Wednesday, July 14, 2010

'As accessible as Centipede and as complex as Defender'

On his company's website, Mike James says, "my wine is for anyone who spent time trying to save a princess or fit odd shaped blocks together."

That comment alone makes me want to buy a bottle or two (or four) of 8-Bit Vintners' Player 1, a Syrah-based blend of fruit from vineyards throughout the Columbia Valley, Wahluke Slope and Walla Walla Valley.

Another comment that makes me want to buy a few bottles of Player 1: The folks over at say James' wine "is as accessible and approachable as Centipede, but as complex and intriguing as Defender."

Speaking of, the web-based retailer is selling a four-pack of Player 1 for $49.99 (plus $7 shipping). Considering a single bottle of Player 1 usually goes for $18 (plus shipping), that's a pretty great deal.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

F-O-E! F-O-E! F-O-E!

If you had asked me a week ago which game I'd rather play, Dragon Quest IX or Etrian Odyssey, I'd have gone with the former without skipping a beat. Today, I'm not so sure--which says a lot about my (so far limited) experience with the latter.

Speaking of which, I've now spent enough time with Etrian Odyssey to fully appreciate the horror that goes by the name of FOE (or Foedus Obrepit Errabundus, which supposedly is Latin for "the vile, wandering one sneaks up"). Before I played it, I couldn't understand why so many gamers feared these creatures, which serve as the DS dungeon-crawler's mini-bosses. Now I do.

I also understand why the following YouTube video has received so many hits.

By the way, if you're like me and you have Etrian Odyssey on the brain, you may want to pre-order Etrian Odyssey III: The Drowned City. Folks who pre-order the game (at, say, out on Sept. 21--will receive Forests of Eternity, a 60-page art book that contains concept art pulled from the series.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Sweet mystery of life at last I've found you

If you've seen Young Frankenstein, you know which scene I'm referring to in the headline above. If not, may I suggest watching the following clip before continuing on?

So, which sweet mystery of life have I discovered? Why, Atlus' dungeon-crawling DS RPG, Etrian Odyssey. (The original, not the 2008 sequel.)

I bought this Kazuya Niinou-developed title (used, of course) ages ago but, as is all too often the case for me these days, I played it for a few minutes and then promptly put it away--until I returned from vacation early last week.

Well, I've been playing it ever since. Sure, it's not for everyone, but I can't get enough of item-and-loot-gathering grindfest.

Sadly, it's likely going to fall by the wayside again after my copy of Dragon Quest IX arrives in a few days. I won't leave it for long, though--it's too captivating and compelling for that.

See also: 'Two down, one to go' and 'I'm going to buy Etrian Odyssey III just so I can play as this character'

Friday, July 09, 2010

It ain't over until the fat Pithecanthropus Computerurus sings

More than 20 years after it was introduced in Japan, the PC Engine is still going strong--in the minds of its many fans.

Case in point: The inaugural issue of PC Engine Gamer, an online magazine that hit the Interwebs yesterday.

The 18-page publication (check it out here), produced by the folks behind the PC Engine Software Bible site, features reviews of Bikkuriman World and The Kung Fu, a top 10 list, tips and tricks and more.


Thursday, July 08, 2010

'I battle monsters in a fur poncho'

Will Seth Green help Nintendo of America sell a few million copies of Dragon Quest IX? We'll find out soon enough, as the game hits store shelves in the States on Sunday.

In the meantime, enjoy the latest TV ad starring the Buffy the Vampire Killer actor:

See also: 'Is this one of the multiplayer options in Dragon Quest IX?'