Monday, February 01, 2021

11 games I want to return to in 2021

Although I've focused almost entirely on playing "new to me" games—you know, ones I've never played before, like the 11 games I highlighted in my previous post—over the last few years, in 2021 I'd like to return to a handful I put some time into previously.

The following games are the first that came to mind when I started this little exercise a couple of weeks ago. Will I actually circle back to all of them by the end of this year? Your guess is as good as mine. I'll give it my best shot, though, that much I can promise you.

ClaDun x2 (PSP)

I've had dungeon-crawlers on the brain the last few months, so I guess it shouldn't surprise me that this peculiar example of the genre popped into my head as a possible replay contender this year. One of the main reasons I'm thinking of revisiting it is that, while I recall enjoying both the first ClaDun and this 2011 sequel, I can't remember much else about them. Also, both are easily accessible via my sadly ignored Vita, so giving the latter a second chance in 2021 would allow me to spend some quality time with both of Sony's handhelds, in a manner of speaking.

Dillon’s Dead-Heat Breakers (3DS)

I put more than seven hours into this weird Dillon's Rolling Western sequel-slash-spinoff a couple years ago. The funny thing is, I only half-enjoyed the time I spent with it then. I found the grungy, post-apocalyptic setting fascinating and the high-speed race-battles exhilarating, but I also found the overall gameplay loop disappointingly repetitive. Here's hoping the former aspects far outweigh the latter one when I return to it (and maybe restart it) sometime soon.

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (GameBoy Advance)

I played through and thoroughly enjoyed Final Fantasy Tactics A2 in 2019. I did this despite the fact that I had yet to play its predecessor. Why? To be frank, I wasn't up for playing a game on my GB Micro or DS Lite at the time. Playing Tactics A2 on my trusty 3DS seemed miles more appealing. Considering how much I adored A2, though, I feel it's imperative that I get off my butt and check out the original FFT Advance ASAP—and that's exactly what I'll attempt to do over the next few months.

Half-Minute Hero (PSP)

Here's another PSP game that I remember playing at least a little of sometime in the past but can barely recall any details. Other than it looking great and offering up a curious variety of gameplay styles, I mean. So, I'd say it's ripe for a second—and more extensive—look, wouldn't you agree?

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch)

I have a surprisingly spotty history with The Legend of Zelda series. Although I completed the first game and A Link to the Past and believe both to be unquestionable classics, I've struggled to finish the numerous sequels that followed in their footsteps. Breath of the Wild is a different beast, which I discovered when I put about 10 hours into it back in 2017 and 2018, but that wasn't enough to keep me from drifting away from it eventually. I'll try to combat that should I succeed in circling back to it in 2021.

Loco Roco (PSP)

Loco Roco seems like one of those games that would be my cup of tea. Yet I've only ever played a few minutes of it. I'm sure most of the blame for that can be aimed at my general lack of interest in the PSP when it was still lighting up the sales charts. Well, I'm much more open to Sony's first handheld these days, plus I have a feeling Loco Roco's length will fit right in with my current interest in games that don't take long to finish.

Lord of Magna (3DS)

I bought Lord of Magna some time ago with high-ish expectations. Its cute-colorful aesthetic appealed to me, as did its bowling-esque battles. Or at least its battles intrigued me—to be honest, I wasn't sure I'd find them enjoyable. I did, though, which makes me wonder why I walked away from it after devoting just a couple of hours to it last year. I guess I'll find out if and when I return to it this year.

Monster Hunter Stories (3DS)

Part of me is nervous about returning to Monster Hunter Stories in 2021. The reason: a sequel that looks to improve on the original in every way is set to be released for the Switch this summer. And as a recent post of mine makes clear, the Switch is my preferred place to play games these days. Plus, I don't want to risk the original burning me out on the formula before I get to the sequel. Given all that, it might be wise to consider this the most "possibly maybe" entry on this list.

My World, My Way (DS)

Unlike most of the other aborted games highlighted here, I have no problem recalling why I failed to finish My World, My Way when I first started through it in 2015. You see, I played it as part of a short-lived series I called "A Decade of DS," which involved me spending a week with a game and writing a blog post about my experience with it before quickly moving on to another title. I always meant to come back to this odd, Atlus-published (in North America) RPG at a later date, but never did. So, I'll try to make a point of it in 2021.

Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin (Switch)

Like a lot of folks, I snapped up a copy of this indie darling as soon as I could last fall. I promptly booted it up, put about an hour into it... and then dropped it in favor of another game. (Paper Mario: The Origami King, I think?) I didn't drop it because I hated it, mind you. I just wasn't in the mood for a side-scrolling hack-and-slash title at that moment—even one with a rice-harvesting component. I'm confident I'll be more keen on such an endeavor when I boot it up again in the near future.

World of Final Fantasy Maxima (Switch)

I had a blast with World of Final Fantasy Maxima while playing it for a little over 26 hours two years ago. It can be odd and even ugly, but overall I found it to be refreshingly unique and addictive. As is too often the case for me, though, a vacation stole my attention from it, and after I returned home, rejoining its convoluted story daunted me. Normally I'd just start over, but there's no guarantee doing so would produce a different result. As such, I'm planning to grit my teeth and force myself back into Maxima's world. I can always turn to GameFAQs or YouTube if I find myself helplessly lost.

Thursday, January 28, 2021

11 games I want to play in 2021

I played a lot of games in 2020—44, at last count.

The vast majority were Switch games, though I played several 3DS and DS games, too.

In 2021, I want to branch out a bit. Specifically, I want to add at least a few PSP and Vita games into the mix—with the ones highlighted below leading the way.

Boku no Natsuyasumi Portable (PSP)

I've been itching to play this distinctly Japanese life sim since I first became aware of it ages ago. Actually, I've owned a copy of the original PS1 release for years now—I've just never played it. I'm hoping this portable port will prove a bit more attractive in that regard.

Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings (DS)

This Final Fantasy XII spinoff is one of those DS titles I've long wanted to experience but have also long dragged my feet on purchasing and starting. Why have I waited until now to try Revenant Wings? The main reason is that I've never had the best grasp of its gameplay, and that's made me a more than a tad wary of it. 

Hades (Switch)

I've spent a lot of time with roguelikes in the last few months—first via Void Terrarium, then via Shiren the Wanderer: The Tower of Fortune and the Dice of Fate and Etrian Mystery Dungeon. Am I really in the mood for more of this genre after all that? We'll find out shortly after I start Hades.

The House in Fata Morgana (Switch or Vita)

Visual novel fans on the internet have hyped up The House in Fata Morgana since an English Windows version released in 2016, and probably even before that. Thankfully, that hasn't impacted my expectations of the game, as I know next to nothing about it. Fingers crossed I dig what I eventually encounter.

Labyrinth of Refrain: Coven of Dusk (Switch)

I have a great track record with Nippon Ichi Software-made games, so my hopes are high for this first-person dungeon-crawler. This is despite the fact that I'm hardly the biggest fan of into-the-screen RPGs—my mostly positive experiences with the Etrian Odyssey series notwithstanding.

Magical Starsign (DS)

Despite the fact that I've always adored the look of games made by Brownie Brown (now known as 1-Up Studio), I've only played a couple of them. And even those games, Mother 3 and Fantasy Life, were collaborative efforts with other developers. So, Magical Starsign will be my first real taste of this seemingly talented dev's abilities. Fingers crossed I like its gameplay as much as I like its aesthetic.

Poison Control (Switch)

Truth be told, I pre-ordered this game simply because it's coming from Nippon Ichi Software. OK, and because I previously asked the company to bring it to our shores. A few times. I only barely understand how it plays, and what I understand makes me think it might not be my cup of tea. I'm sticking with it anyway, though, as I loved Lapis x Labyrinth and Void Terrarium after being similarly unsure of them early on.

PoPoLoCrois (PSP)

I've heard that this PoPoLoCrois game is a kind of a mess, as it combines chopped-up versions of the series' first two releases with a connecting interlude. Normally, that would bug me. Since I'm mostly uneducated on these titles and so won't know what I'm missing, though, I'm barely bothered.

Project X Zone (3DS)

Don't bother telling me that this game is a dud. I've heard it all before—though I've also heard a few folks say they had a blast it. I recently bought a copy of Project X Zone based on my possibly delusional belief that I'll side with the latter group of fans. I mean, how could I not, with a cast that includes Arthur, Chun-Li, Ulala, and Valkyrie?

UFO: A Day in the Life (PS1)

Without trying to sound snarky, most of the games made by the crew of now-defunct Love-de-Lic have similar vibes and stories. That's fine by me, as I adore two titles fitting that description, Chulip and Moon. This 1999 offering sounds even more intriguing, though, thanks to its star—a super-cute, photo-snapping UFO.

What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!? 2 (PSP)

Yet another PSP game that I always meant to buy and try but also always overlooked in favor of other titles. Like Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings and Poison Control, I'm a little iffy on its gameplay, but I'm sure to enjoy at least one of these games, so why not this one?

Are there any particular games you want to play—old or new—between now and the end of 2021? Tell me all about them in the comments section below.

Monday, January 25, 2021

How I spent my time with video games in 2020

It's starting to feel like at the end of every year I either say I played more games than the year before or I spent more time with games than the year before. (See my 2019 write-up for evidence.)

For 2020, both statements are true. Big surprise considering how locked down everything was last year, right?

Speaking of surprises, it may surprise some of you to learn that Animal Crossing: New Horizons wasn't the game I played most in 2020. In fact, I didn't even put 100 hours into it. I gladly poured hundreds of hours into previous entries, so bouncing off this one so quickly shocks me, too.

Not at all shocking to me is that I spent more time with SaGa Scarlet Grace: Ambitions than I did with any other game last year. Even after I finished this most recent SaGa sequel, I didn't want to stop playing it. And although I nearly started a second playthrough right away, I convinced myself to move on to something else (The World Ends With You, I believe) before that happened.

As for the rest of my most-played games of 2020, feast your eyes on the following stats:

  • SaGa Scarlet Grace: Ambitions (Switch) — 97 hours, 40 minutes
  • Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Switch) — 95 hours, 30 minutes
  • Pokémon Shield (Switch) — 80 hours, 55 minutes
  • The World Ends With You (DS) — 39 hours, 15 minutes
  • Shiren the Wanderer: The Tower of Fortune and the Dice of Fate (Switch) — 36 hours, 00 minutes
  • Paper Mario: The Origami King (Switch) — 34 hours, 15 minutes
  • Void Terrarium (Switch) — 33 hours, 35 minutes
  • Raging Loop (Switch) — 29 hours, 50 minutes
  • Deadly Premonition Origins (Switch) — 29 hours, 15 minutes
  • Animal Crossing (GameCube) — 22 hours, 50 minutes
  • Destiny Connect: Tick-Tock Travelers (Switch) — 22 hours, 15 minutes
  • Heroland (Switch) — 20 hours, 30 minutes
  • Moon (Switch) — 19 hours, 05 minutes
  • Disaster Report 4: Summer Memories (Switch) — 17 hours, 15 minutes
  • Kirby Mass Attack (DS) — 13 hours, 20 minutes
  • Clubhouse Games (Switch) — 12 hours, 40 minutes
  • Hey! Pikmin (3DS) — 12 hours, 35 minutes
  • Again (DS) — 12 hours, 20 minutes
  • Super Princess Peach (DS) — 11 hours, 50 minutes
  • Mad Rat Dead (Switch) — 10 hours, 20 minutes
  • Alice in Wonderland (DS) — 7 hours, 20 minutes
  • Yomawari: Night Alone (Switch) — 7 hours, 05 minutes
  • Time Hollow (DS) — 6 hours, 30 minutes
  • Part Time UFO (Switch) — 6 hours, 05 minutes
  • Cruel Bands Career (Switch) — 4 hours, 35 minutes
How did all of you spend your time with games in 2020? Feel free to share your own play-time stats, or simply list your most-played titles, in the comments section of this post.

Thursday, January 21, 2021

One sentence about each of the 24 games I finished in 2020

I began 2020 intending to review every one of the games I finished during the year. Although I did that—to a point, via this post and this post—until the end of June, I completely dropped the ball after that.

I'm going to try to make up for things here—although, again, only to a point. Instead of writing multi-paragraph reviews of each of the 24 games I finished in 2020, I'm going to devote just a sentence to them.

Here are the blurbs in question, which I've organized according to when I completed them. (Alice in Wonderland was the first game I beat in 2020, while Paper Mario: The Origami King was the last.) 

Should you want additional details on any of these games, let me know in the comments section of this post. Or hit me up on Facebook or Twitter.

A unique, touch-controlled Metroidvania that's far more challenging than its awesome, adorable art style implies.

Detective Pikachu (3DS)

This Pokémon-themed adventure game may be aimed at kids but adults can enjoy it, too—as long as they don't have a deep-seated hatred of Pikachu, of course.

Heroland (Switch)

Made by folks who previously worked on Fantasy Life and Mother 3, Heroland is a theme-park-based, board-game-esque RPG with a superb soundtrack that intrigues until it overstays its welcome.

A beautiful, blissfully short side-scroller that does a surprisingly brilliant job of combining the Pikmin series' characters and controls with thoughtful platforming action.

Pokémon Shield (Switch)

I loved Pokémon: Let's Go, Eevee! when I played through it in 2018, and I loved Pokémon Shield even more when I played through it last year—thanks mainly to its charming, Pokéfied British setting, slew of appealing new 'mons, and thrilling "Wild Area."

Raging Loop (Switch)

A terrifyingly engrossing visual novel that features "Werewolf"-inspired gameplay and a Groundhog Day-ish looping story.

Deadly Premonition Origins (Switch)

One of those "greater than the sum of its parts" games, with the positive parts of Deadly Premonition Origins being its quirky, compelling characters, WTF story, and weird soundtrack, and the negative parts being its "please don't make me do that again" combat and QTE segments.

Disaster Report 4: Summer Memories (Switch)

I've never had to live through a natural disaster myself, but I kind of (only kind of!) feel like I have thanks to this adventure game, which is harrowing not just because of drama and trauma it puts you through, but because of its iffy graphics and even iffier frame rate.

SaGa Scarlet Grace: Ambitions (Switch)

Another RPG that's shockingly similar to a board game, SaGa Scarlet Grace: Ambitions offers players a wide-open world, a minimum of direction, a ton of potential party members, and a predictably sublime OST.

The World Ends With You (DS)

A dual-screened action RPG that makes full use of all that acreage during its thrillingly chaotic battles, supported by some of the most stylish visuals around and fabulous, pop-tastic soundtrack.

Void Terrarium (Switch)

One part post-apocalyptic roguelike, one part human Tamagotchi—all set to an appropriately (and enjoyably) industrial OST.

Mr. Driller Encore (Switch)

Mr. Driller goes to a theme park and adds some much needed depth and variety to his eponymous series' previously straightforward race-to-the-bottom-of-the-screen gameplay.

Moon (Switch)

A melancholy "anti-RPG" that sends you into a game world to clean up the mess of an unhinged hero by saving the souls of slain creatures and helping its human inhabitants in various ways.

A Short Hike (Switch)

If you've ever dreamt of exploring—by land or sky—a mountainside getaway as an anthropomorphized bird and at your leisure, this is the game for you.

Destiny Connect: Tick-Tock Travelers (Switch)

A touching, vaguely EarthBound-esque RPG that lets you time travel and tackle mechanical foes with the assistance of a robot that can transform into a boxer, cowboy, and more.

Kirby Mass Attack (DS)

Using your DS' touch screen to control up to 10 Kirbies through a series of side-scrolling and puzzle-filled stages is cool; if only it were more fun.

Part Time UFO (Switch)

Leave it to the masters at HAL Laboratory to create an instant classic that combines a claw crane, a balance-puzzler, and the most sickeningly sweet soundtrack you've ever heard.

Yomawari: Night Alone (Switch)

Yomawari proves that survival-horror games don't need to be remotely realistic to be fully and properly unnerving.

Super Princess Peach (DS)

Forget what you've read about this vivacious platformer; in my humble opinion, Super Princess Peach is every bit as good as your average Kirby, Yoshi, or even Mario side-scroller.

Bubble Bobble 4 Friends (Switch)

Take the Bubble Bobble that started it all in 1986, replace the simple-yet-snazzy backdrops with ones that are simply boring, remove all the character from its kooky cast, and make the overall experience more awkward as well as less enjoyable, and you've got 4 Friends.

Mad Rat Dead (Switch)

Come for the move-to-the-beat platforming action (and the amazing OST that coordinates it), stay for the surprisingly touching tale of a dead lab rat who just wants to relive his final day—OK, and exact revenge on the scientist who killed him.

Time Hollow (DS)

Anyone who had a blast playing through Hotel Dusk: Room 215, Ghost Trick, or any of the Ace Attorney games should give this similar offering from Konami a go ASAP.

Again (DS)

This CiNG-made point-and-click adventure game isn't quite as great as the company's other DS efforts—Hotel Dusk, Last Window, and Trace Memory—but it's close enough to be well worth your while if you dug those titles.

Paper Mario: The Origami King (Switch)

The Origami King gives me hope there's still some life left in Nintendo's depressingly inconsistent Paper Mario series, though I wouldn't mind at all if the next sequel's turn-based battles were more traditional than tactical as they are here.

Saturday, January 16, 2021

My favorite game soundtracks of 2020

When I was younger, I didn't have the greatest appreciation for game music. Oh, I dug a good background tune now and then, like Matoya's Cave theme from the original Final Fantasy or the overworld theme from Super Mario Bros. 2, but listen to entire game soundtracks (OSTs) when I was done playing? Never.

Nowadays, I regularly listen to game OSTs during my "down time," especially while working. The OSTs for Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light, Hotel Dusk: Room 215Kirby's Epic Yarn and The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince are a handful of good examples.

The game OSTs discussed in this post, which are my favorites of the past year, have joined this rotation—for all the reasons shared below and more.

Mad Rat Dead (PS4, Switch)

In the run-up to Mad Rat Dead's release last fall, I asked folks on Twitter if they were planning to buy and play it. A few people replied they had pre-ordered copies simply because of Dyes Iwasaki's involvement. At the time, all I could say in response was "that's interesting," as I had no idea who Iwasaki was or why he would inspire such action. 

After experiencing, and thoroughly enjoying (yes, despite including it in my most disappointing games of 2020 write-up), this game and its soundtrack, I can see why. The electro-swing and glitch-hop tracks Iwasaki—and others, like Camellia and a_hisa—produced for the Mad Rat Dead OST are blissful. Not only are they the kind of tunes you can enjoy (over and over again) after you're done playing Mad Rat Dead, but during the act they provide exactly the kind of push you need to successfully complete this game's often-brutal side-scrolling stages, too.

Moon (Switch)

The hallmark of Moon's soundtrack is that it's full of songs made by actual indie musicians. As such, its vibe is decidedly different from what you normally get from game music. 

That isn't to say the tunes here are better than what is typical for the medium; rather, it's to say they're structured differently. I guess you could say they sound more like the kind of pop or rock or dance music any of us listen to in our daily lives—particularly if you tend to listen to music from more experimental artists. 

To put it another way, most of the music on Moon's soundtrack isn't as obviously epic or rousing or triumphant as it can be in other games, especially other RPGs. It's the sort of OST you might put on while enjoying a drink at the end of a long day, or even during a chill get-together with some adventurous friends.

Paper Mario: The Origami King (Switch)

This Paper Mario sequel's OST is as eclectic as the rest of its contents. Some of its musical creations sound like they came straight from one of Mario's platformers. Others sound like they belong in a Broadway production. The rest? Many defy easy categorization. 

Most are also surprisingly subtle—to the point that you probably won't hum or even think of them much after you save and quit you globe-trotting adventure for the day. While you're actually playing The Origami King, though, they seem like perfect accompaniments to the action or activities at hand. 

That said, I often found myself daydreaming about tracks I had no idea I'd internalized, so maybe the music here is more infectious than I'm giving it credit for right now?

Part Time UFO (Switch)

Part Time UFO's soundtrack is as gorgeously simple as its graphics and balance-puzzler-ific gameplay. It basically consists of a single melodic hook (which centers on a robotic vocalization of its Japanese title) that is broadly interpreted into different musical genres, like country, disco, and jazz. 

The resulting tunes are so whimsical and adorable—not to mention really damn catchy—that I can almost guarantee you'll walk away from every stint with Part Time UFO incessantly humming its main theme.

SaGa Scarlet Grace: Ambitions (Mobile, PC, PS4, Switch)

All the best role-playing games have stellar overworld themes and similarly sensational battle themes. The soundtrack for SaGa Scarlet Grace: Ambitions checks both of those boxes—the latter one, especially.

That's a big deal, as Kenji Ito's battle themes are the star of this game as well as its OST. I say battle themes, plural, here because SaGa Scarlet Grace: Ambitions has several of them, including one for each of its four main characters. They're all splendid—filled with swirling strings that inspire even during the toughest of fights. (And let me tell you, you'll encounter some challenging bosses in Ambitions. Hell, you'll encounter plenty of challenging low-level baddies, too.)

In that way, at least, this enhanced version of SaGa: Scarlet Grace is more traditional than the rest of the game's components. Even then, it's hardly ho-hum or average. If a game OST could be described as "elegant," this one is it. Maybe that's why it feels like such a breath of fresh air, despite not being altogether unique.

Void Terrarium (PS4, Switch)

Is Nippon Ichi Software secretly the best producer of game soundtracks these days? I'm not sure, but I'd certainly make the argument that NIS is one of the best in this area at the moment. 

Not only is Void Terrarium's OST a prime example of the kind of brilliance that has regularly come out of this pint-sized publisher over the last few years, but so are the similarly noteworthy soundtracks concocted for Destiny Connect (highlighted below), Mad Rat Dead (discussed above), and The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince

All three are completely different, and delightful, beasts, with Void Terrarium's OST being full of synthy, sometimes crunchy, sometimes crystalline, backing tunes that, like their counterparts in Mad Rat Dead, positively propel you through the game's murky, post-apocalyptic dungeons.


All of the soundtracks discussed up to now were made for games that released--and that I played--in 2020. The following pair were produced for games that came out prior to last year.

Destiny Connect: Tick-Tock Travelers (PS4, Switch)

The Destiny Connect soundtrack is probably the most traditional of all the OSTs discussed here. Even so, it's eminently listenable—in large part because it does a masterful job of tugging at the ol' heartstrings. A lot of the music in this Nippon Ichi Software-made RPG features twinkling piano melodies that help drive home the game's wistful and nostalgic story.

Don't worry, the Destiny Connect OST isn't limited to tearjerkers. It features several heart-pounding tunes, too. Most are string-heavy, all are properly dramatic. Again, they don't exactly break the mold as far as RPG soundtracks are concerned, but they're still impressive for how well they complement the overall experience.

The World Ends With You (DS)

If Moon's OST leans indie, The World Ends With You's tilts toward the mainstream. While the former is full of funky, dub-like ditties, the latter is bursting with pop-rock bangers.

Which one is better? Don't ask me. I think both are beyond magnificent. I'll tell you what, though: I never tired of hearing any of TWEWY's background tunes. Sure, I had my favorites, like "Give Me All Your Love," but the fact is, they're all gems that will energize you while you tackle the game's often-frantic battles. And, of course, they might energize you after you shut down your DS or 3DS, too. That's certainly been true for me in the months since I finished this dual-screened classic.