Showing posts with label mustaches. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mustaches. Show all posts

Friday, October 19, 2012

A few QR codes for fans of 'Denpa' men with triangle-shaped noggins

How's this for a niche-y blog post?

After all, not only is its focus a rather niche-y game--Genius Sonority's eShop RPG, which I previously wrote about here, here, here and here--but it focuses on a niche-y aspect of said game (that being "Denpa" men with triangle-shaped heads).

Some of you may recall that in this recent-ish post about the game, I mentioned that I wasn't a fan of "Denpa" men with noggins shaped in such a fashion. Well, I've had a change of heart in that regard, and now I actually like the little buggers quite a bit.

As such, here are my current favorites. A few were collected via others' QR codes, I have to admit, but the majority were caught by myself.

This guy's name is Casen. His antenna allows him to call on the power of "Rising Flames." (Oh, and I originally added him to my collection using someone else's QR code.)

And this guy's name is Jeremiah. Isn't he cute? I love his spectacles. Anyway, his antenna eventually evolves to "Ice Missile."

I believe this fellow's name is Aditya, but it may be Aditva instead. Anyway, his antenna allows him to cast "Revive" on fallen "Denpa" men.

I don't often use "Great Wall," but I keep ol' Terrell here around because he's just too cute.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Swank Invaders

What do you get when you put bowler hats and mustaches on the iconic creatures that inhabit Taito's classic arcade game, Space Invaders? Why, you get "Swank Invaders." Duh!

That's not the official title of the awesome t-shirt design seen below--which was created by Toronto-based illustrator Terry Fan (aka igo2cairo)--by the way. As of this morning, Fan was still calling it "untitled," so I thought I'd help him out a bit.

Unfortunately, "Swank Invaders," or whatever Fan winds up calling this design, isn't being sold anywhere (such as through Society6 or threadless) at the moment, although I'm hopeful it will be soon.

In the meantime, check out more examples of Fan's work by clicking on the links above and by paying a visit to his Flickr photostreamhis website or these previous blog posts.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Super Capybario

Question: What do you get when you put a hat, mustache and overalls on one of those South American rodents known as capybaras?

Answer: You get Super Capybario. Duh!

He's by far the cutest (in my opinion, of course) of the "famous mustached animals" included in the following t-shirt design, created by Los Angeles-based artist herky (aka Flickr user Lucky1988):

If you'd like to own a shirt bearing herky's hella-cute design, head on over to and vote on it in the next three days.