Showing posts with label mixed media. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mixed media. Show all posts

Saturday, June 09, 2012

My kind of art

You know what I'd do if my husband and I ever won the lottery? Well, besides retire and buy my family and closest friends anything they want (hey, we'd only buy tickets for one of those "mega" lotteries), I'd use a chunk of my portion of the winnings to buy a second home and fill it with all of my games and game systems.

Oh, and I'd cover its walls with game-related art. In fact, I think I'd have to devote an entire room to the console-centric pieces recently created (and shared on Flickr) by Aaron Kraten.

For instance, there's this PC Engine painting (technically it's "mixed media" on wood):

And there's this NES painting, too:

Kraten's also produced similar pieces that focus on the Sega Genesis and the SNES.

Sadly, it's unlikely the hubs and I will win the lottery anytime soon, so my little "game house" will have to reside in my head for now. Oh, well, at least I can check out Kraten's Flickr photostream whenever I want.

Friday, July 08, 2011

GameBoy collage on masonite

The folks at Nintendo sure know how to design a slick piece of hardware, don't they? Case in point: The original GameBoy.

Honestly, I think it's the most attractive piece of portable hardware the company has ever created. The original GameBoy's only competitors, in my opinion: The DSlite and the DSi.

I'm guessing artist Laura Kelly is of a similar opinion, as the following collage--titled "Game On"--is the only one in her rather extensive portfolio that was inspired by a game system.

To see more of Kelly's art, pay a visit to her Flickr photostream or her website,