Showing posts with label perler beads. Show all posts
Showing posts with label perler beads. Show all posts

Monday, June 24, 2013

We both (still) love Mega Man

Although Mega Man joined the "game series I haven't cared about in years" party currently being hosted by Final Fantasy and Sonic the Hedgehog, I still have a bit of a soft spot for this classic Capcom franchise.

As such, I couldn't help but go a little gaga when I saw the following Mega Man-focused photo pop up on Flickr user Danny Yama's photostream over the weekend.

To see more evidence of Yama's mean Perler Bead skills, check out his Flickr photostream at your earliest convenience.

See also: more Perler Beads posts

Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Sexy Spa + Red Loincloth Mario

OK, so the "Sexy Spa Mario" seen in the photo below (and here) isn't quite as studly as the one showcased in this pair of previous posts.

That doesn't mean he isn't worth checking out, does it?

At the very least, he's worth a quick glance--maybe even a double take--just for the effort Flickr user Danny Yama, aka danny_8bit, put into creating him (out of Perler Beads).

Also worth a bit of visual attention, in my humble opinion: Yama's "Red Loincloth Mario," which can be seen below and here.

The question I have for the folks at Nintendo of Japan: when are we going to see these Mario personas in an official Super Mario Bros. game?

To see more of Yama's concoctions, saunter on over to at your earliest convenience.

Monday, March 05, 2012

You've just got to love Mighta's beady little eyes (and hands and feet and everything else)

Mighta isn't the only Bubble Bobble character with beady eyes and other features in the photo below, of course. Bobblun (Bob), Bubblun (Bub), Monsta, PulPul and Zen-Chan are all a bit beady, too--thanks to the Perler Beads that make up their bodies.

The creations above were made by artist and blogger Kasey Tararuj, by the way. Check out her wonderful blog here, and check out a post about one of her previous creations--a three-dimensional Bubble Bobble-themed painting--in "For once, Bobblun gets the spotlight."

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Exposed at last: Mario's butt dimples

Did you know that butt dimples are also known as "dimples of Venus"? More importantly, did you know that Mario has them?

At least, that's how Perler-bead artist Danny Yama (aka Danny _8bit) depicts Nintendo's main dude in a recent creation called "Sexy Spa Mario."

Mario and his "dimples of Venus" aren't the only ones Yama has immortalized via Perler beads. Other sources of inspiration: Dragon Quest (Dragon Quest IV's Ragnar McRyan, in particular), The Legend of Zelda, Ninja Jajamaru-Kun and Spelunker.

To see more examples of Yama's work, pay a visit to his blog and/or his Flickr photostream.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

One last time: Happy holidays!

The message above isn't from me, by the way; It's from Santa Mario (below).

Sorry, I've had too much spiked egg nog. Anyway, I hope you're all having a wonderful Christmas day/weekend!