Friday, July 09, 2010

It ain't over until the fat Pithecanthropus Computerurus sings

More than 20 years after it was introduced in Japan, the PC Engine is still going strong--in the minds of its many fans.

Case in point: The inaugural issue of PC Engine Gamer, an online magazine that hit the Interwebs yesterday.

The 18-page publication (check it out here), produced by the folks behind the PC Engine Software Bible site, features reviews of Bikkuriman World and The Kung Fu, a top 10 list, tips and tricks and more.


Thursday, July 08, 2010

'I battle monsters in a fur poncho'

Will Seth Green help Nintendo of America sell a few million copies of Dragon Quest IX? We'll find out soon enough, as the game hits store shelves in the States on Sunday.

In the meantime, enjoy the latest TV ad starring the Buffy the Vampire Killer actor:

See also: 'Is this one of the multiplayer options in Dragon Quest IX?'

Is this one of the multiplayer options in Dragon Quest IX?

In three short days, the latest entry in the Dragon Quest series will be unleashed upon the American public.

Although said game--full title: Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies--features a slew of multiplayer options, I kind of doubt the, er, "activity" depicted in the following NSFW-ish image is among them.

Buy: Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies


Let's play: 'Which box art is better?' (Metroid: Other M edition)

Truth be told, I probably won't buy Metroid: Other M when it's released (in North America) on Aug. 31. Sure, it looks good--much better than the three Metroid Prime titles, in my humble opinion--but it still doesn't appeal to me. Of course, I've played just two Metroid games in my entire life--the NES original and its SNES sequel.

Still, my overall lack of interest in Metroid: Other M shouldn't preclude (you and) me from playing a little game of "which box art is better?" should it?

The North American box art is on the left, while what is presumed to be the Japanese box art (some believe it's just a sleeve) is on the right.

I don't know about you, but I much prefer the possible/probable Japanese cover. It's simple, yet striking--always a good combination. The North American cover, on the other hand, looks like a fan-made creation to my eyes.

See also: 'Let's play: Which box art is better? (Dragon Quest IX edition)'

You know, I think I need a new mouse pad ... seller 8-Bit Memory has added a slew of NES mouse pads to its shop. My favorite design so far is the following:

I like this Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!-inspired pad, too.

Check out 8-Bit Memory's other NES mouse pads here.