Saturday, June 26, 2010

And the (final) survey says ...

A little over a month ago (or was it longer than that?) I posed the following question in a poll that was posted along the right side of the site: How do you feel about games with gay characters and storylines?

The most popular response was "I wish there were *a lot* more of them," which earned seven votes (out of 18).

"I'd love it if they were more common, but I won't die if they continue to be a rarity" came in second, with five votes, followed by "Eh, I'm fine with the status quo" (four votes).

Somewhat surprisingly, "Ugh, keep gay characters and storylines out of my games!" garnered two votes.

If you're up for it, I'd love to hear what prompted some of you to choose a particular response. Why are you hankering for more games with gay characters/storylines--or, alternately, why are you hoping such characters/storylines stay far away from the games you purchase and play?

Now playing: Tengai Makyo II

To those of you who, upon reading the headline above, thought, "Tengai what?"--Tengai Makyo II: Manjimaru is a PC Engine RPG developed by Red Company (best known for being the creators of the PC Genjin--Bonk's Adventure in the States--series of games).

It's more than just a PC Engine RPG, though--it's one of the best RPGs ever made. At least, that's what I've heard. I've never actually played the game; I've just obsessed over it ever since I saw the following blurb in an issue of Super Gaming magazine.

Now that I've got a PC Engine Core Grafx II and NEC's Super CD-ROM2 attachment, though, I can stop daydreaming about Tengai Makyo II and start playing the darn thing. Which is exactly what I plan on doing this weekend...

Friday, June 25, 2010

Fabulous flash game alert: Winterbells

I don't play many Flash games these days. In fact, the last one I spent any amount of time with was Robot Unicorn Attack.

That all changed yesterday when I was introduced to a wonderful little gem called Winterbells.

Don't be fooled by Ferry Halim's cute-as-all-get-out graphics--this game is one tough cookie. Although my current high score is 33,210, my typical score is around 3,000.

Anyway, if you find yourself with a few minutes (hours) to spare this afternoon, I'd highly recommend giving it a go. (Play it here.)

See also: 'Fabulous flash game alert: Robot Unicorn Attack'

Thursday, June 24, 2010


That's the first word that came to mind this morning when I saw the following trailer, for the PS3 version of Ni no Kuni:

Unfortunately, this ravishing RPG, a collaboration between Level-5 and Studio Ghibli, won't be released until sometime next year (in Japan). Actually, scratch that "unfortunately"--as the delay should give me plenty of time to save up my pennies (and dollars) for PS3.


See also: 'Reason #10.5 to buy a PS3'

Final Fantasy fetishism

Just a few photos of the Japanese versions of Final Fantasy V and VI (which I found in my old bedroom closet while on vacation last week).