Showing posts with label previews. Show all posts
Showing posts with label previews. Show all posts

Saturday, September 02, 2017

I don't know about you, but I'm really liking the looks of Battle Princess Madelyn

Don't worry, I'm fully aware I'm late to the Battle Princess Madelyn party.

That's what happens when you don't own any of the systems for which a seemingly interesting game is being made. Or maybe I should say that's what happens when you think you don't own any of the systems for which a seemingly interesting game is being made.

What do I mean by the above? Well, until a few minutes ago, I thought Battle Princess Madelyn, a modern Ghouls 'n Ghosts clone featuring a lady knight who sports pink armor, was being prepped for just PC, PS4, Switch, Wii U and Xbox One.

So, imagine my surprised when I discovered it'll be released for Vita as well.

Knowing that, I'm now eagerly looking forward to this coming February, which is when Battle Princess Madelyn is scheduled to be made available to the masses.

Granted, it's possible I'll actually have a Switch by that time, so maybe I'll opt for that version of the game instead, but I also could see myself deciding to support the Vita one more time.

Are any of you itching to dig your teeth into this tantalizingly old-school indie title? If so, which release or releases do you think you'll pick up in the end?

Wednesday, May 06, 2015

How on earth did I fail to hear about Ray Gigant (Vita) until now?

OK, so we all know the answer to the question posed in the header above: the reason I'm only now learning of this upcoming Bandai Namco RPG's existence is that I've been far too focused on trying to wrap up Atlus' My World, My Way for DS.

Seriously, though, I'm fairly surprised this game avoided appearing on my radar until the last few days, as the final product is going to sport some pretty snazzy cover imagery.

Actually, "snazzy" is a word I'd use to describe the look of Ray Gigant's battles, too, as they utilize a perspective that's pretty unique as far as Japanese RPGs are concerned. Here are a handful of examples:

Unfortunately, that's about all that's known about this Vita title, which will be released sometime this summer in Japan, at the moment. Well, other than the fact that parties will be limited to only three members and the gameplay will be broken into an undisclosed number of chapters.

Hopefully the folks at Bandai Namco will share a trailer for this sucker with the world soon--and if it proves to be impressive, hopefully they'll follow it up with an announcement that the game will see the light of day in other regions at some point, too.