Sunday, June 20, 2010


You know how I mentioned (a few days ago) that this blog would soon sport a sparkly new header/banner? Well, here it is!

It was made by the bestest sister-in-law in the world. (Thanks again, Jan!) Isn't it fabulous?

By the way, the joystick-wielding "dude" (as my sister-in-law likes to call him) on the left side of the header is Takakazu Abe, meme-inspiring star of Junichi Yamakawa's one-shot bara manga, Kuso Miso Technique (link NSFW).

See also: 'Coming soon: a sparkly (literally) new header!'

Thursday, June 17, 2010

A sign of the apocalypse? My mom is obsessed with New Super Mario Bros.

My mom has had a DS for quite some time. She isn't much of a gamer, though--at least, not in the traditional sense. Until a few days ago, for example, her favorite games were Brain Age, CrossworDS and Tetris DS.

What happened a few days ago? Well, she picked up my copy of New Super Mario Bros. and gave it a go. She's been playing it ever since. (OK, she's taken time off to eat, sleep and play some Shanghai on her computer--but other than that she's been playing New Super Mario Bros.)

I've had to help her quite a bit--by telling her what the buttons and power-ups do, etc.--but I don't mind. I'm just glad she's moving, slowly but surely, beyond her "casual gamer" comfort zone.

See also: 'On the road again'

Coming soon: a sparkly (literally) new header!

Just a quick post to let all of you know that this blog will soon sport--thanks to my talented sister-in-law--a sparkly new banner/header.

Hopefully you'll like it. I know I do!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I've hit the jackpot

While digging around in the closet of my old bedroom (David, the hubs, and I are staying with my parents in McFarland, Wis., for the rest of the week), I was surprised to fing a slew of old video game systems: A Genesis, a SNES, a PlayStation, a Nintendo 64 and a GameGube. I knew the GameCube would be there waiting for my return, but I had completely forgotten about the others.

I also found a slew of old games, including a few PC Engine titles (the best of the bunch: a pristine copy of Final Match Tennis), a few SNES and Super Famicom titles (the Japanese versions of Final Fantasy V and VI will be making the return trip to Seattle) and a few PlayStation titles (nothing worth mentioning, unfortunately). Oh, and Paper Mario and The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time for the Nintendo 64.

Although most of said systems and games will be staying in Wisconsin for the time being, a select few will be accompanying me back to Seattle: The aforementioned PC Engine and Super Famicom titles, the GameCube system--oh, and a bunch of old gaming magazines (early issues of Electronic Gaming Monthly and Nintendo Power, mostly).

See also: 'On the road again'

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Is this where Masahiro Sakurai and company came up with the idea for Kirby's Epic Yarn?

Apparently the "Kirby made out of yarn" idea has been bouncing around in the brains of HAL Laboratory and Nintendo employees since the cute character's first console outing (Kirby's Adventure).

(Via NeoGAF)