Showing posts with label totes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label totes. Show all posts

Monday, August 26, 2013

A few thoughts on (and a photo of) the new Club Nintendo Pikmin tote bag

You knew before now that as of a few weeks ago the North American Club Nintendo is offering a Pikmin-branded tote bag as one of its rewards, right?

Well, if you didn't, you know it now.

I picked one up as soon as I was able, of course--mostly because I'm a huge Pikmin fan, but also because I like cute-but-practical things.

Anyway, my tote arrived on my doorstep last week. Here's a photo of it in its current resting place (on the back of my office chair):

The tote's actually a bit smaller than I thought it would be, I have to say. Not that it's tiny; it's plenty big, but I wouldn't plan on using it to pick up a week's worth of groceries or anything like that. It's more suited for carrying, say, a laptop and a few notebooks, I think.

It also should be noted that the tote seems pretty sturdy. Of course, I'm not the most experienced tote owner in the world, so what do I know? Regardless, it doesn't feel flimsy--or it doesn't feel that way to me.

The question is: how will I be using it? Or will I be using it at all? The answer to both of those questions, sadly, is that I probably won't use it at all.

Who knows, though, maybe I'll use it the next time I travel--just so everyone at the airport can "oooh!" and "ahhh!" as I walk clutching this most fabulous looking tote.

Did any of you snag one of these beauties? If so, what do you think of it so far? And how are you putting it to use (if you're putting it to use at all?