Showing posts with label nunchuck. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nunchuck. Show all posts

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Goin' for the gold (nunchuck)

Did anyone else recently drop a whopping 900 Club Nintendo coins to get one of these bad boys?

Mine hasn't arrived on my doorstep yet, although a recent e-mail from Nintendo of America assures it's on its way.

Although I'm eager to rip it open and hold it in my hands (or at least stare at it longingly), I'm no longer as eager as I was when I first placed my order. That's because I just watched the rather awkward unboxing video below, which reveals that Nintendo of America cheaped out (once again) and shipped these beauties in plain, plastic bags--you know, as opposed to nice, branded boxes, like the ones that were used in Japan.

Even before I came to this disappointing discovery, though, I was a bit unsure as to why I decided to "waste" 900 Club Nintendo points on this particular prize--mainly because I don't have a gold Wii remote with which to pair it. Maybe this will spur me to pick one up along with a copy of The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword?

See also: Previous Club Nintendo-centric posts