Saturday, January 08, 2011

That's some sexy box art

Don't quote me on this, but I believe the following piece of art will be featured, in some form or fashion, on the cover of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D when it's released this spring.

I also like the looks of the box art that's being prepped for two of Nintendo's other early-ish 3DS releases: Kid Icarus Uprising and Pilotwings Resort. (See both box arts, and many others, here.)

If you're at all interested in the 3DS--and who isn't?--may I suggest checking out and (Oh, and check out this Kid Icarus Uprising video, too.)

Want to watch Japanese pretty boys play with the Nintendo 3DS?

If so, watch the "CM" videos that were uploaded to Nintendo of Japan's website last night. (Here.)

Granted, it's possible you won't find all (or any) of the guys in the videos "pretty." (The second one from the left in the photo below looks a bit lesbian-ish to me, for instance. Not that there's anything wrong with that!)

Regardless, I believe these "boys" are Japanese celebrities, but I couldn't tell you their names or why they're famous.

If you'd rather watch a video that, you know, actually shows (some) of what Nintendo's upcoming portable system is capable of, watch the video at the bottom of the same web page.

Scratch that, I caved and picked up Angry Birds

I couldn't help myself. It was just sitting there, staring at me from the Mac App Store. I've only played a few levels thus far, but already I can see why everyone's atwitter about it.

Still, I'd love to give that lonely little app a bit of company on my rather deserted desktop by buying, sooner rather than later, a Mac port of Game Dev Story, too. 

Speaking of Game Dev Story, I just read that developer Kairosoft recently announced that Game Dev Story 2 will come to the States eventually--although fans shouldn't expect it to appear on any of Apple's App Stores anytime soon. (Read about it here.) Oh, and apparently the company also is prepping a similar title that places players in the shoes of a game store manager. (Read about that game here.)

Finally, another game I'd love to see on the Mac App Store is Electro Master. I have no idea how it plays, but I don't really care because: 1) it has a blocky, retro look and 2) it includes fruit! (See the grapes in the screenshot above.)

Friday, January 07, 2011

Let me know when Game Dev Story is added to the Mac App Store, will ya?

Sure, I could drop $4.99 Angry Birds or the original version of Pac-Man (as opposed to Pac-Man: Championship Edition), but I'd rather save my hard-earned cash for something I really want--like Game Dev Story.

For those of you who have never heard of this Kairosoft-developed title, it lets you manage a game company as it attempts to create a million-selling game.

Players get to create said company's game console, develop an array of games (including "dance RPGs" and "ogre racing" titles, according to this hilarious Wired article), hire/fire employees and more--although not necessarily in that order, of course.

Anyway, it should go without saying that if Game Dev Story were available on the Mac App Store it would be sitting on my desktop already. Here's to hoping that happens sooner rather than later.

I can't believe this game hasn't sold a billion copies

Considering the gloomy economic and employment news that continues to dominate the airwaves in the U.S., you'd think a game called Everybody's Stress Buster would be a big hit among American PSP owners.

Of course, for that to happen the game would have to be called Everybody's Stress Buster (it is known as Minna no Sukkiri, or Everybody's Refreshment, in Japan, although the Asian version is called Everybody's Stress Buster). Oh, and American PSP owners would have to know it exists.

Unfortunately, someone at Sony Computer Entertainment America seemingly made sure neither of the above came to pass--as the game, rechristened Hot Shots Shortes, was chopped up (into four, three-game "packs") and unceremoniously dumped onto the PlayStation Store yesterday.

That's too bad, because this Clap Hanz-developed title seems pretty darn fun.(Here's a trailer for the UK version.) I especially like the looks of the Dynasty Warriors-ish "Counter Crusader" and the Katamari Damacy-esque "Vacuum Dash" mini-games.