Showing posts with label slimes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label slimes. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 08, 2016

I'd totally buy the Japanese version of the adorable 3DS SRPG, Ambition of the Slimes, next week if an English release weren't in the works

I'm a sucker for a lot of things when it comes to buying and playing video games. Among them: cuteness, pixels, low-poly environments (think the original Final Fantasy Tactics) and strategy RPGs.

Oh, and slimes. You know, like the little blobs that basically represent Square Enix's Dragon Quest series both here and abroad.

All of the above are front and center in Circle Entertainment's 3DS port of a Japanese mobile game known as Ambition of the Slimes--which of course means I want nothing more than to buy the hell out of it the second it hits that region's eShop next week.

I'm going to do my best to hold off on that, though, thanks to a tweet Circle sent out earlier today that assured Ambition of the Slimes is "already on the way" to both Europe and North America.

How long will it take for this adorable tactical RPG to cross the pond? Sadly, I haven't a clue. As soon as I hear anything in that regard, I'll let you know.

In the meantime, please enjoy the trailer above, which showcases some Japanese footage of the game.


Tuesday, July 15, 2014

A new gaming blog draws near: Gaymer Quest

Although there are a lot of positives associated with maintaining a gaming blog, I'd be lying if I said some negatives didn't also come with the territory.

A particularly noteworthy negative, given the focus of this post, is that it can be difficult to keep up with all of the great gaming blogs other folks are busily maintaining.

I'm going to do whatever I can to keep up with a new gaming blog I was introduced to late last week, though--with the blog in question being the fabulously titled Gaymer Quest.

It was started by--and will be maintained by, obviously--a bloke who calls himself "Kaze" (kah-zay), who some of you may have spied in the comments section of this very blog.

Kaze, a self-described gaymer and aspiring Japanese translator, says he launched Gaymer Quest "as a fun outlet to discuss all the nerdy things I'm passionate about. So, expect a lot of posts about retro video games, modern video games, anime, manga, Japanese culture, gay culture and who knows what else."

Gaymer Quest's home to just three posts so far, but two of them--one of which focuses on the first Final Fantasy Legend GameBoy title, while the other discusses the GaymerX event and "the power of safe spaces"--proved to be intriguing reads (the first was little more than an introduction), so I'd say this is a blog that's well worth keeping an eye on for some time to come.

Oh, and should you want to check out or follow Gaymer Quest elsewhere, its Facebook page can be found at and its Twitter account can be found at

Monday, February 18, 2013

My Month with Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime, Part 2

Let's start this "Bye-Bye, Backlog" follow-up post like the last one, shall we? Here are the relevant stats related to my monthlong playthrough of Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime so far:

*Playtime: 11 hours, 19 minutes
*Slimes rescued: 75
*Locales opened: 6 (Backwoods, Callmigh Bluff, Flucifer's Necropolis, Forewood Forest, Mt. Krakatroda and Tootinschleiman's Tomb)

I'm not going to share the number of tank-on-tank battles I've completed to this point because, honestly, I lost track long ago. Suffice it to say, I've taken part in a fair few in the nearly nine hours I've spent with Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime.

An interesting note about those aforementioned tank battles: although I wasn't a fan of them during my first week with this DS title, I've come to adore them in my second. That's chiefly because I finally progressed far enough in the game to unlock the ability to add a few crew members to my trusty Schleiman Tank--which not only makes these battles more mentally manageable but also more strategic and even fun.

(The highlight of these tensely tactical tête-à-têtes for me thus far: letting my trio of baddies-turned-goodies buds load ammo into my tank's cannons while I infiltrate the opposing vehicle and keep its crew from sending any projectiles in my direction.)

Aside from that, I'm still thoroughly enjoying Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime's charmingly realized graphics, cheerful soundtrack and of course the rest of its captivating gameplay (which is centered around the slippery protagonist's "Elasto Blast" move and ability to stack friends, enemies and items on his pointy little head).

As such, I now know without a doubt that I'm not going to stop playing this game until I see the credits roll, and I have a pretty good feeling that's going to happen sometime in the next week.

Can you believe I may actually finish one of my "Bye-Bye, Backlog" selections--and possibly before the month is up?

See also: Previous 'Bye-Bye, Backlog' posts

Monday, February 11, 2013

My Month with Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime, Part 1

I thought I'd take a more straightforward approach to this month's "Bye-Bye, Backlog" follow-up posts. For instance, here are a few stats related to my playthrough of Square Enix's Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime, which was released for the DS in late 2006:

* So far, I've played the game for just about three and a half hours.
* In that time, I've saved 24 of my kidnapped (slimenapped?) buddies.
* I've only opened up two locations: Forewood Forest and Tootinschleiman's Tomb.
* Unfortunately, I can't remember how many of the game's tank-on-tank battles I've experienced up to this point, although I want to say I've completed four or five.

Other than that, what do I like and what do I hate about Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime right now? Actually, I can't say I hate any part of it. On the contrary, I like pretty much every aspect of this adorable overhead action-puzzler.

My favorite aspect has to be the core gameplay, which mainly involves slamming into enemies (with the titular Rocket's "Elasto Blast" move), popping them into the air and then catching them on your back (or should I say head?). That captured baddies can be stacked--three high--and tossed at their cohorts is the icing on this pixelated cake.

That only makes up a portion of Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime's gameplay, though; with the other part consisting of the above-mentioned tank-on-tank battles. Surprisingly (to me, at least), I'm not enjoying these sequences as much as I'm enjoying the overworld (for lack of a better word) ones. Too often they feel like a chaotic mess, with me flinging bullets and rocks and whatnot at the enemy tank without much rhyme or reason. Maybe I'm just missing some heretofore strategic element of these encounters?

Other than that one stumbling block, though, I'm having a lot of fun with this game and I'm very much looking forward to unlocking additional locations and rescuing more of my slime buddies. As such, expect me to put another few hours into the game this week and look for me to publish a second "My Month with Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime" next Monday (if not before).

See also: Previous posts related to the 'Bye-Bye, Backlog' project

Tuesday, February 05, 2013

And February's 'Bye-Bye, Backlog' selection is ...

... Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime for the DS.

I know this will shock some of you, but I've already started playing this TOSE-developed, Square Enix-published title. I haven't played enough of it to share any worthwhile impressions, of course, but I will say this: I knew I was going to enjoy it as soon as I encountered its adorable title screen (below)--what with its explosion of bouncing, grinning slimes.

Also, I'm already in love with the game's pixel-perfect graphics and the protagonist's "Elasto Blast" move. I'd previously been "warned" (in a good way) about the addictive properties of the latter, but even then I wasn't fully prepared for just how fun it would be to launch Dragon Quest Heroes' Rocket every which way.

Anyway, expect to see an impressions post (titled something like "My Month with Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime, Part 1") pop up this coming weekend. In the meantime, have any of you played this one? If so, what did you think of it?

See also: Previous posts related to the 'Bye-Bye, Backlog' project

Friday, March 04, 2011

You know what Dragon Quest X needs? A strawberry slime!

Actually, this upcoming Wii release could feature a whole slew of fruity slimes--such as a banana one, a grape one or even a pear one--don't you think?

I'm not exactly sure how their, er, fruitiness would alter their battle tactics, though; maybe they'd distract combatants by launching their succulent fruit of choice at them?

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

My last Dragon Quest post (I promise!)

I wrote the following haiku at the same time I wrote this one, but I didn't post it because I thought it was a bit too rhyme-y.

Bright eyes, brighter grin
Red, blue and metallic skin
Beating you? A sin

Why am I posting it now? Honestly, I wanted an excuse to share the following image, which I found on a few weeks ago.

I'm embarrassed to admit that I don't know if the slime sprites were pulled from actual Dragon Quest titles or if they were produced specifically for this image.

See also: 'A slick haiku'

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Incredibly cute? Check. Completely impractical? Check!

When I (finally) pick up a copy of Dragon Quest VIII later this year, I think I'll pick up one of Hori's slime controllers (below), too.

Sure, they're completely impractical, but they're so cute! And at $25 a pop, they're not all that expensive, either. Right? Right?!?

(This is where you politely nod and agree with me even if you think I'm crazy.)

Saturday, August 14, 2010

A slick haiku

I have to admit, I'm pretty amazed that I'm still playing Dragon Quest IX--despite the fact that I "beat" it last weekend.

I think the cute-as-buttons slime "enemies" have something to do with the cartridge's extended stay in my trusty DSlite. I'm a bit obsessed with the little suckers at the moment, to tell you the truth. Specifically, I'm obsessed with the Metal King Slimes that can be found on the ninth floor of the (level 58) "Gold Waterway of Dolour" grotto.

In fact, I'm so taken with Dragon Quest's oh-so-slippery mascot that I wrote a haiku about her/him/it:

You look so friendly
Welcoming eyes and wide grin
So why do you flee?

Yeah, I know--I won't quit my day job.

(By the way, go here to see the full version of the slime photo above.)

Friday, August 06, 2010

Slime dunk

Until a few minutes ago, I thought that, in the world of Dragon Quest IX, a slime is a slime is a slime--i.e., all of the game's slime enemies (with the possible exception of those oh-so-slippery metallic ones) are easy-as-pie pushovers.

Then I came upon a Darkonium Slime (see image to the right)--after spending 30 minutes or so battling my way through the first nine levels of one of Dragon Quest IX's more difficult grottoes.

My first reaction upon seeing the shiny red beast: "Awww! It's so cute!" A few seconds later, all of my characters were laid out like Lindsay Lohan after her latest bender.

I guess that means I have to level up a bit more. Maybe I'll do that this weekend by beating, once again, some of the easier grottoes. Or maybe I'll, you know, tackle the final boss.

See also: 'I don't want it to end'