Showing posts with label lego27bricks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lego27bricks. Show all posts

Friday, August 30, 2013

(Another?) LEGO GameBoy

Can one gaming blog feature too many posts that focus on systems made from LEGOs?

The answer, of course, is no--especially when said systems are created Flickr user lego27bricks.

I mean, seriously, is the contraption in the photo above not a thing of beauty?

This LEGO GameBoy is even more striking when shown sitting next to the real thing, which is what you get with the following photo:

To see more photos of the stunning product of lego27bricks's blood, sweat and tears (OK, so I don't know that he cried while making it), check out his Flickr photostream.

(Note: you'll have to scroll down a bit to find them. Believe me, though, they're worth the effort.)

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

LEGO Hieroglyph Link

I may not be as interested in The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds as some 3DS owners, but that doesn't mean I'm completely disinterested in it.

For instance, I really like the feature that allows players to transform Link into a hieroglyph that can move along walls to reach new areas.

Flickr user lego27bricks recently used that ability as inspiration for the following creation, which, as his username implies, was pieced together with LEGO blocks.

A few in-the-works photos of this unique piece of art can be seen here, here and here, for those of you who are curious.

Are any of you planning to pick up A Link Between Worlds, by the way? If so, why is that? Are you big fans of the Zelda franchise, for instance, or do you have fond memories of A Link to the Past?

As for me, although I consider A Link to the Past to be one of my all-time favorite games, I'm still on the fence when it comes to this follow-up--in large part because of what I consider to be its "iffy" art style.

Friday, August 03, 2012

Is it me, or does this look better than the red DSi and red 3DS XL that will soon be sold stateside?

"This," of course, is the made-completely-out-of-LEGOs GameBoy Advance SP that can be seen below (and here).

It was made by Flickr user lego27bricks and, yes, I really do think his/her creation looks better than the the red DSi and red 3DS XL that will soon hit store shelves across North America.

I'm guessing most of you have heard about and have seen photos of the red and black 3DS XL that will be released in a few weeks, but are you similarly aware of the "matte red" DSi that will beat it to the punch?

If not, you may want to check out this recent Tiny Cartridge post. Just be warned that, in the opinion of yours truly, it's one ugly mofo.

Monday, January 23, 2012


It's not exactly a secret that I'm a bit fascinated by "LEGO artists"--especially those who enjoy recreating game characters and systems out of those colorful, interlocking bricks that most of us toyed with as kids.

For instance, late last year I published this post about a LEGO GameBoy Color, and before that I published about a million posts about Filip Johannes Felberg's LEGO Pokemon creations.

As awesome as all of the above are, I think the LEGO SNES below may be the most awesome of them all.

Of course, I say that in part because it's a damn near perfect recreation of Nintendo's 16-bit system and in part because it houses a real-life copy of the Quintet-developed, Enix-published RPG, Illusion of Gaia.

For more shots of this stunningly realistic piece of LEGO art--it even has a functioning eject button--check out this photo set by Flick user lego27bricks.

See also: Previous LEGO-focused posts

Friday, September 02, 2011

LEGO GameBoy Color

I don't know about you, but I think the only way the mock GameBoy Color, made out of LEGO blocks, seen in the photo below (it's on the left) could be any more impressive would be if its screen displayed an overly pixelated approximation of one of the portable system's most popular games, like Super Mario Land or Tetris.

Of course, it's possible (perhaps even likely) that attempting such a thing would have ruined the illusion, isn't it?

To see this crafty creation from a number of different angles, check out the photostream of Flickr user lego27bricks.

See also: The million or so LEGO Pokémon posts I've published on this blog thus far