Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Speaking of the original Dragon Quest ...

If I were filthy rich, I'd whip out my Platinum AmEx card and use it to purchase a red Famicom Twin and the following, still-sealed copy of the original Dragon Quest. (Isn't that cover art awesome?)

Sure, I could save myself about $180 if I bought a used copy of said Famicom game (like this one) instead, but in this imaginary situation I'd be filthy rich, so who cares?

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Dragon Quest quandary

Although I'm still hopelessly addicted to Dragon Quest IX, I know its days are numbered. What will I turn to when the bloom has fallen off the Dragon Quest IX rose? Why, more Dragon Quest, of course!

Unfortunately, I'm not sure which Dragon Quest should be my next. Although I'm leaning toward Dragon Quest VIII, that game's PlayStation predecessor (Dragon Warrior VII) is a distinct possibility, too.

I'd add the original Dragon Warrior (North American cover art to the right) to the list above, but I played it for a few hours last weekend and although I enjoyed the experience I'm going to put it on the back burner until I can pick up a copy of Nintendo Power's Dragon Warrior Strategy Guide.

Anyway, to any of you have played Dragon Warrior VII and/or Dragon Quest VIII: Which one should I turn to after I (inevitably) lose interest in the series' latest iteration?

Monday, August 16, 2010

It's OK, I guess ...

A few months ago, I penned a "Which box art is better?" post that focused on the Japanese and European versions of Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light.

Well, the folks at Square Enix recently unveiled the art that will appear on the soon-to-be-released North American version (pre-order it here)--and, I have to admit, I'm underwhelmed.

That said, I think I like the North American cover more than its Japanese and European counterparts.

See also: 'Let's play: Which box art is better? (The 4 Heroes of Light edition)'

Let's play: 'Which box art is better?' (Professor Layton 3 edition)

Although European and North American gamers are still waiting for the third Professor Layton title to hit the streets in their respective territories--it'll be released on Oct. 22 in the former and on Sept. 12 in the latter--their Japanese counterparts have had access to the game since late 2008.

Have the folks in Nintendo's European and North American offices spent the ensuing years on anything other than the game's translation? If the following images are any indication, they've at least tweaked the title's cover art.

Nintendo of Europe's makeover (below) is the most extreme--especially as it accompanies a rather confounding name change.

Nintendo of America's design (below), on the other hand, is a lot less dramatic.

So, which one do I prefer? I'd go with the North American design, hands down, if screenshots didn't obscure a third of it. Of course, I'd like the European cover a lot more if it sported the logo that appears on its North American counterpart.

I guess what I'm saying, then, is "neither." Not that it matters--I'd buy the game day one even if it were sold in a plain paper sleeve.

Pre-order: Professor and the Lost Future (for European gamers) or Professor and the Unwound Future (for North Americans)

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Incredibly cute? Check. Completely impractical? Check!

When I (finally) pick up a copy of Dragon Quest VIII later this year, I think I'll pick up one of Hori's slime controllers (below), too.

Sure, they're completely impractical, but they're so cute! And at $25 a pop, they're not all that expensive, either. Right? Right?!?

(This is where you politely nod and agree with me even if you think I'm crazy.)