more straightforward than its more bare bones predecessor--which is why I'll likely continue to play the original at the expense of its more superficially enticing sequel.

See also: 'Raise your hand if you, too, think Pac-Man Championship Edition is digital crack'

Thursday, May 05, 2011

Raise your hand if you, too, think Pac-Man Championship Edition is digital crack

I've suggested as much in various posts since my Xbox 360 arrived a few weeks ago, but in case those casual remarks slipped right by you, here's the deal: I'm completely addicted to Pac-Man Championship Edition.

Specifically, I'm addicted to the five-minute "championship" mode that serves as the centerpiece of this Xbox Live Arcade follow-up to Tōru Iwatani's arcade classic. (There's also two, 10-minute "challenge" modes and three "extra" modes, one of which lasts for five minutes and two that last for 10.)

Honestly, it's impossible for me to play this mode just once. That's what I mean to do, at least on most occasions, but invariably I end up telling myself, "just one more time," as soon as the game's clock hits zero.

Despite all of the time I've put into Pac-Man Championship Edition thus far, I'd hardly call myself good at it. I improve a little each time I boot it up, though, which is part of what keeps me coming back for more. The other part? It's simply a blast to play--even when I miss my high score by a wide margin.

I'll post more in-depth impressions of the game (likely in one of my "somewhat gay" reviews) soon, but in the meantime just know that I'm enjoying the hell out of it and that I heartily recommend it to anyone who has a PSP or an Xbox 360.

Let's Play: 'Which Box Art is Better?' (The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D edition)

I didn't realize until a few days ago that the art that will grace the cover of the Japanese version of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D will differ from what will appear on the North American version of the game.

In case you haven't seen it, here's the Japanese cover art:

And here's its North American counterpart:

This 3D-enabled update of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time will hit the streets in Japan on June 16, by the way. North American 3DS owners will be able to buy the game three days later.

As for which illustration I prefer, well, I'm going to go with the North American iteration this time. The piece of art chosen for the Japanese release is undeniably beautiful, but I think the North American image works better as a cover. (Minus the rather lame "playable in 2D and 3D" reminder, of course.)

See also: Previous 'Which Box Art is Better?' posts

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

My Famicom 'Pulse Line' cart collection is complete

After finally acquiring copies of Baseball and Golf, my collection of Famicom "Pulse Line" carts is complete.

Granted, not all of them are of the "complete-in-box" variety, but such copies of Donkey Kong Jr. Math and Popeye English are both hard to come by and expensive.

The photo above features 11 of the 14 "Pulse Line" carts Nintendo released at the beginning of the Famicom's lifetime: Baseball, Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong Jr., Donkey Kong 3, Golf, Gomoku Narabe Renju, Mah-Jong, Mario Bros., Pinball, Popeye and Tennis.

I left out Devil World because its box is bigger than the others.

For another photo of my Famicom "Pulse Line" collection, go here. Also, close-up shots of Baseball and Golf can be seen here and here.