Showing posts with label soundtrack. Show all posts
Showing posts with label soundtrack. Show all posts

Thursday, July 05, 2012

One more reason to pick up Kirby's Dream Collection later this year

If I hadn't made up my mind some time ago to buy Kirby's Dream Collection as soon as it lands on our shores this autumn (on Sept. 19, to be exact), I'd certainly have done so after watching the video below--of an orchestra performing a special Kirby medley that will appear on the music CD included with this Wii compilation--earlier today.

Thanks to the video above, I've also made up my mind about something else Kirby-related--with that "something else" being that, as soon as I've got the time, I'm going to play through Kirby's Epic Yarn once again. I absolutely adored that title's orchestral-esque soundtrack.

See also: 'Surprise of surprises: I dislike the packaging produced for Kirby's Dream Collection'

Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Now every day can be an Animal Crossing (or Dōbutsu no Mori) kind of day

Do you ever wish real life were a bit more like Animal Crossing (Dōbutsu no Mori, if you're Japanese)? You know, instead than toiling away in a cubicle--if you're lucky--for 40-plus hours a week you could spend that time catching fish, designing clothes, digging up fossils and picking fruit?

Well, I do. Sure, living next to a bunch of anthropomorphic cats, dogs, horses and other animals is likely to be an odd (read: kind of creepy) experience, but I think I'd give it the old college try--as long as the hubs agreed to join me--if I were offered the opportunity.

Thankfully, I don't have to waste too much of my time daydreaming about any part of the above-mentioned scenario coming true. That's because I just discovered, via, the real-time Animal Crossing music player that can be found at and that makes pretty much any mundane chore or job a bit more enjoyable.

Note: You can switch between listening to the GameCube version's soundtrack and the DS/Wii versions' soundtracks (were the latter two soundtracks the same? I've never noticed...) by clicking the "ww/cf" button found in the lower-left corner of the site.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

I can't get the Coconut Mall theme out of my head (and other musings on Mario Kart 7's soundtrack)

I'm sure this admission will surprise no one, but I've been playing a lot of Mario Kart 7 lately. How much is "a lot"? Well, I've played it for over 23 hours so far. That may not sound like a lot to some of you, but it's rare for me to play a game for that amount of time these days.

Anyway, all of that racing has produced a rather annoying side effect: I can't get the game's soundtrack out of my head! The worst offender: The song that plays while racing on the Coconut Mall course.

It isn't unusual for this jangly, piano-driven tune to be stuck in my head for hours at a time. Thankfully, I like the song about as much as I like the course (it's one of my all-time favorites), so there's no need to worry about my sanity. Yet.

That's not the only Mario Kart 7 track that has perked my ears, mind you. I'm also quite fond of the tunes that accompany the Daisy Hills, Music Park and Rainbow Road courses. (Listen to the last one by playing the following video.)

As much as I like all of the above-mentioned themes, I think they're a bit subdued when compared to the series' most classic tunes, don't you think?

Also, what do all of you think about Mario Kart 7's soundtrack in general? How do you think it compares to its predecessors? Finally, which songs are your favorites?

See also: Previous Mario Kart 7 posts

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Get yer pipin' hot Lesbian Spider-Queens of Mars soundtrack here!

Now that you've not only played auntie pixelante's Lesbian Spider-Queens of Mars, but read a review of it (here), and read a pair of interviews about it (here and here), too, I'd say it's about time you downloaded the game's soundtrack, wouldn't you?

For those of you nodding your heads, here's a link to the site of Amon26, the man responsible for the twitchy title's wicked soundscape. Scroll down to and then click on "Lesbian SpiderQueens of Mars--OST" and, whamo, your day/week/month/year/life are set.

Friday, April 09, 2010

Is it wrong that I want the soundtrack of a game I've never played?

If so, I'm guessing it's even more wrong that I want said soundtrack because of its cute cover.

According to, the 27-track album will be released in Japan on May 12 with a price tag of ¥1,800 (about $19).

Have any of you played Final Fantasy XI? If so, what did/do you think of it?

Honestly, I'd have bought the PS2 version day one if it hadn't required a hard drive and network adapter.