Showing posts with label dsi xl. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dsi xl. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 04, 2014

You know you're an odd gamer when it's 2014 and you're seriously considering buying a metallic rose DSi XL rather than something more current

I know I suggested at the tail end of 2013 that I wouldn't be buying any new systems this year, but I'm seriously considering tossing that pseudo-promise into the trash so I can pick up a metallic rose DSi XL.

Granted, the DSi XL isn't really a "new" system like the PS4, Vita and Wii U are, and those are the kinds of systems I was referring to when I made the aforementioned end-of-the-year proclamation, but if I were to be completely honest I'd admit my original plan was to avoid buying any new systems, period, in 2014, so I feel kind of like a putz for even considering picking up a DSi XL sometime within the next 12 months.

All that said, I really want one. Especially one of the metallic rose variety. 

Why? Well, I've always wanted one, for starters. And then there's the fact that I've always preferred playing games on original hardware. (As in, I'd rather play GBA games on an actual GameBoy Advance system than on a DS, just like I'd rather play DS games on an actual DS than on a 3DS.)

The question is: should I just get over myself and play all of the DS games I recently picked up (and I picked up a bunch--look for posts devoted to them in the coming weeks and months) on one of my 3DSes? Or should I blow $150 just so I can avoid obsessing about the "black bars" and such?  

Friday, July 06, 2012

Let's Play: 'Which Portable Looks Best?'

All of this recent chatter about the 3DS XL/LL prompted me to consider something only a loon like myself would bother considering: That being which of Nintendo's many dual-screened portables looks best?

Yes, a good number of them are similar superficially, but most sport subtle design differences that keep them from looking like mirror images of one another.

Given all of that, let's take a gander at the six dual-screened handhelds Nintendo has supported since 2004 and then grade them in terms of best to worst (or most to least appealing).

For starters, here's the original Nintendo DS:

Two years after the system above was released, Nintendo followed it up with the oh-so-svelt DS Lite:

The similarly sexy DSi (striking a pose below in hot pink) hit the streets just two years after that:

And, then, of course, there's Nintendo's first jumbo-screened portable, the DSi XL, launched in 2009:

Everyone has seen the company's latest dual-screened product, right?

Finally, there's the 3DS XL (3DS LL if you live in Japan), which will land on store shelves later this month or next month, depending on where you live:

As for which design I like best: I'm going to go for the DS Lite and DSi this time around--due to the fact that they're sleek as can be but also completely portable (something that can't quite be said for their successor, the DSi XL/LL).

That said, I'm also pretty fond the original DS' design. I know it's by far the most toy-like of all of Nintendo's clamshell handhelds, but I've long had a soft spot in my heart for it. (Now if I could just find a "candy pink" one in like-new condition...)

Anyway, those are my thoughts on this completely unimportant matter. What are yours?

Sunday, December 04, 2011

Whether it's coral, misty or pearl (pink), I want it!

I don't know about you, but I find it kind of funny how Nintendo's marketers alter, from region to region, the adjectives they attach to the colors of their company's handheld game systems.

Take the pink 3DS that hit store shelves throughout North America earlier today. When systems drenched in the very same color were released in Japan in late October, they were called "misty pink," and when those systems hit the streets in Europe last month, they were called "coral pink."

I'm not sure what verbiage they'll use to describe North American 3DSes covered with this particular shade of pink, but if the DS Lite and DSi XL are any indication they'll probably call it "pearl" or "rose" or something rather matronly like that.

Regardless, I want one. Here's hoping my parents didn't already buy me a flame red one for Christmas--or that they're willing to return it for a coral/misty/pearl pink one.

Friday, September 09, 2011

But I thought Nintendo was killing off the DSi XL?

File this piece of news under "things that make you go hmmm," folks:

According to Amazon, the "metallic rose" (aka pink) DSi XL seen below will be released in North America on Sept. 18. (Pre-order it here.)

As if that isn't strange enough, said DSi XL will be sold at the same price ($169.99) as the still-trying-to-gain-a-foothold-in-the-hearts-and-minds-of-consumers 3DS.

Now, I'm no business guru, but wouldn't it be better/smarter to, say, release a pink 3DS rather than a pink DSi XL at this point in time?

All that said, I'd totally pick up one of these DSi XLs if they were the same color as the "coral pink" DS Lites that took up space on North American store shelves a few years ago.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I'm going to miss playing games this way, too

Until the release of the DSi and DSi XL, Nintendo's portable systems were always region-free (i.e., they could play games from any country).

I've taken full advantage of that "feature" over the years by buying a slew of European and Japanese releases--like Compile's Guru Logi Champ (below)--for my trusty GameBoy Advance and DS systems.

Well, if this e-mail from Nintendo of Japan's customer-support staff--which suggests the 3DS will follow in the region-locked footsteps of the DSi and DSi XL--is to be believed, those days will soon be behind me (and you, if you tend to import games from other countries).

I'm sure the brass at Nintendo have their reasons for region-locking the 3DS, but I'm not so sure any of those reasons will keep me from giving them the stink eye whenever they release an awesome game in Europe or Japan and then refuse to bring it to the States.

See also: 'I'm going to miss playing games this way'

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Nintendo of America finally lets the (red) cat out of the bag

Although we've known for some time now that Nintendo's European and Japanese arms are going to release red DSi XLs and Wiis in their respective regions the next few weeks, we haven't heard a peep from the company's North American arm.

Until today, that is.

Yes, the red DSi XL and Wii systems you've been salivating over--don't try to deny it--since you saw this post will hit store shelves in the States on Nov. 7.

Strangely, the bundles that will be offered to North American gamers are going differ from those being offered to their European and Japanese brothers and sisters. The DSi XL bundle, for instance, will include a red DSi XL, a copy of Mario Kart DS and a trio of DSiWare titles (Brain Age Express: Math, Brain Age Express: Arts & Letters and a Photo Clock app) for $179.99. The Wii bundle, on the other hand, will include a red Wii (along with a red Wii Remote Plus and nunchuck attachment) and copies of New Super Mario Bros. Wii and Wii Sports for $199.

Unfortunately, it seems the North American Wii bundle won't include the special anniversary edition of Super Mario Bros. that will be pre-installed onto the systems that will hit the streets in Japan on Nov. 11. Nor will it include Donkey Kong: Original Edition (whatever that means), which will be preloaded onto the systems sold in Europe starting on Oct. 29.

Also, at this point it seems that the awesome Super Mario Bros. 25th Anniversary DSi system mentioned in this post will remain a Japan-only release, as neither Nintendo of America nor Nintendo of Europe mentioned it in their respective announcements.


Wednesday, September 01, 2010

I think it's about time I got a DSi

Or, more accurately, I think it's about time I asked someone to buy me a DSi. After all, my birthday isn't too far off and my parents are always looking for gift ideas.

They'll want to wait until Sept. 12 to buy one, though, as that's when Nintendo of America will drop the price on all DSi systems to $149.99. (The company will drop the price on DSi XLs to $169.99 on the same date, although the price of DS lites will stay at $129.99.)

Photo by [cipher]

Unfortunately, it seems Nintendo won't be celebrating the occasion by (finally) releasing the slick, red DSi (above) that hit store shelves in Japan last year and in Europe earlier this year.