Friday, February 26, 2010

Remember when I said Square Enix was planning to port Final Fantasy to the iPhone?

Well, the port has hit the U.S. App Store--at the rather attractive price of $8.99. (Attractive compared to the $19.99 price tag attached to the nearly identical PSP version of the game, at least.)

Anyway, here's a video of someone playing said port:

An iPhone port of Final Fantasy II--aka "the Final Fantasy even the biggest Final Fantasy fanboys should ignore"--is available, too, and also costs $8.99.

I'd probably pick up part one if I had an iPhone or an iPod touch. As it is, I'll probably pick it up for the PSP--if I can find it somewhere for $9.99 or less.

See also: 'You don't say: Square Enix is going to release Final Fantasy I and II *again*'

'The fish you can watch on your TV'

You know, Nintendo (and its numerous second-party development teams) have done a great job this gaming generation of producing downloadable titles that differ--creatively, meaningfully and significantly--from the titles that show up on store shelves.

The DSiWare title mentioned in my last post is a great example of the above, as is the soon-to-be-released (in Japan) WiiWare title known as Aqua Living: The Fish You Can Watch On Your TV.

Now, aquarium sims normally don't "do it" for me, but this one seems to be an exception to that rule. For starters, there are so many options they'll make your head spin: After selecting one of eight themes, users can alter the layout of their tank and populate it with fish (there are 40 types). Users can alter the background music (there are seven songs) and the wallpaper that appears behind their virtual aquarium, too.

The first thing I'm going to do when I download this title is drop
my Liza Minnelli Mii into the tank and force her to feed fish.

That's not all: Users also are given a number of options when it comes to viewing their aquarium, including one that allows them to send in a Mii who can simply swim around or feed fish.

Aqua Living
will hit the Japanese Wii Shop Channel on March 8 with a price tag of 800 Nintendo points. Hopefully the title will swim into other territories soon.


OK, you *really* need to check this out ...

The following trailer is for a DSiWare title (Rittai Kakushi e Attakoreda, or Hidden 3D Image: There It Is!) that's set to be released next week in Japan.

The gist of the game: Players tilt their DSis to change their perspective and uncover words (and objects, I think) that are hidden in each picture-book-styled stage.

How is that possible? I have no idea, but someone over on NeoGAF has come up with a pretty plausible explanation: "It's possibly ... using the outside camera and doing color-checking, but I'd wager it uses the front-facing camera and the face-tracking tech," said gamer suggested earlier today.

I can't see Nintendo leaving this one in Japan, so I'm guessing it'll show up on our shores sooner rather than later. Honestly, I'd be more than happy if it showed up later, as I don't (yet) have a DSi and probably won't have one for some time.

For more information on Dimensional Hidden Picture, check out this page on Nintendo of Japan's site and this NeoGAF thread.

500 posts

So, that last post was my 500th--or somewhere thereabouts. I say somewhere thereabouts because I know I've prepped a few posts that have yet to be posted.

Anyway, like birthday presents, it's the thought that counts, right?

Sorry, I couldn't think of anything else to post. The man above isn't me, by the way.
I don't have a beard and I only wear a tie when a gun is pointed at my head.

Honestly, I'm not sure what to make of the fact that I've made 500 posts to this blog. Do I consider it an achievement, or do I consider it a disappointment--because, you know, I've spent so much time typing and editing and posting hundreds and thousands of words that, more than likely, have been read by a small handful of people?

I'm leaning toward the former at the moment, but let me know if you think I should be leaning toward the latter instead.

Guess what magically appeared on my doorstep yesterday afternoon?

If you guessed "a used PSP," pat yourself on the back!

Remember that deal I mentioned a few days ago--the one that fell through? Well, it, uh, un-fell through--and I'm now the proud owner of the sharp-looking PSP system seen in the photo on the right.

I rarely buy used game systems, especially handhelds (most people don't treat their screens very well, and I hate scratched screens), but I made an exception in this case because I'm completely unwilling to pay $169.99 for a new PSP.

I don't have any games at this point, but I plan on buying Half-Minute Hero as soon as I'm able--and Holy Invasion of Privacy, Badman 2 (which I refuse to call by its new name, What Have I Done to Deserve This, My Lord!? 2) as soon as it's available.

Oh, and I'd really like to pick up Patchwork Heroes at some point, too.

For now, though, I'm content to sit and stare at my shiny, game-less PlayStation Portable system.