Showing posts with label options. Show all posts
Showing posts with label options. Show all posts

Sunday, August 26, 2012

A little translation assistance, please?

So, I've been playing the Game Gear port of Namco's Mappy on and off over the last week or so. Why have I been playing this version as opposed to the arcade original, which I bought a few years back via the Wii Virtual Console, or the Famicom port (see a photo of it here) that I picked up in late 2009? I'm not sure, to tell you the truth. I guess I'm just in a Game Gear kind of mood right now.

Anyway, I bring all of this up here because this iteration's options screen, below, has me feeling completely stumped at the moment and I'm hoping one or more of you will be able to translate--into English, naturally--the second and third choices for me.

By the way, those of you who consider yourselves to be Mappy fans but have never played the Game Gear port might like to know that choosing the second option takes you to a set of levels that are much more expansive than those found in the arcade original. I'd almost liken them to playing in an apartment setting as opposed to a house setting, if that makes sense.

As for what happens when you choose the third option: Strangely, the answer seems to be nothing, at least at the moment. (Whenever I click on it, the carrot cursor simply moves back up to "MAPPY.") Maybe it's a series of more challenging levels that open up only after you've conquered the originals?