Thursday, June 02, 2011

Japanese PSP owners get Monster Hunter Diary G on August 10, while the rest of the world's PSP owners get ... absolutely nothing

Don't mind me, I'm just feeling bitter that the folks at Capcom have thus far failed to bring the original Monster Hunter Diary--released in Japan last August--to North America.

I know, this Animal Crossing-esque PSP title likely would have sold all of five copies (if the folks at Capcom were lucky) in the States, but one of them would have been sold to yours truly--which of course makes me believe its release would have been completely worthwhile.

Anyway, while a handful of North American gamers like me continue to wait in vain for Capcom to bring the game to our region, the Osaka-based company will be releasing its sequel--called Monster Hunter Diary G--in Japan on Aug. 10.

Who knows, maybe this one will be localized and released as a download-only title when the NGP--which will reportedly be called the PS Vita--launches later this year or early next?

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Super Maui-o Bros.

I don't know what the weather is like in your neck of the woods, but here in Seattle it's cloudy and cool and summer seems to be at least a month (if not more) away.

As such, I'm finding myself attracted to anything and everything that makes me think of the sun and warmth these days--which may explain my excited reaction upon seeing the t-shirt design below this morning.  

Besides the setting, my favorite aspects of the design above--called "Super Maui-O!" and created by Flickr user Lucky1988--are the Blooper riding the Ski-Doo in the upper-right corner, the surfing Bullet Bill to the left of the flip-flop-sporting Mario and the Toad squeezing sunscreen on the toothy Goomba in the center of the illustration.

If you'd like to own a t-shirt bearing this design, vote on it in the next seven days at

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Speaking of rare PC Engine hardware, what happened to this monitor?

Did you know that the folks at NEC announced both the PC Engine DUO and the PC Engine LT (the laptop-esque portable mentioned in this post) at the Tokyo Game Show in 1991? Well, they did.

At the same show, NEC also displayed a four-inch, clamshell monitor that could be attached to the aforementioned DUO to turn it into what the writers at TurboPlay magazine called "the ultimate portable machine."

In this article (from the August/September 1991 issue of TurboPlay), it's suggested that this sexy little monitor (above) had been released two years prior with a price tag of approximately $600. That assertion seems questionable to me, as that would mean it was released in 1989--the PC Engine's second year on the market.

So, I have a question for any fellow PC Engine fans out there who may come across this post: Was this monitor really released in Japan in 1989, or was it released alongside the DUO and the LT?

Regardless, it's a rather fascinating peripheral--especially given its release date--isn't it?

A little PC Engine LT love

At least once a year, I become a wee bit obsessed with the PC Engine LT.

I've wanted one of these sexy, laptop-esque portables ever since I saw a photo of one in an old issue of either Diehard GameFan or Electronic Gaming Monthly (or maybe it was Super Gaming, an EGM spin-off) magazine as a youngster, but I've never bought one because they're so darn expensive.

That hasn't kept me from dreaming about the day I throw caution--and my credit card--to the wind and purchase one, though. Until that day arrives, I'll waste my time reading blog posts about and watching YouTube videos of NEC's little gray wonder.

Speaking of the latter, the following video--produced by YouTube user futurematt5--is helping me get through my most recent phase of PC Engine LT obsession. (I wonder if that'll be considered a diagnosable and treatable disorder when the DSM-5 is published in 2013?)

Here's part two of the video, by the way, and here's (actually, go here and here) a series of videos in which futurematt5 attaches the PC Engine LT to the Super CD-ROM2 peripheral. Oh, and here's a fabulously porn-ish video that features "high-quality footage and close-ups" of the system.

Anyway, here's to hoping that next year at this time I'll be posting my own photos and videos of the portable system that futurematt5 says is the gaming world's equivalent of an eccentric uncle.

Note: This post originally appeared on my PC Engine-focused blog,

Monday, May 30, 2011

Super Studly Mario Bros. 2

Admittedly, the illustration below isn't even half as hot as the photo splashed across the cover of the soon-to-be-released issue of MUTO Manifesto magazine that was highlighted in my previous "Super Studly Mario Bros." post.

Still, there's a certain, strange appeal to Angela Zavala's cheeky, Super Mario Bros.-inspired drawing, isn't there? (To see more of Zavala's creations, check out her deviantART gallery.)