When I first came across the following t-shirt design last night (as always, click on it to take a closer look at it), I was sure the dino that serves as its focal point was supposed to be a
Ren & Stimpy-esque re-imagining of one of my favorite game characters of all time: Bub (Bubblun, to some) of
Bubble Bobble fame.
Sadly, that's not the case. Instead, the green-and-yellow character's name is "Hablaah the Magic Crocogator." Oooooookay.
Rather than let my disappointment get the better of me, I decided not only to vote on the design (at
threadless.com) but to give it a good score to boot. (Note: I believe this may be the first time I've used "to boot" on this blog.)
I did that because I'm hoping the design will garner a high enough score to be "printed," as the folks at Threadless call it. Shortly after, I'll buy one of the shirts and then proceed to tell people that the puking creature at the center of the image is, in fact, Bub (or Bubblun, if that's your thing).
Should you want to support this endeavor, would you please
go here and give
Aaron Jacob Willman's whimsical design an appreciably high score?