Monday, October 19, 2009

OK, so I'm a bit obsessed with 3D Dot Game Heroes

Quite a few PS3 games have captured my attention in the past few years (Katamari Forever, Little Big Planet and Valkyria Chronicles, especially), but none of them have piqued my interest enough to get me to plop down $299 on the system.

3D Dot Game Heroes may be the game that pushes me over the edge--assuming it's released in the U.S., of course. I mean, how could I *not* want a PS3 after watching this trailer:

Another reason my knees give out on me when I think about this game: The images on the loading screens parody/recreate the box art of a number of classic 8-bit and 16-bit titles, including Castlevania, Dragon Quest, Mega Man and Street Fighter II.

I know who I'm dressing up as next Halloween...

I won't be dressing up as anyone this Halloween, as I'll be on vacation (yay!), but next year I may dress up as Princess Peach just to mess with everyone's heads :)

As such, I'll have to save the link to this article, which details some of the best and worst Princess Peach costumes around.

Full disclosure: I've never dressed up as a video game character for Halloween, though I've dressed as a woman quite a few times. Last year, in fact, I dressed up as Sinead O'Connor--mainly because I had just shaved my head.

Friday, October 16, 2009

I want Chris Kohler's life

OK, maybe that's pushing things a bit, but I certainly envy the guy in charge of the Game Life section of

Case in point:  The recent article, "Broke in Tokyo: Excavating 10 Weird Games for $10."

In it, Kohler works his way through the crowded game shops of Tokyo's Akihabara district in the hopes of finding 10 games for $10 (or roughly 1,000 yen).

It should go without saying that not all of Kohler's finds are long-lost treasures. In fact, most of them seem to be buried-for-a-reason trash.

Still, the article is well worth your time if you're a retro-gaming geek like I am. Oh, and if you read the article above and find it interesting, you'll probably enjoy this one too.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Five favorites: portable platformers

Truth be told, I prefer to play platformers on a TV. There are moments when that isn't possible, though--and in those moments I pull out my trusty GameBoy Advance (or DS, depending on the situation) and insert one of the following cartridges.

1. Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3 (GameBoy)--I know Wario's first solo outing isn't considered by many to be his best, but for some reason it's the one I turn to whenever I need my Wario fix. That said, you can't go wrong by playing any of the Wario Land games that appeared on the GameBoy (or the one that appeared on the Virtual Boy, from what I've been told).

2. Balloon Kid (GB)/Balloon Fight GB (GB Color)--Let's count the reasons I keep coming back to this long-lost gem: 1) It's about a girl who has to rescue a boy, 2) it's no walk in the park (in fact, it's pretty damn difficult--take that, Super Princess Peach), and 3) it inverts the left-to-right progression that has become a platforming cliche. (Oh, and it features some fab tunes courtesy of Hirokazu "Hip" Tanaka.) In other words, it's a portable platformer that's well worth your time, too.

3. Donkey Kong (GB Color)--Considering the quality of this title, it's crazy that Nintendo hasn't remade it once or even twice. (Actually, it seems they planned on releasing a remake of sorts, titled Donkey Kong Plus, for the GameBoy Advance, but canned it in favor of the similar-but-not-quite-the-same Mario vs. Donkey Kong.) Until they do, I'll be playing this classic platformer-puzzler combo on a regular basis.

4. Drill Dozer (GameBoy Advance)--Well, well, well ... what do we have here? Another platformer with a female protagonist--and it doesn't suck! Actually, it's the complete opposite of sucky. Like the aforementioned Balloon Kid, Drill Dozer turns the platformer genre on its ear, although this game accomplishes that feat with a gigantic drill instead of a bunch of balloons.(Fun fact: This developer of this title, Game Freak, also develops Nintendo's Pokémon games.)

5. Kirby Canvas Curse (DS)--When the crew over at reviewed this title, they called it "the DS's first great game." The guys and gals at, on the other hand, hailed it as "incredibly innovative." Unfortunately, the critical acclaim didn't have much of an affect on consumer interest and it sold less than 150,000 copies (in the U.S.) in its first two months. If you see a copy (new or used) out in the wild, do yourself and your DS a favor and pick it up--you'll be glad you did.

As the kids like to say: "All over my face!"

A new-and-improved trailer for the soon-to-be-released New Super Mario Bros. Wii has hit the Web, and all I can in response to it is "wow."

Watch it for yourself and then share your reaction in the comments section below, if that's your thing:

In other news related to Nintendo's main man, the folks over at just posted an article that includes some choice quotes (from creator Shigeru Miyamoto) about the game's multiplayer focus.

My favorite: "At E3, somebody asked, 'is New Super Mario Bros. Wii going to be as easy as New Super Mario Bros. was on DS?' I think I said that it wouldn't be as easy. What we've created this time is in fact pretty difficult."