Tuesday, December 01, 2009

If you own a DS, get your ass to Amazon NOW!

I just discovered, thanks to a post over at tinycartridge.com, that Rhythm Heaven--one of the best games released for the DS this year, in my not-so-humble opinion--is on sale for $9.98 at Amazon.com.

So, if you have a DS and you don't yet have this game, get your ass over to everyone's favorite online retailer and buy it NOW! I promise, you won't be disappointed--unless, of course, you hate having fun.

(While you're there, you may want to pick up a copy of the similarly wonderful Elite Beat Agents, too, as it's on sale for just $5.75.)

Surprise, surprise: Conservatives up in arms over 'dirty gay sex' scenes in Dragon Age: Origins

Actually, it isn't surprising at all. What is surprising is that it's taken them this long to make a stink about it.

Anyway, various conservative news sites (such as WorldNetDaily) are warning their readers that BioWare's recently released (for PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360) Dragon Age: Origins features "graphic homosexual sex between a man and an elf."

Click through to the WorldNetDaily article for more information on the "secret scene of homosexual seduction" that is causing a stir, or just watch this YouTube clip:

I don't know which scene the WorldNetDaily writer watched, but I'd hardly describe the one above as "graphic." Of course, I'd hardly describe it as "hot," either, given that the man and elf in question look more like mannequins than real people.

Oh, well, to each his own. Right? :)

My 300th post!

Honestly, I can't believe this blog has lasted as long as it has. I have no idea how long I'll be able to keep it going, but I can assure you I'll do my best to keep it going as long as possible. Thanks to everyone who has visited!

From interviewer to interviewee

I've interviewed a lot of people in the past 10 or so years, but I've rarely been interviewed myself. Which is why I was a bit tickled when, just before Thanksgiving, I received an e-mail from a student at Northwestern University's Medill School of Journalism.

The student said he was working on an article about the changing attitudes toward LGBT characters in video games and, because of the articles I've written for The Advocate and other publications, he'd like to ask me a few questions related to the subject.

I know how difficult it can be to get people on the phone, especially when you're a student, so I agreed to talk with him whenever he's free. Of course, I have yet to receive a response so it may never happen. If it does, I'll see if he'll let me post the final product--or least the portions that include my quotes :)

Happy birthday to me :)

I've been eyeing up (virtually, via Amazon) the quirky PS2 title, Chulip, for some time, so when my birthday came around last week I bought a copy as a gift to myself. It arrived yesterday, but I won't be playing it--or even opening it--until I wrap up New Super Mario Bros. Wii.

I'll share some impressions here after I've spent some time with the title, which may be the weirdest game to hit the PS2 (or any system, really). Don't believe me? Check out this description, taken from Natsume's official Chulip site:

"You and your father have just moved into a rural town famous for an ancient legend. It's been said that whoever kisses underneath the old tree on the hill will be destined to live happily ever after. With your eyes set on a girl living in a nearby pipe, you set out on your quest. Filled with a new determination, you've sworn to yourself that you'll do whatever it takes to kiss this charming little girl underneath the ancient tree and spend the rest of your life with her."

Please note that the object of the main character's affection lives in a pipe. Oh, and he gets her to return his affection by kissing everyone else in town.

Anyone interested in learning more about Chulip should check out the interview (with director Yoshirou Kimura) and review posted to 1up.com around the time of the title's Stateside release in 2007.