Monday, January 22, 2024

How I spent my time with video games in 2023

It's been a while since I put more than 100 hours into a game in a single year.

I likely would've accomplished that feat in 2023 if I hadn't dropped Pokémon Violet in favor of first World of Horror then Metro Quester in early December, but I can't say I'm sad I decided to change things up as I did.

Not only have I since returned to Pokémon Violet, but World of Horror and Metro Quester ended up being among my favorite games of the year, so I think the decision was a good one.

World of Horror

Also, I still put just over 80 hours into Pokémon Violet, my most-played game of 2023, so I hardly ignored it despite the temporary switcheroo.
  • Pokémon Violet -- 80 hours, 55 minutes
  • Labyrinth of Galleria: The Moon Society -- 60 hours, 45 minutes
  • Dragon Quest Treasures -- 35 hours, 35 minutes
  • Suika Game -- 24 hours, 50 minutes
  • Metro Quester -- 22 hours, 00 minutes
  • Loop8: Summer of Gods -- 16 hours, 50 minutes
  • Paranormasight: The Seven Mysteries of Honjo -- 16 hours, 40 minutes
Voice of Cards: The Isle Dragon Roars
  • Voice of Cards: The Isle Dragon Roars -- 14 hours, 20 minutes
  • World of Horror -- 8 hours, 40 minutes
  • Octopath Traveler II -- 4 hours, 20 minutes
  • Master Detective Archives: Rain Code -- 4 hours, 15 minutes
  • About An Elf  -- 3 hours, 20 minutes
  • Dragon Question Monsters: The Dark Prince -- 3 hours, 05 minutes
  • Uchu Shinshuchu -- 2 hours, 25 minutes
As you can see, Pokémon Violet was my most-played game of last year by a long way. I'm pretty impressed I was able to put more than 20 hours into both Suika Game and Metro Quester, though.

Metro Quester

Which games did you put the most hours into last year? Let me know in the comments section of this post.

Friday, January 19, 2024

Non-game media I enjoyed in 2023

I did more than play games in my free time last year. I also spent a lot of time reading books and watching movies.

In fact, I think I devoted more time to reading in 2023 than I did to playing games. The books -- and movies -- highlighted below were my favorites.

A Wrinkle in Time
I devoured books growing up, but Madeleine L'Engle's YA sci-fi classic somehow never made it onto my radar. Oh, well, better a few decades late than never, right? And, really, I still found it pretty special to experience as an adult. At its heart, A Wrinkle in Time is a good-versus-evil tale, but it feels anything but ordinary thanks to how masterfully L'Engle introduces and develops the story's setting and characters. To put in perspective how much I enjoyed A Wrinkle in Time, I quickly bought the rest of the books in the related "Time Quintet" series after finishing it, and I've already read three of them.

I fell in love with British author John Wyndham while reading another of his novels, The Day of the Triffids from 1951. Chocky isn't as dramatic as that apocalyptic classic, but it's just as compelling. I especially appreciated the subtlety of its story -- which is quite the accomplishment when you consider Chocky is about a 12-year-old boy who's imaginary friend is actually an extraterrestrial scout looking for planets to assist -- or colonize.

Delicious in Dungeon (Volume 1)
The manga every nerd is talking about now thanks to its just-released and much-heralded anime adaptation. I picked up this first volume partway through last year after numerous friends and acquaintances recommended it. It didn't disappoint. I especially appreciated its quirky cast and the strange creatures they discovered -- and ultimately devoured -- in the dungeon of this manga's title. My only complaint is that it left me desperately wanting to learn more about the ragtag group's underground exploits.

From Beyond
I've been drawn to horror movies since I was a kid. I didn't watch too many of them until I was quite a bit older, though. As such, I missed seeing most of the classics -- and not-so-classics -- that came out during my youth. A few years ago, I decided to play catch-up. This 1986 flick was one of the few I watched in 2023, but I think it would've stood out even if I'd managed more. The story is unique -- a pair of scientists build a device that lets them see and interact with deadly creatures from another dimension -- and the cast is surprisingly adept. Long story short, I'd watch From Beyond again, which is something I can't say of all the horror flicks I've watched recently. 

This 1989 effort from Dan Simmons has been a real highlight of my multi-year endeavor to read some of the classic sci-fi novels that have heretofore avoided my radar. It reads like a futuristic reimagining of The Canterbury Tales, though Hyperion follows six pilgrims rather than 24. I likely would've found the cliffhanger ending disappointing had I not bought the follow-up as soon as the story clicked with me (spoiler: it didn't take long), but I did, so no complaints from me. On the contrary, Hyperion is now firmly ensconced on my list of books to reread ASAP.

Killer Klowns from Outer Space
Don't laugh (or jeer), but I didn't even know this 1988 film, now considered a cult classic, existed until I stumbled across it last fall. It didn't scare me or gross me out like I expected it to, but I got a kick out of it all the same. The titular "klowns" are equal parts creepy and goofy and elevate the rather ho-hum story to something surprisingly compelling. Honestly, I'll probably revisit Killer Klowns from Outer Space several times in the future thanks to the impressive practical effects alone.

Laid-Back Camp
(Volumes 8-13)
I read six volumes of Laid-Back Camp last year and loved each one. Truth be told, I often have a hard time telling these camping- and cooking-obsessed girls apart, aside from spirited Nadeshiko and serious Rin, but it doesn't cause me to enjoy their far-flung adventures any less. The way artist and writer Afro weaves together the girls' stories, their seemingly encyclopedic knowledge of both camping and cooking, and Japan's plethora of sheltering spots is as impressive as it is pleasing.

The Wind from Nowhere
I gained access to this J.G. Ballard novel when I bought a book that included it as well as one of the author's best-known works, The Drowned World. Of the two, I far preferred The Wind from Nowhere, which follows a trio of men who try their best to survive an unexplained global increase (five miles per hour per day) in wind speeds. It's not perfect, partially explaining why Ballard eventually disowned it, but it tells a unique apocalyptic story that keeps you solidly in its grasp until the very last page.

Tuesday, January 09, 2024

My favorite games of 2023 that came out before 2023

Not all of the games I played and loved in 2023 actually came out in 2023. The three titles covered here -- About An Elf, Dragon Quest Treasures, and Pokémon Violet -- are prime examples. They're also among my favorite games of last year.

About An Elf (Switch)

Developer and publisher Meringue Interactive describes About An Elf as a "point-and-click-ish, RPG-ish, visual-novel-ish game." Though accurate, it doesn't do this 2022 eShop release justice.

About An Elf may be the strangest game I've ever played. Nearly every aspect of it will have you scratching your head -- from the outlandish cast (which includes an Ulala-esque elf and her "oh noes"-spouting cat companion), to the nonsensical save-the-world story, to the inscrutable battles, and more.

They'll also likely put a smile on your face and keep you engaged for the few hours About An Elf lasts, though, which is the main reason I'm giving it a nod here. Another reason: despite the fact that About An Elf is a fairly silly and superficial experience, I regularly think about returning to it and its fever-dream world.

Dragon Quest Treasures (PC, Switch)

A lot of folks turned up their noses at this release as soon as they realized it wasn't a new Dragon Quest Monsters game. I feel no allegiance to nor nostalgia for the Monsters series, so I went into it with few biases or expectations.

I'd like to think that's at least partially responsible for why I enjoyed it so much. Also helping matters was that Dragon Quest Treasures reminded me of a similar offshoot, Pokémon Legends: Arceus, that quickly won me over in recent years. Both games offer up open worlds that are thrilling to explore and more action-focused gameplay than their parent series provide.

Sure, Treasures could and probably should include a wider selection of Dragon Quest's iconic enemies, but I had a blast even with the palette-swap-heavy crew that currently fills the game's varying environs.

Pokémon Violet (Switch)

Well, well, what have we here? Another game that message-board denizens love to hate and yet I adored. For me, Pokémon Violet was one of the best experiences I've had with a Pokémon game to date.

Of course, how could it not? It took what was my favorite aspect of Pokémon Shield, the Wild Area, and expanded it to cover the entire map, after all. Another draw for me was the three storylines you can tackle at your discretion. I get the feeling it would be difficult, if not impossible, to finish the game without completing all three stories, but I appreciated the increased freedom all the same.

Really, though, the highlight of playing Pokémon Violet for me was the same highlight of all my favorite Pokémon games so far: the simple joy of spotting a new Pokémon, trying to and (hopefully) succeeding at catching it, and then moving onto the next, rinse-and-repeat style. 

See also: my favorite games of 2023 (that actually came out in 2023)

Wednesday, January 03, 2024

My favorite games of 2023

A lot of blockbuster games released in 2023. None of them made it onto my list of favorite games of the year. (Shocking multitudes, I'm sure.)

I don't say this to suggest those AAA titles are beneath me or anything of the sort, of course. On the contrary. For various reasons, I either didn't play any of those games or I played them and they just didn't gel with me like they did so many others.

Which games did gel with me last year? The handful of indie or otherwise small releases you'll read about starting now.

Labyrinth of Galleria: The Moon Society (PC, PS4/5, Switch, Vita)

I adored this game's predecessor, Labyrinth of Refrain: Coven of Dusk, despite its dark-as-tar story. Labyrinth of Galleria: The Moon Society is a lot lighter in that area, though no less enthralling overall. Labyrinth of Galleria doesn't do as much to alter or update its forebearer's wall-breaking, pit-jumping, dungeon-crawling gameplay, which is sure to disappoint some, but it still offers enough unexpected twists and turns to make it well worth playing by series veterans and noobs alike. Bonus (or word of warning, depending on how you look at such things): Labyrinth of Galleria is a long game. To see its true and final ending, you'll likely need to devote well over 100 hours to it. You can experience a ton of what the game offers and see its initial credit roll after 40 to 60 hours, though, if that sounds more manageable.

Metro Quester (PC, PS4/5, Switch, Xbox One/S/X)

Don't judge this retro-inspired dungeon-crawler by its "unlicensed NES game" title or similarly cheap-looking cover art. If you tend to enjoy hack-and-slashers like Wizardry or Etrian Odyssey, you'll dig Metro Quester (or just Quester, if you play it on PC), too. Which isn't to suggest Metro Quester is some kind of ripoff of those classics. It's viewed from a top-down perspective, for starters, plus there's a survival element to Metro Quester that not only helps differentiate it from the competition but also adds intrigue and tension. Metro Quester's story is minimal, but can still manage to surprise and impress if you pay attention to the occasional bits of text that pop up along the way. The battles here are the real selling point, though, thanks to their flexibility and exhilarating, whiz-bang snappiness.

Paranormasight: The Seven Mysteries of Honjo (Mobile, PC, Switch)

I've enjoyed a lot of adventure games (or visual novels, VNs, if that's the verbiage you prefer) in my time, but the ones I've enjoyed the most have featured spooky or scary elements. Raging Loop and Gnosia are two examples from previous years, and now Paranormasight can be added to the pile. At its heart, Paranormasight is a murder mystery. There's more to it than that, though, as you might imagine -- with supernatural urban legends and curses both playing important roles in the proceedings. Another interesting quirk to Paranormasight is that you'll occasionally replay portions of a character's story, which helps the experience feel less boringly straightforward than the bulk of its genremates.

Suika Game (Switch)

Does the world really need another match-things-that-drop-from-the-top-of-the-screen puzzle game? Suika Game provides a firmly affirmative answer to that question. The rules of Suika Game are so uncomplicated that you could play it in any language and not feel lost. The gist: get two fruits of the same type (cherries, strawberries, oranges, and more) to touch and they'll become a bigger one -- up until you reach the big kahuna, the watermelon. (Fun fact: suika is Japanese for watermelon.) Rinse and repeat until your accumulated pile of fruit hits the top of the screen. It sounds simple and even a little stupid, but it's also intoxicatingly addictive.

World of Horror (PC, PS4/5, Switch)

I never knew how much I needed a Junji Ito-inspired horror roguelike RPG VN until I started through World of Horror in early December. World of Horror is both not at all what I expected and far beyond what I expected of it. In doing so, it bizarrely and even bravely defies categorization. Hell, I'd go so far as to say it deserves a genre of its own, should any future games dare to follow in its footsteps. At any rate, if you've ever dreamed of playing a game that makes you feel like you're living -- and attempting to survive -- in a post-apocalyptic Japanese city right out of one of Ito's macabre manga, here's your chance.

What were your favorite games of 2023? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Monday, January 16, 2023

13 games I hope are announced and/or released in 2023

I need more games like I need a hole in the head, yet I can't help but hoping new ones will be announced all the same.

Speaking of which, here are 13 games (presented in alphabetical order) I hope are either announced or released at some point in 2023.

The Alliance Alive 2

Considering FuRyu went from The Legend of Legacy to The Alliance Alive, I doubt they're going to follow up the latter with a direct sequel. I'd take one, though, and in a heartbeat. I'd also take a direct sequel to The Legend of Legacy, actually, especially if it fixed some of the original game's flaws. Should the loopy bastards at FuRyu find a way to come up with something similar that also features an alliterated title, well, I suppose I'd take that, too.

The Alliance Alive

Bravely Default Collection

I'm sure most Bravely fans would prefer a brand new offering over a collection of the series' first two entries. I'd also welcome a Bravely Third or even a Bravely Second II (erm, or a Bravely Default III?), to be sure, but before any of those games are released, I'd prefer to get my greedy hands on a Switch compilation of Bravely Default and Bravely Second. I wouldn't even need anything fancy here; a "simple" remaster would more than suffice.

Deltarune Chapters 34, and 5

I was a bit wary of Deltarune after finally playing and thoroughly loving Toby Fox's previous offering, the transcendent Undertale. I needn't have worried, if Deltarune's first two chapters are anything to go by. I've especially enjoyed Deltarune's brainy and exhilarating battles so far, though its characters and soundtrack have impressed, too. At any rate, I want more, and I want it as soon as possible.

Disaster Report 4

Disaster Report 5

The Switch port of Disaster Report 4 was a complete mess in many regards, but I loved the hell out of it anyway. I've heard even the best versions of the game paled in comparison to previous installments of the series, but since I haven't played any of them, all I can go on is my experience with this fourth iteration. It was tense, touching, and took me places I never saw coming. As such, I'd love to take another run at this long-running series sooner rather than later.

Dungeon Encounters II

This ask should come as little surprise considering the original Dungeon Encounters was one of my favorite games of 2021. How the development team of that game could enhance or expand upon their first effort is beyond me, but I'd sure like to see them take a stab at it. At the very least, I'm confident they could come up with a new cast of creative and colorful party members. That said, the existing Dungeon Encounters includes a caped pumaman, a sword-wielding dog, and a giant roly-poly cat, which could be tough to top.

Dungeon Encounters

Etrian Odyssey VI

I know the Switch, the most likely home for a new Etrian Odyssey game, poses some unique challenges for the makers of this previously dual-screened series, but even so I'm surprised it's taken this long for a sixth entry to see the light of day. Hell, we're not entirely sure a sixth Etrian Odyssey is being worked on, are we? A teaser of sorts hit the internet ages ago, but did it specifically name the Etrian Odyssey series? Regardless, I'll buy and play an Etrian Odyssey VI should it ever make it out of Atlus' secret underground laboratory.

Ghost Trick 2

Does anyone really think Capcom is going to make and publish a Ghost Trick sequel anytime soon, if ever? I doubt it. I have all the power here, though, so I'm going to hope for it anyway. As long as it's released for consoles and not just mobile, I should add. On a related and likely more realistic note, I'd totally buy a remastered release of Ghost Trick if it hit the Switch. The damn thing would probably only be sold through the eShop, but I'd grit my teeth and pick it up all the same. That's just the kind of Ghost Trick fan I am after adoring my virgin playthrough of it in 2019.

SaGa Scarlet Grace: AMBITIONS

A new mainline SaGa game

The last mainline SaGa game, SaGa Scarlet Grace, came out (in Japan, for the Vita) just over six years ago. An enhanced version released worldwide and for more modern systems three years ago. I'd say the time is right for a follow-up to appear, wouldn't you? Please agree with me, as SaGa Scarlet Grace: AMBITIONS is one of my all-time favorite games and I'd desperately like to play another game that's in the same vein. Of course, every SaGa game since Romancing SaGa 3 has been radically different from the one that came before it, which suggests the next release won't be anything like Scarlet Grace. I'll be OK if that comes to pass, too.

Onion Games' new RPG

I'll play anything Onion Games releases at this point, as long as it releases for a system I own (though I'd prefer for such a game to not be mobile-only). After all, I've already had a blast with Black Bird, Dandy Dungeon, Mon Amour, and of course Moon. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't especially thrilled that Onion Games' next offering will be another RPG. In particular, I love that I have no idea what to expect from this mostly unknown game -- though of course we all know it will be weird and dark and beautiful and probably will include kissing in some form or fashion.

Mon Amour

Opoona Remastered

Do I really want to return to Opoona's world? Yes, yes I do. I'm not entirely sure I want to return to it in its original form, though. After all, I got horribly lost, or at least turned around, pretty much every time I played Opoona on my Wii a few years back. To be honest, I don't have the highest of hopes that a remaster would fix this or any of Opoona's other issues, but I'd probably buy it anyway if it were made available for the Switch (and so could be played portably).

Pocket Card Jockey: Ride On! console port

When I started writing this post a couple of weeks ago, I asked for a Pocket Card Jockey remaster or sequel here. Then developer Game Freak announced this reimagined version for the Apple Arcade service. As I don't currently own an iOS device, and I don't expect to own one anytime soon, I sincerely hope Pocket Card Jockey: Ride On! gallops away from its iOS exclusivity and onto consoles (like the Switch, cough cough) as soon as is contractually possible.

Pocket Card Jockey: Ride On!

Tobu Tobu Girl 2

Here's another unlikely announcement or release. I'm going to put it out into the universe anyway, as the original Tobu Tobu Girl thrilled me to pieces in 2018. If you've never heard of it, Tobu Tobu Girl is a fast-paced, high-score-chasing platformer that has you climb the screen rather than race to the left or right. The original was made to the GameBoy's specifications; honestly, I'd take more of the same here, but I'm guessing developers Lukas Erritsø Hansen and Simon Larsen would prefer to change things up the second time around. Sadly, I'm pretty sure they're not up for giving the world a Tobu Tobu Girl 2, but I guess it's possible they've changed their minds since I last chatted with them about the topic?

Tomodachi Collection 3

I had a wonderful time playing Tomodachi Life (the North American title for Japan's Tomodachi Collection 2) back in 2014. So much so I put nearly 130 hours into it that year. I've been daydreaming of a sequel, which I guess would be called Tomodachi Life 2 here and Tomodachi Collection 3 in Japan, ever since. Surely the devs at Nintendo of Japan are hard at work on this game, right? And for the Switch, not its eventual successor? Assuming that's the case, it'd better allow same-sex couplings this time around.