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Showing posts with label Show all posts

Monday, May 23, 2011

The Gay Gamer x Tiny Cartridge, take four

Well, the last of the four posts I composed for has been published. The subject of this one: GameBoy graffiti!

My favorite of the three pieces of street art mentioned in said post is the one below, which was recently photographed in Austria by Flickr user Philipp Hamedl.

Check out this Tiny Cartridge post for two more examples of completely fabulous (if I do say so myself) GameBoy graffiti.

See also: Previous 'The Gay Gamer x Tiny Cartridge' posts

Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Gay Gamer x Tiny Cartridge, take three

The third of the four posts I wrote for the guys at Tiny Cartridge was published this morning.

I would have mentioned it earlier, but there was a typo in said post (my fault, not theirs) until a little while ago and I didn't want to link to it until it was corrected.

Anyway, the focus of this particular post--check it out here, if you're at all interested in such things--is one of Filip Johannes Felberg's most recent LEGO Pokémon creations: A beautifully rendered Bulbasaur.

(I decided to include the photo of Felberg's Farfetch'd, right, in this post so as not to spoil the surprise that awaits at

See also: Previous 'The Gay Gamer x Tiny Cartridge' posts

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Gay Gamer x Tiny Cartridge, take two

The second of four posts I wrote for Tiny Cartridge has been published on the handheld-focused site.

The headline I wrote for this post--"Three GBA imports (not Mother 3/Rhythm Tengoku) that should hit the eShop"--does a pretty good job of describing what it's all about.

Basically, I suggest that, assuming they eventually decide to sell GameBoy Advance games via their 3DS eShop, the folks at Nintendo should give Westerners access to a few first-party releases that have never seen the light of day in our neck of the woods.

Photo by Wayne McManus

To see which games were included on my list--and to hear why I selected them--check out when you have a chance.

See also: 'The Gay Gamer x Tiny Cartridge, take one'

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Gay Gamer x Tiny Cartridge, take one

The first of four posts written by yours truly has been published over at Tiny Cartridge. (Here's a direct link to it.)

It's a quippy little post about how I think the folks at Nintendo may want to reconsider how they're marketing the 3DS--with a quirky ad for the GameBoy Camera (aka Pocket Camera) serving as a somewhat-tongue-in-cheek example of the direction they could take things in the future.

If you think that sounds like a fun read, head over to when you have a chance.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Gay Gamer x Tiny Cartridge

On Friday, I received an e-mail from Eric Caoili and JC Fletcher--aka the guys behind one of my favorite gaming sites, Tiny Cartridge.

As for why Caoili and Fletcher contacted me: Well, it seems they're going to be busy this week, and as such they were wondering if I'd be interested in contributing a few posts to their handheld-focused blog.

Always willing to lend a helping hand--and promote this blog, admittedly--I happily agreed. So, expect to see my byline attached to a number of Tiny Cartridge posts in the next few days.

Don't worry if you're not a (yet) regular visitor to Tiny Cartridge; I'll mention--and share links to--each of my contributed posts here.

Monday, May 09, 2011

My Famicase Exhibition 2011 favorites

The standout of last year's "My Famicase Exhibition," in my humble opinion, was the humorously titled (and labeled) Burp'n'Shoot--which offered gamers a "fun lazy redneck experience" that involved "sitting on the backyard couch, drinking Budweiser and shooting at empty cans, watermelons and a broken TV."

The standout of this year's event, which shines a light on faux Famicom cartridge covers: Meteor Night, created by artist Ashley Davis and the guys behind

There's more to Meteor Night than a snazzy label; it also has a snazzy premise:

"Designed to be played with friends or a date, Meteor Night shows a peaceful sky full of 8-bit stars. Sometimes a meteor will fly across the sky. Turn down the lights, bring a blanket and snacks, and enjoy Meteor Night together."

Sounds a bit like something Shigeru Miyamoto would conjure up, doesn't it?

Meteor Night isn't the only "My Famicase Exhibition 2011" entrant that caught my attention. I'm also quite smitten with illustrator Adam Ferrando's Bubble Gal Witch USA (above), which is a "re-import of NES title Death Warlock, the US localization of Famicom's Bubble Gal Witch. Has new music, sprite art and story in the vein of 'dark fantasy', also easier difficulty!"

And then there's the following fake Famicom cart, Dokkii to Heart Garden, which seemingly brings together two of my favorite subjects: Gardening and zombies.

Go here to read about last year's event, and go here to see all 63 of this year's entrants.

(Via and

Monday, May 24, 2010

This makes me love Jennifer Saunders (and even more

The following photo, posted first on and then on, seems to be from an old issue of the British glossy Tatler.

The focus of said photo is, of course, Jennifer Saunders, the 51-year-old actress and screenwriter who is partially responsible for two of the funniest TV shows of all time, Absolutely Fabulous and French & Saunders.

That's nice, I'm sure many of you are thinking, but why in the hell are you posting it on your gay gaming blog? Well, take a gander at the bottom of the photo, near Saunder's right knee. Yep, it's a GameBoy!