Showing posts with label whining. Show all posts
Showing posts with label whining. Show all posts

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Maybe I won't sell my Xbox 360 after all

As I mentioned during the most recent episode of The Nichiest Podcast Ever, I've been giving serious consideration to selling my good ol' Xbox 360 as of late.

The fact is, I don't play it that often. Also, I haven't bought many games for it since I acquired it a year and a half ago. (True story: I've picked up just one retail release so far, that being Deadly Premonition.)

So, with the 3DS quickly gaining a foothold in my brain, the PS3 still occupying my dreams and the soon-to-be-released Wii U doing its best to nudge its way into my life too, I've been wondering for a while now why I don't sell my Xbox 360 to someone who would give it the attention it deserves.

The problem is, of course, that selling it likely wouldn't provide me with much of a windfall. Also, all of the money I spent on XBLA and XBLIG games basically would flow down the drain, as I wouldn't be able to include those titles in the sale of my system.

As such, I'm back to thinking I'll hold on to it. And it's not like doing so would be the end of the world. I've got a ton of great digital games that I'd hardly say have been overplayed thus far, after all. (I'm looking at you, Castle Crashers. And you, too, Epic Dungeon.)

Also, there are a number of both digital and retail games that I'd still like to pick up--games such as BayonettaBlue DragonCatherineOtomedius Excellent (maaaayyybe), Space Channel 5: Part 2 HD and Terraria.

What do all of you think? Do you think I'm making the right decision or am I making a horrible mistake?

Friday, September 23, 2011

For those of you wondering: Yes, I'm still waiting for my copy of Xenoblade Chronicles to arrive

I just noticed that this post--"My copy of Xenoblade Chronicles has been 'despatched'"--is getting a lot of hits this week. I'm guessing that's because some of you are eagerly awaiting my impressions of this import-only Wii title?

Unfortunately, it has yet to show up on my doorstep--despite the fact that it was "despatched" over a month ago. (On Aug. 15, to be exact.) I can't really complain, though, as I knew before placing my order that The Hut Group has a history of painfully slow shipments.

That said, here's hoping my copy of Xenoblade Chronicles is still meandering its way across the ocean and hasn't been lost or otherwise "mishandled"...

See also: Previous Xenoblade/Xenoblade Chronicles posts

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

So, you mean I can stop cursing Nintendo of America now?

The brass at Nintendo have made some strange decisions in recent years regarding the worldwide (or not) release of their games.

One example: Their decision to release games like Another Code: R, Disaster: Day of Crisis and Fatal Frame IV: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse in Japan--and Europe, in the case of the first two titles--but not in North America. (Maybe they think Americans are anti-colon when it comes to game titles?)

Another example: Their decision to preload their "special edition" red Wii systems with a 25th anniversary edition of Super Mario Bros. in Japan and Donkey Kong: Original Edition in Europe--and a big, fat nothing in North America.

Honestly, I'd run out and buy one of the red Wiis that are currently available in North America right now if it included a copy of Donkey Kong: Original Edition--despite the fact that I already own a Wii and I'd rather save that money to buy a few Famicom or PC Engine games (or maybe a PS3 or an Xbox 360).

As that isn't the case, I've spent way too much of my time cursing Nintendo of America since the red Wii was released--sans Donkey Kong: Original Edition--on Nov. 7.

Well, all of that cursing ended last night (for the most part) when I discovered that someone recently ripped the game from his/her European Wii and posted it on line. (The version I found seems to be playable on any Famicom/NES emulator.)

Don't worry, I'll hand over whatever the folks at Nintendo of America decide to charge for the game should they ever get the go-ahead to put it on their Virtual Console service.

Until that time, though, I'll enjoy playing it--using FCE Ultra GX--on my homebrew-enabled Wii.

See also: 'Cement pie'

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Looks like it's time to get a DSi

Don't worry, David (my husband), I'm not talking about getting a DSi myself. Yet. ;)

No, this piece of news is for everyone else who has yet to buy a DSi. Basically, Nintendo of America will soon (on April 25) start selling--through "select U.S. retailers"--a new bundle that will include a white DSi and a copy of Mario & Luigi: Bowser’s Inside Story.

The whole shebang will set you back $169.99.

Honestly, I'd snap one up in a second if I wasn't (still) waiting for Nintendo of America to release this here DSi:

Photo courtesy of [cipher].

See also: 'I'm seeing red (or, at least, that's the color I'd like to be seeing)' and 'This is why I want a DSi'

Monday, March 29, 2010

I'm seeing red (or, at least, that's the color I'd like to be seeing)

Why? Well, it seems every gamer in the world can buy a red DSi system if he or she so chooses--unless said gamer lives in North America, that is.

Japanese gamers got the shiny, cherry-colored DSi last July (the same day they got Dragon Quest IX), for instance, while their European counterparts got the system in late October.

Even South Koreans--who have yet to experience the camera-enhanced, dual-screened system--will be getting it before me and my fellow North Americans. (It'll be released in that territory alongside MapleStory DS on April 15.)

Will Nintendo of America ever bring this candy-apple-esque system to the States? I sure hope so--though I wouldn't mind if they waited until I can actually afford it.
