Showing posts with label so-and-so is an awesome person. Show all posts
Showing posts with label so-and-so is an awesome person. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Even more evidence that I have awesome readers

Two weekends ago, while PAX Prime was in full swing, a Twitter user who calls himself Viceroy Fizzlebottom aimed a tweet at me that said, "I saw boxed copies of Door Door and Banana at the Pink Gorilla PAX booth and thought of you!"

After asking ol' Fizzlebottom (who leaves comments here now and then under the name Kaze) how much the copy of Banana was going for, he replied that it was "around $30" and then rather preciently added, "Would you like me to snag it for you if it's still there tomorrow?"

Because I'm a firm believer that you can't own too many copies of this charming, Famicom-based puzzler, I told Fizzlebottom/Kaze something along the lines of, "Yes, please--if it includes the game's instruction manual and if the whole package is, indeed, $30 or less." (OK, so my actual response was closer to "YES!!!!!")

So, how does this tale end? With me obtaining a complete-in-box copy of Victor Interactive's Banana (which does include its manual, thank you very much) for just $14.99. And, I have to say, what a gorgeous box it is--even if it does show a bit of wear and tear.

I especially like the adorable illustrations that appear on the box's flaps (see the pair of photos below for evidence).

Although I've already thanked Fizzlebottom/Kaze a number times for thinking of me while waltzing through Pink Gorilla's PAX Prime booth, I'm going to do so again here because, well, I think he deserves as much praise as I can heap upon him at the moment.

Thank you, Kaze!

See also: 'Additional proof that I have awesome readers,' 'Additional proof that Kimimi (of Kimimi's Blog) is an awesome chick' and 'Additional proof that Darwin Yamamoto is a pretty awesome dude'

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Additional proof that Kimimi (of Kimimi's Blog) is an awesome chick

Everybody who has been to Kimimi's Blog--and that's all of you, right?--knows that said blog's proprietress is an awesome chick.

(I apologize if the word "chick" offends any of you, by the way. I'm only using it here because I called Darwin Yamamoto a "dude" in this similarly-themed post. As such, I thought it would be only fitting to describe Kimimi as a "chick" in this one.)

Well, I recently discovered that Kimimi is even more awesome than I originally imagined. You see, after chatting with her--in the comments section of this blog post--about Sega's Sakura Taisen (aka Sakura Wars) series, Kimimi offered to send me her spare copy of the Saturn version of the series' first title.

Sakura Taisen's beautiful box art.

After hemming and hawing for a bit, I took her up on her generous offer--despite the fact that I don't currently own a Saturn. (Full disclosure: I've owned two in my lifetime, the first of which was bought and sold while I was a teen and the second of which was bought and sold about five years ago.)

I know I could play the game using an emulator like SSF, but I'd prefer to play it on the real thing. So, I'm going to do my best to keep from playing it until I pick up another Saturn (and a copy of the awesome-tacular Saturn Bomberman).

In the meantime, I'd also like to extend a hearty "thank you" to the folks at Aksys Games and Dudedle Studio, who recently sent me review copies of Hakuoki: Demon of the Fleeting Blossom and Sugar Shooter 2, respectively. Expect to see "somewhat gay" reviews of both titles shortly.