Showing posts with label syn Sophia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label syn Sophia. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Acquisition #147: Style Savvy: Trendsetters (3DS)

Considering this a warning: I'm going to be featuring quite a few 3DS games in posts like this one in the coming weeks and months. That's not to say I'm only going to write about 3DS "acquisitions" between now and the end of the year, mind you, but I am going to write about a good number of them in that timespan.

With that said, let's focus on this one. It is, after all, a game I've been looking forward to play for some time.

So, was Style Savvy: Trendsetters worth the wait? Very much so. Granted, I've only played it for about six hours so far, but I've enjoyed those six hours a lot more than I imagined I would before I obtained this syn Sophia-made title.

As for why that is: Well, I really like its "throw together an appropriate outfit for each customer" gameplay, for starters. There's also a rather meaty store-management aspect to Style Savvy: Trendsetters, though, that adds another dimension to the proceedings.

Wrap all of that in an attractive-enough art style and you've got yourself a portable title that offers players an enjoyably unique gaming experience--or at least that's what it's offered me so far.

I know that's a pretty general description for a game that's about more than simply playing dress-up, but that's all I can offer at the moment due to having played it for only a few hours. I'll continue working my way through it, though, and I'll do my best to share some more in-depth impressions (as well as a full-on review) sooner rather than later.

See also: Previous 'Acquisition #123' posts