Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Tee hee

While searching for a Parodius screenshot last night (for my PC Engine blog), I came across the following TV commercial (for the 1992 Famicom port of Parodius Da!).

It made me giggle, so I thought I'd share it here.

By the way, according to the always reliable commenters on YouTube, the gist of the commercial is that Octopus, Pentarou, Twinbee and Vic Viper race into their local game shop looking for a copy of Parodius Da! only to be told by the sales clerk that it's already sold out.

Monday, November 22, 2010

OK, I take it back

I'm pretty sure my eyes glazed over when Super Mario Bros. Crossover first came to my attention. Oh, I could understand why the fan-made creation might appeal to some gamers, but it didn't appeal to me--at all.

Then I saw the following video, which highlights the impending inclusion of Blaster Master's Sophia the 3rd in this (seemingly) ever-evolving title. (He/she/it supposedly will be added to the game later this month.)

If you're as behind the times I am and you have yet to play the fabulous concoction that is Super Mario Bros. Crossover, check it out here.

(Via tinycartridge.com)

Well, *now* what am I going to do?

I've said on a few occasions that if the following image (created by by Stuart Colebrook) ever made the transition from design to t-shirt I'd buy it in a heartbeat.

Well, it's currently available (for $18 a shirt) at threadless.com (here's a direct link)--so I guess I'd better go get my credit card, eh?

See also: 'Spooky' and 'Yep, another t-shirt'

I'd definitely buy one of these if I were a button-wearing kind of guy

If you're a fan of The World Ends With You (and who isn't?), you've got to check out the BokuButtons Etsy shop.

I can't decide which $1 pin I like more--the Joshua one below (buy it here) or this Neku one.

The BokuButtons folks also have pins featuring characters from the Pokemon and Zelda series. (They had a sickeningly cute Professor Layton pin on display yesterday, but it seems to be gone now. Drat!)

(Via tinycartridge.com)

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Happy (early) birthday to me :)

Ever since my husband and I moved from Madison, Wis., to Seattle, my parents have sent me a special care package in advance of my birthday. It usually includes a card, a few small presents--a book, a game--and a nice, big check.

Well, said care package arrived yesterday--a week early. Being the impatient person that I am, I opened it right away. My favorite present? A copy of Kirby's Epic Yarn (below).

Happy birthday to me :)

I've only played the first few levels of the game so far, but already it has charmed the pants off of me. (Not literally.) I'm especially in awe (and in awwwww) of the yarn-based Kirby's cute transformations--which include a car, a parachute, a sub, a tank and more.

See also: 'Kirby's not just yarn ...'