Thursday, December 03, 2009

You can handle one more trailer, right?

The folks at GoodbyeGalaxyGames actually posted this trailer--for the upcoming DSi game, Flipper--to their YouTube channel about a month ago, but I'm a bit slow on the uptake these days and didn't know about it until today.

I don't know about you, but I'm really digging the look of this game. It looks like those bright and blocky games we loved back in the 8-bit days, but in 3D. Now I just have to get me a DSi...

Another trailer for you

Sorry to throw so many trailers at you today. I just couldn't help myself after I saw this one over at GoNintendo:

Some good games are shown off in that trailer--namely BurgerTime and Caveman Ninja--but I'm a bit disappointed by the distinct lack of Peter Pepper's Ice Cream Factory footage.

Hopefully it'll be among the 15 "classic" games promised to folks who purchase the final product (which supposedly will be released in January)?

First Classic Dungeon (PSP) footage looks ... classic

That's it. Sometime early next year I'm going to buy myself a PSP. Too many appealing games have been released (or are going to be released) for Sony's portly-yet-portable system for me to ignore it anymore.

Case in point, Nippon Ichi's soon-to-be-released (in Japan, at least) Classic Dungeon:

I mean, really, what's not to love? There's even an option to choose 8-bit-ified (that's a technical term) music to go along with the 8-bit-ish (another technical term) graphics.

Count me in for a copy should some brave company decide to bring it to our shores :)

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Namco Bandai *finally* announces an American release for Muscle March

My prayers have been answered!

The folks over at just posted an "announcement trailer" that touts the American release of Namco Bandai's bizarrely homoerotic WiiWare title, Muscle March.

The trailer doesn't mention when the game will be hitting our shores, but G4TV's Stephen Johnson mentions in an article about the much-anticipated announcement that it will arrive sometime "this winter." (He also mentions 2010, so I'm guessing it will be released within the first few months of next year.)

I've already saved up my 800-1000 Nintendo points (I can't imagine it'll cost any more than that). How about you?

Now playing: Order Up! (Wii)

You know how I said that I bought a copy of Chulip as a birthday present for myself? Well, I bought another game at the same time: Order Up! for the Wii.

I know it seems like a random purchase, but it isn't. I've been interested in the game ever since I read a review that compared it favorably to the Japanese PSone classic, Ore no Ryouri.

Anyway, the mailman delivered the game a few hours ago and I just finished playing through the tutorial.

My early impressions: I already like it better than the two Cooking Mama games that have been released for the Wii. It uses an art style that is easy on the eyes and well suited to the Wii, it controls well (better than Cooking Mama, certainly) and it features lots of well done voice work.

I'll spend some more time with it this weekend (after I finish New Super Mario Bros. Wii, of course), but I can tell already that my $20 were well spent.