Thursday, February 11, 2010

Next up: Saturn!

I can't believe I missed this when it happened three months ago: Noby Noby Boy's "Girl" has reached Saturn!

No worries if you haven't the foggiest idea as to what that means.

Basically, Noby Noby Boy is an artsy-fartsy (in a good way) PS3 title that was created by Keita Takahashi--aka the brainchild (some would say mad man) behind the similarly wondrous and WTF-ish Katamari Damacy.

Although the point of the game is for players to stretch their worm-like avatar (called "Boy") as much as possible, a secondary goal is for them to stretch his female counterpart ("Girl") until she reaches the edge of the universe. (I know that doesn't make much sense. Just go with it.) Oh, and new environments open up each time Girl reaches a new planet.

Here's a look at the environment that was unlocked when Girl reached Saturn:

I know, it's weird. Very weird. Still, I can't help but be drawn to it. In fact, I'll probably buy it--along with the similarly strange LocoRoco Cocoreccho!--the same day I pick up a PS3.

See also: 'I'd buy this PSP in a heartbeat ...' and '15-pixel PaRappa the Rapper'

'Turnip Murder'

A pretty appropriate title for the following piece of art, don't you think?

My favorite part: The creepy-as-all-get-out Shy Guys.

A 9-inch-by-12-inch version of the image can be found on the artist's (Winona Nelson) website, by the way, so if you're really diggin' it and you'd like to hang it somewhere in your home, head on over to when you have a second.


I may be a bit sick of zombie games, but ...

... I'd still buy Halfbrick Studios' Age of Zombies, which hits the PlayStation Store on Feb. 25 (for $4.99)--if I had a PSP (or a PS3).

I think that's due to the fact that the undead on display in the following trailer are so darn cute.

It doesn't hurt that the game gives off a Robotron-meets-Zombies Ate My Neighbors kinda vibe, as's David Hinkle recently put it.

Oh, well, I'll just add Age of Zombies to my ever-growing PSP wish list...

See also: 'What would Left 4 Dead look (and sound and play) like if it were released for the NES?'

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

OK, I officially hate the folks at Namco Bandai

Why? They sent the following Muscle March-ified Wii to and not to me, that's why.

Destructoid is planning to give this wondrous Wii to someone willing to pose like one of the Muscle March characters in a public setting, so I guess it's possible it'll end up where it belongs (with me)--but I'm not going to bet on it.

Anyway, go here to learn more about the contest. Oh, and if any of you should enter the contest, send me a copy of the photo you submitted so I can post it here.

See also: 'The folks at Namco Bandai really know how to hurt a guy's feelings'

Sure, I'd pose in a Muscle March Speedo--but I'd rather drop dead than play a game in a banana suit

That said, I'm glad WiiFolder's Josh Thomas was willing to do the latter while demoing the recently released Super Monkey Ball: Step & Roll.

Sadly, I can't seem to figure out how to embed the videos that show Josh in said suit, so if you'd like to see them for yourself (and, believe me, you do), you'll have to click on over to

This all begs the question: What crazy things could I do to draw more readers (and more commenters) to this lonely little blog? As always, I'm all ears.

Buy: Super Monkey Ball: Step & Roll