Showing posts with label plushie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label plushie. Show all posts

Friday, November 06, 2015

Adorbs Hatoful Boyfriend plush, anyone?

Full disclosure: despite the interest I've shown in the Vita version of Hatoful Boyfriend both here and on The Nichiest Podcast Ever, I've yet to buy the damn game.

I'm going to do my best to buy it before the end of the year, though, so don't judge me too harshly, OK?

Anyway, despite the fact that I'm a horrible person for failing to jump aboard the Hatoful Boyfriend train (yet!), I'm still really interested in it.

Am I interested in it enough to support Erick Scarecrow's "Hatoful Boyfriend Official Plush Project!" on Kickstarter between now and when it wraps up on Dec. 5? I'm not sure.

I mean, the sample plushes that can be seen in the photos included in this post (and in the video featured on the project's Kickstarter page) are beyond adorable, but because I know next to nothing about the pigeons that inspired them, I'm having a hard time convincing myself to pull the trigger on a pledge of $16 or more.

How about you? Do any of you love this game's feathered cast of characters enough to hand over your hard-earned cash for a plush version of one or more of them?

Tuesday, November 05, 2013

The question is: will I enjoy Hometown Story more than shidoshi has so far?

Full disclosure: I only bought Hometown Story now--as opposed to waiting and asking for it as a birthday or Christmas gift--because I wanted the "Red Ember" plushie seen in the photo below that was given to everyone who pre-ordered the game from Amazon.

Because as anyone who has visited this blog in recent months likely is well aware, the last thing I need at the moment is to add more games to my 3DS backlog. (My as-yet-unused copies of Etrian Odyssey IV, Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask and Shin Megami Tensei IV are glaring at me right now, as are my underplayed copies of Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon and Paper Mario: Sticker Star.)

Still, I bought it. And now that it's in my hands, I can't say I regret that decision one bit. I mean, just look at the adorableness below:

Of course I've yet to actually pop the Hometown Story cart into my 3DS. There's a reason for that, though: rather than play it this past weekend, I put a good amount of time into Pokemon X, Sayonara Umihara Kawase and Touch Detective: Funghi's Big Breed (an import puzzler I've been meaning to try for ages) instead.

This coming weekend (if not earlier), though, I promise to put Hometown Story through its paces--or at least devote an hour or two to it.

By the way, do you think this game's cover has enough logos and other text on it? First, there's the "Family of Harvest Moon" logo in the upper-left corner, followed by the Hometown Story one to its right. Then you have the ESRB rating in the lower-left corner, Natsume's logo opposite and ... the gigantic blob of text you see above.

Although I applaud Natsume's design folks for their nod to French and Spanish gamers, I'm not sure we really needed the "Playable in 2D and 3D" blurb repeated three times.

Anyway, I don't suppose any of you also picked up a copy of this "Family of Harvest Moon" title--or plan to do so soon?

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Dear Capcom: Please make Mega Man look like this in his next two-dimensional platformer

This is, without a doubt, the cutest Mega Man plush I have ever seen. Actually, it may be the cutest gaming-related plush I've ever seen, period--although these Metroid plushes are pretty darn precious, too.

Anyway, back to the adorable Mega Man plush above: It was made by Michele Legendre (aka deadly_sweet on Flickr and misscoffee on deviantART) for an upcoming gaming-themed show at Santa Monica, Calif.-based Gallery 1988.

Somewhat-silly aside to the creative folks at Capcom: Please use Legendre's plush as inspiration for your next side-scrolling Mega Man game. (Think Kirby's Epic Yarn.)

Saturday, April 02, 2011

Cute metroids

Hmmm, is "metroids" the plural of metroid, or is "metroid" the plural of metroid?

Whatever. That isn't the point of this post; the point of this post is to make as many people as possible aware of the amazingly cute metroid plushies produced by deviantartist and etsy seller misscoffee.

The larger metroids (metroid? ahhh!) are four inches tall and six inches wide, by the way, and can be purchased, for $11 plus shipping, here. The smaller metroids--which are brooches, actually--are two inches tall and about three inches wide and can be purchased here for $7 plus shipping.

To see more of misscoffee's sickeningly sweet creations, check out her deviantart gallery or her etsy shop.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Samus Aran as you've never seen her before

The hubs and I don't really celebrate Valentine's Day, but if we did celebrate it I'd have wanted him to get me this:

Yeah, that's right: A cute-as-hell Samus Aran plushie. Have you ever seen anything so cute? If your answer is anything other than "no," you're lying.

This particular plushie was made by Canadian textile artist Michele Legendre (aka misscoffee), by the way. For more examples of her talent, check out her gallery.


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

I think I'm in love (again)

How many times have I used the headline above on a blog post? I'll bet the number is pretty high. Sorry about that. Sometimes I just can't help myself, you know?

Anyway, that's beside the point. What is the point? Well, I'm in love (in a platonic kind of way) with the plushies produced by deviantartist misscoffee.

I mean, just look at this eight-inch-tall "Mega Game Boy" plushie:

And then there's this so-cute-I-could-puke Link plushie:

Her "Toast Mario" plushies are pretty damn nauseating (in a good way), too.

It looks like this 25-year-old textile artist takes on commissions from time to time, so maybe I'll hire her to make me a Rydia plushie at some point.

Monday, December 13, 2010

A Link's Awakening remake would be 'sew' awesome, too

Especially if Link looked something like this:

The plush above was created by Brazil-based animator and illustrator, Xurume, by the way.

Would the brass at Nintendo really give the green light to a Kirby's Epic Yarn-esque remake of the fourth installment in The Legend of Zelda series? I kind of doubt it, but who knows?


Tuesday, August 31, 2010

So, where's the Kuribo's Shoe plushie?

Deviantartist Michele Legendre (aka misscoffee) recently posted to her gallery a number of her handmade, game-inspired plushies. My favorite: The artist's absolutely adorable Tanooki Mario figure.

Misscoffee's Frog Suit Mario plushie is pretty fabulous, too, but I had to dock it a few points due to the fact that I've always hated the frog suit. (My least favorite of Mario's many power-ups? Possibly.)

BTW, if you're an Ice Climber fan, you have to check out (here) misscoffee's plushified versions of Popo and Nana.

(Via, by way of