Friday, March 16, 2007

What do you think: Are video games art?

Today's a great has just published my second feature article, which looks to answer the question "are games art?"

I spoke to a number of wonderful developers for this piece: Ian Bogost (Persuasive Games), Denis Dyack (Silicon Knights), Peter Molyneux (Lionhead Studios) Tim Schafer (Double Fine Productions) and Santiago Siri (Three Melons).

They had a lot to say about this age-old question, so if you have a minute, give it the once-through. Let me know what you think about it--and let me know what you think about the question ("are games art?") as well.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

FF Tactics remake to include online battles

A number of great sites have reported this already, but when it comes to news about anything related to Final Fantasy Tactics old news is still good news.

Apparently the PSP retooling of the classic Square-Enix SRPG will be featuring online multiplayer battles.

Players start off by setting up options like trap placement or removal. Once battles begin, each side is given a set number of moves--if one player fails to defeat the other by the time the moves have been used up, the game ends in a draw.

Probably not a feature I'd use, but it's interesting nonetheless!

Explore a treasure-filled island on your Wii

Capcom is finally ready to jump into the warm waters of the Wii with a game called Treasure Island Z.

According to JeuxFrance, the game is being directed by Eiichirou Sasaki (Resident Evil: Outbreak) and produced by Hironobu Takeshita (Ultimate Ghosts' N Goblins) and is about 30 percent complete.

Not a whole lot is known about how the game will play, though the folks at JeuxFrance say the Wiimote will be used to help solve puzzles.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Possibly coming soon: Zelda II

The folks at GoNintendo (and many other gaming sites and forums) have found some evidence that Nintendo's not-so-classic first sequel to The Legend of Zelda (that's The Adventure of Link to the uninitiated) may be coming soon to the Wii Virtual Console.

Apparently the game has shown its face to savvy Internet denizens who look at the Wii's Shop Channel using the Firefox browser on a normal PC (or something like that). All I know is that the process has predicted which games will show up on "VC Mondays" in the past, so I'm guessing the same will hold true this time.

I have distinct memories of nearly finishing this game as a kid. I was almost to the end when I got the flu. My older brother finished it for me as I watched, and I never picked up the game again. This time hopefully I'll complete the deed!

Koei prepping a game that doesn't involve the Dynasty Warriors!

Speaking of media coups, scored a "get" today by revealing that Japanese developer Koei is working on a Wii game that doesn't involve its ubiquitous Dynasty Warriors franchise.

The game, known as Opoona, follows the title character as he travels across colonies to find out what's happened to his missing family.

Opoona's most interesting feature is that it requires just one hand to play--and that one hand will be grasping the nunchuck attachment and not the Wii remote, as is usually the case.

A few screenshots have popped up that depict the game as brightly colored and more than slightly cute--right in line with the audience generally targeted by Nintendo itself.