Showing posts with label handbook. Show all posts
Showing posts with label handbook. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The perfect gift for the Mother fan in your life

I've barely played the fan translation of Mother 3 thus far, but I've played enough of it to know that I want to play more of it--and that I want a copy of the awesome "Mother 3 Handbook" created by the folks at Fangamer.

Actually, the first edition of said handbook--all 240, full-color pages of it--was sold via Fangamer back in early 2009. As far as I'm aware, though, it quickly sold out and, as a result, many Mother 3 fans have been clamoring for a reprint ever since.

Well, it appears their wishes have been granted--and then some. Not only is it up for sale once again, but this version is some 30 pages longer than the original printing and is available in both hardcover and softcover formats. (The former will run you $29 plus shipping while the latter will run you $20.)

For more information on what's included in this 270-page guide, or to order one for the EarthBound/Mother fan in your life, go to