Saturday, November 27, 2010

Happy birthday to me (for real this time)!

Yep, it's finally my birthday. Yay!

It's been a great one so far, thanks in part to my husband and my parents--who not only sent me a copy of Kirby's Epic Yarn but also sent me the money that was used (a few days ago) to buy a Twin Famicom (and a select few Famicom games).

My sister-in-law added to the greatness yesterday by sending me a birthday package that included a ton of candy (I've got a *bit* of a sweet tooth) and a copy of Art Academy for the DS.

I've had my eye on this edutainment title since it hit the streets late last month, so I was enthralled when I opened said sister-in-law's package (that sounds dirty) and saw it staring back me.

I haven't played it yet--Kirby's Epic Yarn still has a hold on me--but I plan on getting to it as soon as possible.

See also: 'I've been called a lot of things ...'

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

To all of the American gamers who visit this site: Happy Thanksgiving!

I know you're going to eat for most of the day, but are you going to play a few games too? I am! I'm going to start with Kirby's Epic Yarn, I think, and then switch over to Animal Crossing: City Folk.

Fingers crossed that I'm able to fulfill Franklin's (above) need for silverware while I also rid my town of all the weeds that (surely) have popped up since I last played the game.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I don't want it to end

Well, I've played Kirby's Epic Yarn for about seven hours so far--over the last week, not just today--and I have to say I'm enjoying the hell out of it.

In fact, I'd go so far as to say that I'm enjoying it more than any other Wii game I've played this year. (I'm especially fond of the snow world, by the way--with "Cozy Cabin," below, being my favorite stage of that world.)

The problem? In the seven hours I've played the game, I've made my way through about 90 percent (or more) of its stages. I haven't perfected every one of those stages yet, of course, but even then there's no denying the game is going to end soon--and I'm not ready for it!

Anyway, the good news is that I'll write up impressions or a review of some sort shortly after that happens.

See also: 'Happy (early) birthday to me :)'

I've been called a lot of things ...

... but "Twin Famicom owner" isn't one of them. Until now.

Yep, I finally broke down and bought a (red) Twin Famicom. I haven't received it yet (I only bought it--via eBay--a few hours ago), but when I do I hope it's as clean and unscathed as this one:

Sharp Twin Famicom

I nearly spent my birthday money on an Xbox 360 instead--I can't get the recently released Costume Quest and Pac-Man Championship Edition DX out of my head--but I figure I can pick one up sometime next year (especially if the system sees a price drop).

Anyway, I'll be sure to snap a few photos of my new acquisition--and share them here--after it arrives.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

'And that's what this game is ... you're inside their thoughts ...'

Calling all MMO fans: One of the guys behind Flickr (Steward Butterfield) is about to launch a new one, called Glitch, and, boy, does it look weird.

Don't take my word for it; check it out for yourself:

I'm not entirely sure what's going on in the teaser trailer above, so I'll just nod in agreement with the folks who suggest it's going to be like "Farmville mixed with Maple Story."

Glitch will launch in early 2011, according to its official site, though impatient MMO-ers can sign up here for access to an alpha build of the game.