Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Donkey Kong, Kid Icarus and Kirby? Oh my!

So, Nintendo unveiled a slew of games (and a system, too--the 3DS) during its E3 conference this morning, and you know what? The game that excited me the most was Kirby's Epic Yarn.

Sure, the name is a bit of an eye-roller (and you just know some oh-so-cool gamers are going to rename it Kirby's Epic Yawn), but who cares when the game looks like this:

(Click on this link to see the game in action.)

Unfortunately, the folks at Nintendo have yet to announce a release date--beyond "fall"--or a price for the title. Here's hoping it's released sooner rather than later and that it hits the streets with a $39.99 or even a $29.99 price tag.

Other titles that intrigued me: Donkey Kond Country Returns (coming to the Wii this holiday season--here's a trailer) and the new 3DS entries in the Animal Crossing, Kid Icarus, Mario Kart, Paper Mario, Pilotwings and Star Fox series.

Strangely, I was a bit disappointed by the actual 3DS system--I want two screens of the same size, dammit!--but I'm sure I'll get over that shortly.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

On the road again

The hubs and I are on vacation (actually, we've been on vacation since Thursday), so expect to see a few less posts than usual until we return home next Saturday evening.

In the meantime, why not check out some of the great sites listed along the right side of the screen?

Friday, June 11, 2010

This is *not* good news

At least, not for my husband :)

Anyway, the word on the street is that the ninjas at Nintendo are prepping a new entry in their popular Animal Crossing series for the soon-to-be-officially-announced 3DS system.

In fact, according to destructoid.com the game will be unveiled as a launch title for Nintendo's next handheld at the upcoming E3 event (to be held June 15-17).

Here's hoping Katsuya Eguchi and his team at Nintendo EAD bring some new and exciting ideas to the table this time around. Although I enjoyed Wild World and City Folk, both sequels could (and should) have been a lot more innovative.

See also: 'The game that got me to buy a ...'

Another day, another game that has me jonesing for a PS3 or Xbox 360

Taito's Space Invaders is the latest in a long line of classic arcade titles (see: Galaga Legions and Pac-Man Championship Edition) to get a modern makeover. The name of this particular (Square-Enix-published) re-imagining? Space Invaders Infinity Gene.

Here's a trailer for said game, which will hit PlayStation Network and Xbox Live Arcade sometime later this year:

See also: 'How did I miss this one? (Pac-Man Battle Royale edition)'

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

'Pokéflute of Time'

What would you get if you threw The Legend of Zelda and Pokémon into a blender? Seattle-based artist Maré Odomo seems to think this would be the result:

Here's a direct link to Odomo's creation, in case you'd like to download a larger version.

See also: 'Maré Odomo may be done with his 'Letters To An Absent Father' strips ...'