Monday, September 24, 2012

Puppeteer may make me reconsider my recent decision to pass on the PS3

I know Puppeteer, a Dynamite Headdy-esque PS3 platformer being made by the folks at Sony's Worldwide Studios, was unveiled about a month ago (at Gamescom 2012), but for some dumb reason the game's first trailer slipped under my radar.

Thankfully, Puppeteer's second trailer--released a few days ago during Tokyo Game Show 2012--was unable to weasel its way by me. Watch it below if you have a thing for amazing-looking games (and, really, who doesn't?).

Sadly, the game doesn't yet have a release date. I'm OK with that, though, as it gives me time to figure out an answer to a question that's been bouncing around in my brain for the last few weeks: Will I or won't I buy a PS3 sometime next year?

For the longest time, my plan was to do just that. Specifically, I was going to pick up one of the new PS3 "Super Slim" systems for a song as well as a slew of games (such as 3D Dot Game Heroes, Journey and Valkyria Chronicles) that I've been drooling over for some time.

What's caused me to question that decision? Three things: 1) Sony's decision to slap a price tag on the "Super Slim" that's higher than the one currently affixed to the previous PS3 revision, 2) the unveiling of the "PINK x WHITE" 3DS LL and 3) the impending release of the Wii U.

Of course, another option would be to wait until the PS4 has hit the streets and then pick up a PS3 on the cheap. Yeah, maybe that's what I'll do...

Friday, September 21, 2012

Did you know that Japanese Game Gear boxes are about the same size as WonderSwan boxes?

Well, you do now--courtesy of the following pair of photos that I recently snapped with my trusty digital camera.

For those who are curious, the games included in these photos are (clockwise from the upper-left): Pokémon Red (GameBoy), Engacho! (WonderSwan), Ganbare Gorby! (Game Gear), Guru Logi Champ (GameBoy Advance), Balloon Kid (GameBoy), Tane wo Maku Tori (WonderSwan), Magical Puzzle Popils (Game Gear), Rhythm Tengoku (GameBoy Advance) and Flash Koibitokun (WonderSwan Color).

I decided to take these photos when I discovered that the boxes that house Game Gear games are nearly the same size as those that house WonderSwan games. Also, I thought some of you might like to see how those boxes compare in size to the boxes of other portable gaming systems, like the GameBoy and the GameBoy Advance.

I'm planning to take more photos like the ones above (and these) in the coming months as I continue to acquire additional 3DS, DS, GameBoy, Game Gear and WonderSwan titles, by the way, so be on the lookout for them if you're curious about that sort of thing.

See also: 'WonderSwan cartridges (and boxes) in context'

Six mouth-watering 3DS game trailers for your viewing pleasure

Although the Tokyo Game Show 2012 has been a bit of a dud (in my opinion, of course) as far as new game announcements are concerned, the event has been good for at least one thing: The release of a slew of awesome-looking 3DS game trailers, six of which can be viewed below.

Ace Attorney 5 (Capcom):

Bravely Default: Flying Fairy (Square Enix):

Fantasy Life (Level 5):

Thursday, September 20, 2012

The 'Denpa' Men have arrived

Er, kind of.

What I should have said in the headline above is, "The demo of THE 'DENPA' MEN: They Came By Wave has arrived," as the full version of the game won't hit the North American 3DS eShop until next week (on Sept. 27, to be exact).

Sorry, Australian and European 3DS owners: This digital RPG, made by the able folks at Genius Sonority, has yet to receive a release date for your regions, as far as I'm aware.

Anyway, I just downloaded the demo and gave it the ol' college try. My impressions so far: I (surprisingly) like how you catch your 'Denpa men' (who then serve as your party members) using the 3DS' AR functionality, for starters. Also, I find the game's art style completely adorable. Oh, and Dragon Quest-esque battles are fun, too. (Although I wish I had more control over them--unless I'm missing something?)

Have any of you spent a bit of time with THE 'DENPA' MEN demo? If so, what do you think of it? Also, does it make you want to pick up the full game when it's released next week (with a $9.99 price tag attached to it, unfortunately)?

See also: 'I'm totally buying this 3DS eShop game on Sept. 27 despite its rather terrible name'

Up, up, down, down ...

I know some of you won't believe me, but my original intention for this post was to say something along the lines of, "I'm finally going to buy a gaming t-shirt, and this is it!"

Oh, and the gaming t-shirt in question is the one that's being worn by a rather hunky model in the photo below. (FYI: Its illustration instructs both viewers and wearers alike on how to input the famous "Konami Code"--or "Konami Command," as it's known in Japan.)

Sadly, when I went to place my order last weekend (which is when I first came across this t-shirt) I discovered that the seller is out of both smalls and mediums. Damn!

I guess it just wasn't meant to be.