Wednesday, March 03, 2010

I've got a serious case of DS 'Phat' envy

Until recently, I considered the original design of the DS (aka the DS "Phat") to be downright ugly--due in large part (I think) to its tank-like boxiness.

Well, a switch in my brain must have been flipped in the last few days, because I now find the DS "Phat" design rather appealing. In fact, if I had the dough--and if I didn't want a DSi, too--I'd do my best to nab one off of eBay.

In a perfect world, I'd pick up a DS "Phat" that's been modded to look like those old Game & Watch machines (like this one). Of course, this Koopa Troopa-inspired design is pretty terrific, too:

Which DS design do you prefer: DS "Phat," DSlite, DSi or DSi LL/XL?  


I'm not so sure the following, NSFW-ish (if you're not wearing headphones) video is genuine, but it doesn't really matter. What does matter is that it made me laugh out loud (you know, the real-life version of LOL) a few minutes ago.

I can't laugh at this guy too heartily, though, because I know that if Mario Kart Wii (and webcams) had existed back when I was a teen I would have embarrassed myself in a similar fashion following a particularly brutal online race. Or not.

Did hell freeze over last night?

I ask because that's when I finished a game--and, well, I guess I assumed hell would freeze over before that happened.

So, which game did I finish? Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo's Dungeon.

It took me just over 32 hours, by the way. About 30 minutes of that time was spent watching the title's painfully boring closing credit roll. I sat through it, though, because I knew a number of post-game dungeons would open up afterward. 

After I conquer those dungeons, I think I'll tackle another Final Fantasy spin-off that I started (but never completed) long ago--Final Fantasy IV: The After Years.

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Games that have withstood the test of time

A few hours ago, the retronauts folks asked the following question via Twitter: Which one game do you think best withstands the test of time to be as great today as it was when it first launched?

My response:

Other games that I believe have withstood the test of time: Bubble Bobble (and its sequels, Rainbow Islands and Parasol Stars), Donkey Kong and Donkey Kong Jr., Final Fantasy VVI and Tactics, Ms. Pac-Man, Tetris, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past and the first three Super Mario Bros. titles. (OK, throw Super Mario World in there, too.)

So, the question is: Which titles do you guys and gals believe have withstood the test of time?

Monday, March 01, 2010

I'm guessing this was a precursor to the propeller suit?

If so, I have just one thing to say to Shigeru Miyamoto: What in the hell were you thinking?

The propeller suit introduced in New Super Mario Bros. Wii is nice and all, but it in no way compares to the awesomeness of this:

No, your eyes aren't deceiving you. What you see in the image above is Mario
(and two of his toad-ish companions) in a chicken suit!

The image above was included in a recent Nintendo of Japan recruitment pamphlet, by the way. Additional images from this pamphlet can be found here.

(Thanks to NeoGAF's mehdi_san for scanning and sharing this and other images.)

See also: 'Alternate New Super Mario Bros. Wii box art and 'Tingle tank' FTW'