Showing posts with label promo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label promo. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

TTi 'treasures'

A few months ago, I discovered the following TTi promo videos (along with a number of other gaming-related "treasures") while digging through my old bedroom closet:

As you can hopefully discern, the one on the left was used to promote Hudson's Lords of Thunder while the one on the right was used to push the TurboGrafx-16 and TurboDuo systems as well as a whole slew of HuCard and CD releases.

Anyway, here's a link to the "classic" Lords of Thunder video, and here are some links to the similarly cheesy--er, classic--"TurboDuo Game System and CD Software" video. (It's been divided into three segments. Here's the firsthere's the second and here's the third.)


Saturday, September 25, 2010

Those were the days

Did you know that back in the day the folks at NEC released a drawing tablet peripheral--called the Illust Booster--and a printer peripheral--called the Print Booster--for the PC Engine (the Japanese version of the TurboGrafx-16)?

I sure as hell didn't--until I came across the following "PC Engine World" promo video.

I'm not sure which depresses me more: that North American gamers never got to experience the wonders of the Illust and Print Boosters or that they never got to experience the wonders of the Famicom Disk System and the Famicom Modem.
