Showing posts with label vacation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vacation. Show all posts

Monday, February 15, 2016

My gaming goals for this Presidents' Day

Since 1968, the United States has recognized the third Monday of February as a holiday.

Officially, what's being celebrated is George Washington's birthday. Despite that, the day often is referred to as Presidents' Day.

Why am I using this post's opening lines to offer up a lesson in American history? Because this holiday--regardless of what it's called--has provided me with an extra day off of work, that's why.

I want to do all sorts of things during this "lazy Monday," of course, and a good number of them are related to gaming. Specifically, I hope to:

* stick one of the 16GB memory cards I received as Christmas gifts into my pink-and-white Vita and then download all of the digital games I've had to ignore since that system arrived on my doorstep about a year ago

* finally transfer the contents of my gold Pokémon Center 3DS LL to the Japanese New 3DS I bought in late September

* buy Minna de Mamotte Knight: Hime no Tokemeki Rhapsody (aka Protect Me Knight 2) and Majo to Yuusha (the first Witch & Hero) from the Japanese eShop

If you're wondering why I'm buying another copy of Witch & Hero (I've owned the North American version for ages now), that would be because the sequel is due out in Japan on Feb. 17, and I--rather stupidly, I admit--want both games to reside on the same 3DS system.

Aside from that, I've got to admit I'm more than a bit terrified I'll screw up the 3DS LL-to-New 3DS transfer and wind up with a pair of borked handhelds. Here's hoping the YouTube videos I've dug up on the subject and Nintendo of America's own support info will save me from that tragedy.

Anyway, that's how I'm planning to do during my Presidents' Day. If you also have today off of work, for whatever reason, how are you going to spend it?

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Shall We Do It? (I'm back in Seattle, and back to sashaying my way through Bravely Default)

Some of you may have noticed that I've published fewer posts than usual over the last two weeks. Don't worry, this recent dip in output has had nothing to do with a corresponding dip in my blogging interest or anything like that. Rather, it had to do with my husband and I traveling to Palm Springs, California, to take in a little sun and a lot of professional tennis. (A few photos of both experiences can be seen here, if you're interested.)

Sadly, we're back in Seattle now, which means I'm not only back to publishing blog posts five or six times a week but I'm also back to playing as many video games as I'm able. (Although I took my North American 3DS XL with me, I barely touched it during our week-plus vacation.)

It also means, of course, that I'm back to playing Bravely Default--a game that had nabbed more than 40 hours of my life before Palm Springs et al stole my attention.

Anyway, last time I checked in, I was just about to complete this 3DS RPG's fourth chapter, right? Well, I finally did just that in the days before my recent travels began. Currently, I'm meandering my way through the game's controversial fifth chapter.

I don't want to spoil for any latecomers what happens at this juncture in the game, so all I'll say here is that initially it had me rolling my eyes. I've since moved past my annoyance, thankfully, and I'm now back to mostly enjoying the experience.

I say mostly, of course, because I'm still a bit irked by this game's obsession with conversation. Every time someone starts speaking, my eyes glaze over. I feel kind of bad admitting that, as clearly a number of people spent a lot of time localizing Bravely Default's text, but I can't help but wish they'd simply removed, rather than translated, a good portion of it.

Other than that, though, I'm liking it well enough and I'm curious as to where this journey is going to take me in subsequent chapters.

Oh, one thing I should have mentioned earlier: in the days leading up to my vacation, I gained access to the game's "vampire" job--which, of course, caused me to obsessively scour the globe in search of "genome abilities." (The vampire job in Bravely Default is a lot like the "blue mage" one in Final Fantasy V, for those of you who've played the latter. And for those of you who haven't played it, the vampire occupation enables party members in Bravely Default to learn certain moves and spells from enemies.)

With that done, I completed the chapter and ... continued obsessively scouring the globe in search of genome abilities. (This will make a lot more sense once you've gotten to this part of the game, believe me.)

I've also been completing the other tasks that are required of players in chapter five, mind you, so it isn't like my last five to 10 hours with the game have been a total waste of time.

Aside from that, I'm not sure what else to say about Bravely Default at the moment--other than I'm kind of looking forward to finishing it so I can start playing Yoshi's New Island and a bunch of other games that have fallen into my lap in the last couple of weeks. (More on those in an upcoming post or two, of course).

In the meantime, are any of you still plugging away at Bravely Default? If so, what is your current opinion of it? And if not, what games are you playing instead?

See also: previous 'Shall We Do It?' posts

Monday, November 12, 2012

Cruise with me baby

I'm not entirely sure why, but I've rarely shared any photos of myself here or on Twitter. Of course, I also rarely share them on Facebook or Flickr, so maybe I'm just not a "share photos of myself with the masses" kind of guy.

Still, after seeing the photos my sister-in-law snapped of me and my husband, David, during out recent cruise, I felt compelled to share a few of them here. Hopefully you'll get a kick out of them.

And if not? Well, things will return to normal tomorrow morning. I promise.

This photo (above) was taken while our ship, the Island Princess, made its way through a segment of the Panama Canal. Why am I so peppy, you ask? I'm guessing it's because I was on my third soda of the day--and it was only 10 am.

In this photo, David and I are demonstrating our prowess (or not) at paddle tennis. I'm pretty sure we were the only people on the entire ship (of just under 2,000 passengers) to try our hands at this rather idiotic sport.

Do you see the look on David's face in the photo above? That's the face of a guy who has beaten his husband at ping pong (or "table tennis," if that's how you roll) in 1,000 out of 1,024 matches. Sigh.

Me and the hubs working on our tans (or not) in Aruba. You can't really tell by looking at this photo, but I was sweating like a pig at the time. What can I say? My body was meant for cooler temps.

I don't know about you, but I think this last photo should be used to promote tourism in Aruba.

So, there you have it: 10 days of fun whittled down to five photographs. Do you feel as though you know me a bit better as a result? Probably not, but at least now you know I'm an actual human being and not just a NSFW bara manga character.

Monday, November 05, 2012

I'm baaaaaaaaack

Those of you who follow me on Twitter already know this, and some of the rest of you likely figured it out for other reasons, but for everyone else: I just returned from a two-week vacation that took me and my husband from Seattle to Aruba, Colombia, Costa Rica, Grand Cayman, Panama and back again (via the "Island Princess" cruise ship).

Don't worry, I'm not trying to brag. I'm only bringing it up because I'm guessing a portion of you guys and gals noticed that things were a bit "off" around here during the last two weeks (I rarely Tweeted, I didn't comment on any recent announcements, etc.) and I wanted to make sure you know things will get back to normal as of today.

I also wanted to touch on a few of the aforementioned announcements that I typically would have talked about had I not been sleeping in, stuffing my face and otherwise chillaxing aboard the Internet-challenged Island Princess. Speaking of which, here are the gaming-related announcements that have caught my eye since we returned home on Friday evening:

* Animal Crossing's 3DS sequel finally gets a North American subtitle: "New Leaf"--Well, it's certainly better than "Jump Out," isn't it? Still, it sounds a bit odd. Not that I really care; I would have pre-ordered it even if Nintendo had decided to call it Animal Crossing 3DS.

Daigasso! Band Brothers to make a triumphant return in 2013--During the latest Japanese Nintendo Direct broadcast, Satoru Iwata (with a little help from Barbara the Bat) revealed that another entry in this series of portable music games is being prepped for the 3DS and will see the light of day (in Japan) sometime next year. Which means I have to get off my butt and buy a Japanese 3DS pronto.

* The Denpa Men 2 is coming to North America, too--Unfortunately, the folks at Genius Sonority have yet to say when me and my countrymen (and countrywomen) will be getting our grubby little hands on this follow-up to the 3DS eShop title that has attracted more than 40 hours of my attention so far, but that's OK. After all, they haven't even released the original in Europe yet. Still, I hope The Denpa Men 2 earns a spot in our region's eShop sooner rather than later.

* Dragon Quest VII remake 3DS-bound--And not only that, but it'll be released in February. In Japan only for the moment, of course. Not much information has been released about this effort thus far, but what has been released suggests it will be a full, polygonal remake of Square Enix's two-disc PlayStation RPG. Anyway, here's hoping this Dragon Quest title doesn't get stuck in Japan like Dragon Quest Monsters: Terry's Wonderland 3D and Slime MoriMori Dragon Quest 3 did.

* The pink-and-white 3DS XL will see a stateside release in a few weeks--Can you believe it? I honestly thought Nintendo of America would wait until February (you know, for Valentine's Day) to bring this beauty of a system to our shores. Does this mean I'm getting one? I guess you'll have to wait and see. ( seems to be the only place you can purchase this system right now, by the way.)

So, did I miss anything? If so, please let me know. Also, let me know what you think of any or all of the tidbits discussed above.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Me on a swing

To those of you who came here expecting to see me in a sling: Sorry.

To the rest of you: Enjoy this rare glimpse of my rear end!

This photo was shot--by my sister-in-law--during our recent family vacation, by the way. All six of us were walking through a park (I think) in Leaven- worth, Wash., when we came upon a swing set. Being the juveniles that were are, David (the hubs) and I raced toward and jumped into the swings. Thankfully we didn't break either of them!

Since the photo above doesn't show my face, I'll share one that does. I'm all the way on the left, wearing the same outfit seen in the first pic (hopefully both photos were taken on the same day?), while my mom is over my right shoulder, my dad is over my left shoulder (in the baseball cap) and David's dad is all the way to the right, shrouded in shade.

So, there you have it. I know none of the above has anything to do with gaming, but I thought some of you might be interested all the same.

Monday, March 14, 2011

I have a confession ...

I wasn't busy with work last week. In reality, I was in Hawaii (Kauai, specifically) on vacation.

Sorry for lying. I did it because someone (*cough* my sister-in-law Jan *cough*) made me feel paranoid about telling people via the Interwebs that David (the hubs) and I were going on vacation. I wanted to warn all of you that things would be a bit slow while I was gone, though, so I fibbed and said I was overrun with work.

Anyway, we're back, so expect things to return to normal this week.