Thursday, December 16, 2010

'The Hyrule Fantasy'

The Legend of Zelda is one of my all-time favorite games. That's true for a number of reasons, but perhaps the most telling is that, even 23 years after it was first released, it never fails to pull me into its world of Keese and Octorocs and Stalfos.

Would that still be the case if the North American version of the game had been named Hyrule Fantasy: The Legend of Zelda, as it was when it hit the streets in Japan? I should think so, especially since I've always had a soft spot for the "Hyrule Fantasy" part of the Japanese title.

If any of you consider yourselves to be in the same boat, head on over to and download the full-sized version of the promo poster above. (While you're at it, grab the Metroid one, too--assuming you're a fan of Yoshio Sakamoto's classic.)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

OK, so I caved

Remember how I mentioned (in this post) that I had pre-ordered and then canceled my pre-order for Super Mario All-Stars: Limited Edition?

Well, I pre-ordered it again a few days later, despite the fact that I've never been much of a fan of Nintendo's 16-bit re-workings of its NES Super Mario Bros. titles.

I changed my mind for three reasons: 1) I wanted the CD soundtrack, 2) I wanted the 32-page "Super Mario History" booklet and 3) I thought the entire package seemed well worth the $29.99 price tag--especially since it's supposed to be a limited release.

Was it worth it? I think so. Hell, I'd have paid $29.99 for just the booklet, CD and embossed exterior packaging (above).

See also: 'Super Mario Extravaganza!'

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Computer says no

I hate to say this, but I likely won't be posting as much as I usually do for the remainder of the week.

Why? Reason #1: I'm really busy with work, and everything on my plate right now has to be completed and turned in before my parents arrive on Monday.

Reason #2: I'm pretty sure I killed my nearly new MacBook yesterday by spilling water on it. (I'll know for sure in a few days--when I try to turn it on again.) Until I know for sure if it is, in fact, fried, I have to use my old laptop--which surely is among the slowest computers on earth.

Don't worry, I'll still compose at least one post a day and I'll be back to normal (whatever that means) early next week.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Looks like I'll be buying Final Fantasy IV once again

I'm a sucker for the first six Final Fantasy games.

Over the years, for instance, I've bought the original Final Fantasy for the NES, the PSone (Final Fantasy Origins) and the Wii (via the Virtual Console). Likewise, I've bought Final Fantasy III for the DS and Final Fantasy IV for the SNES, PSone, GBA and Wii. (I've also bought Final Fantasy V and VI for the SNES, PSone and GBA.)

As such, it shouldn't be too shocking to hear that I'm going to be buying Final Fantasy IV once again--assuming the recently announced Final Fantasy IV Complete Collection makes its way to North America sometime next year. (It'll be released in Japan this spring.)

What will make this collection a complete one? Well, it'll combine updated (graphically, at least--see scan above) versions of Final Fantasy IV and Final Fantasy IV: The After Years onto a single UMD, for starters. Also, it'll include a new scenario that will connect the two titles.

Maybe I'll buy the PSP remakes of Final Fantasy I and II in the meantime, since both can be picked up for less than $10 these days.


A Link's Awakening remake would be 'sew' awesome, too

Especially if Link looked something like this:

The plush above was created by Brazil-based animator and illustrator, Xurume, by the way.

Would the brass at Nintendo really give the green light to a Kirby's Epic Yarn-esque remake of the fourth installment in The Legend of Zelda series? I kind of doubt it, but who knows?
