Showing posts with label unboxing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label unboxing. Show all posts

Saturday, October 19, 2013

It. Hath. Shipped.

Those of you who follow me on Twitter (ahem) already know this--well, assuming you were paying attention yesterday afternoon--but for those of you who don't: my gold Pokémon Center 3DS LL has shipped!

Sadly, it's not supposed to show up on my doorstep until late next week. So, I've got a good few days of impatient finger tapping ahead of me before I get my hands on this gorgeous (in my opinion) handheld.

In the meantime, I thought I'd share the following unboxing video of the very same system, in case any of you are curious to see it in the flesh:

Something that I learned from the video above: the gold Pokémon Center 3DS LL has a shiny surface, much like the red and blue Pokémon X and Y 3DS XLs that just hit Europe and North America.

I'm OK with that, although I have to admit I was expecting it to have a matte finish like most other LLs and XLs.

Anyway, expect to see a bunch of photos of my own Pokémon Center 3DS LL shortly after it arrives on my doorstep.

See also: 'Reason #407 I could be considered an 'eccentric' (aka bat-sh*t crazy) gamer: I recently bought a gold Pokémon Center 3DS LL'

Thursday, January 31, 2013

And once again I'm hoping the Animal Crossing-branded 3DS XL is brought to North America

Informal poll: who believes the awesome, Animal Crossing-branded 3DS XL (a few photos of it can be seen here and here) that was released in Japan late last year will see the light of day in Europe or North America in 2013?

Personally, I'm with the non-believers in this case. My main reason: if memory serves, Nintendo has released just two limited edition 3DS models outside of Japan so far (those being the Pikachu-themed XL that recently landed in Europe and the black-and-gold one that commemorated the 25th anniversary of The Legend of Zelda in 2011)--although a third will hit the streets alongside Fire Emblem: Awakening's launch.

Still, that's a pretty bad track record when you consider how many special edition 3DS systems have found their way onto Japanese store shelves over the last few years.

Anyway, I hope I'm wrong, as this particular 3DS XL looks awesome in every way.

Speaking of which, the writing of this post was prompted by the video that can be seen above (and here).

I have no idea what the effervescent guy who serves as its star is saying, of course, but I think his enthusiasm for his new acquisition comes through loud and clear.

(Via apricotsushi)

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Stomp on my heart a little harder, why don't you?

True story: For about a week in early October, I was the proud, er, "pre-owner" of one of the Animal Crossing-branded 3DS LL systems that just hit store shelves in Japan.

I eventually canceled my pre-order, though, because, well, I just couldn't deal with the idea of spending $400-plus on a handheld--even one as fabulous-looking as this one.

Anyway, I felt pretty good about that decision until I came across the unboxing video below (and here) the other day. Now I'm back to wishing I'd emptied my bank account just so I could stare at--or, you know, use--one of these beauties whenever I felt like it.

Is anyone else shocked by how small this system's box is, by the way? I know it doesn't include an AC adapter or charging cradle, but I'm still a bit surprised.

Unboxing videos not your thing? You may want to check out the "gratuitous Animal Crossing 3DS LL/XL photo shoot" over at the Chic Pixel blog then. (Yes, that means Anne just got an Animal Crossing 3DS LL and, yes, that means I'm more jealous of her than I've ever been before.)

So, what do you think the chances are that Nintendo of America, Australia and Europe will bring this system to their respective regions? Yeah, I'm thinking "slim to none," too.

Wednesday, October 03, 2012

In the flesh: PINK x WHITE 3DS LL

I wish I could say I filmed the unboxing video seen below (and here), but, alas, I didn't. Who knows, though, maybe I'll be able to make my own before the year is over?

The question is: Will my unboxing video focus on a Japanese or a North American pink-and-white 3DS XL/LL?

Actually, after the pair of "Chotto Nintendo Direct" presentations (this one announced a trio of new 3DS LL color variations, while this one revealed that a number of previously released retail games will be added to the Japanese eShop on Nov. 1) that were broadcast last night, an even better question might be:

Will my unboxing video focus on the aforementioned pink-and-white XL/LL or the just-announced Animal Crossing-branded LL that'll hit store shelves in Japan on Nov. 8?

See also: 'Welp, it seems I'll be buying a 3DS XL a bit sooner than I initially thought I would'

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Goin' for the gold (nunchuck)

Did anyone else recently drop a whopping 900 Club Nintendo coins to get one of these bad boys?

Mine hasn't arrived on my doorstep yet, although a recent e-mail from Nintendo of America assures it's on its way.

Although I'm eager to rip it open and hold it in my hands (or at least stare at it longingly), I'm no longer as eager as I was when I first placed my order. That's because I just watched the rather awkward unboxing video below, which reveals that Nintendo of America cheaped out (once again) and shipped these beauties in plain, plastic bags--you know, as opposed to nice, branded boxes, like the ones that were used in Japan.

Even before I came to this disappointing discovery, though, I was a bit unsure as to why I decided to "waste" 900 Club Nintendo points on this particular prize--mainly because I don't have a gold Wii remote with which to pair it. Maybe this will spur me to pick one up along with a copy of The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword?

See also: Previous Club Nintendo-centric posts

Tuesday, July 03, 2012

I enjoyed this 3DS XL unboxing video a lot more than I should've

With the launch of the 3DS XL/LL just a few weeks away for those living in Europe and Japan--the rest of us schmucks won't be able to get our hands on this humungous handheld until Aug. 19--I guess it shouldn't be a surprise to hear that Nintendo's already sending them to game journalists in the aforementioned territories.

Also not surprising: A number of said journalists are filming and sharing "unboxing videos" of their shiny new systems.

The one below (and here), made by someone at CVG, caught my attention due, in large part, to its "Quiet Storm" soundtrack.

Two thoughts that came to mind while I watched the video above: 1) Man, that box is small! 2) Man, that manual is huge! Oh, and one more: Man, if someone makes a similar video of the all-white Japanese 3DS LL, I may just faint. (Just in case any of you are wondering: No, I don't actually say or think "man" as often as the sentences above suggest.)

Should CVG's sexy unboxing video not satisfy your need for 3DS XL/LL news, maybe Eurogamer's first impressions of the soon-to-be-released system will do the trick?

My favorite line of the above-mentioned write-up, surprisingly enough: "I always felt the original 3DS hinge was a little wobbly, see, so I was pleased to discover that the XL's hinge has a lot less give to it. You can click the screen into a few positions, and whatever angle you choose, it's much harder to accidentally shake it out of position."

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

The ultimate unboxing video

Aaran Nanto, the man behind, recently posted (to YouTube) the most moving unboxing video I've ever seen.

The crew over at describe it as lying “somewhere between love story and pornography.” I couldn't have come up with a better description if I'd tried.

Hopefully Nanto's next "momento" will shine a light on another portable system that's near and dear to my heart: The PC Engine LT.