Showing posts with label kindle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kindle. Show all posts

Monday, April 19, 2010

Just because you can, doesn't mean you should

In this instance, I'm talking about playing Super Mario Bros. on an Amazon Kindle.

According to, some uber geek is working on a NES emulator for the popular ereader. Here's how it looks running on a Kindle emulator:

So, basically, it looks worse than Super Mario Land running on a beaten-up, 20-year-old GameBoy.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Not sure if want, part deux: Game 'apps' on the Amazon Kindle recently reported that Amazon will soon roll out a "Kindle Development Kit" that will allow folks to create "active content" for the popular e-reader.

Although Amazon doesn't specify in its announcement what "active content" means, it more than likely means games. Heck, the image accompanying the announcement (below) shows a Sudoku-sporting Kindle.

It would be great if a few text adventures--or even graphic adventures--appear alongside all of the Brain Age-esque, solitaire and Sodoku games that are sure to swarm the Kindle Store when the service launches later this year.