Showing posts with label conferences. Show all posts
Showing posts with label conferences. Show all posts

Monday, June 25, 2012

A game convention for everyone

You know gaymers and gayming have come a long way when a convention is planned around them. Which convention am I talking about, you ask? Why, GaymerCon, of course.

In case this is the first you've heard of it, GaymerCon, according to its recently launched website, is "a gaming, tech, and geek culture convention with a focus on the alternative and LGBT lifestyles that encompass those worlds."

For a bit more on why GaymerCon is needed and what it hopes to provide to and for attendees, check out the following video of the convention's founder and key organizer, Matt Conn:

Additional information about Conn and his event can be found in this recent interview with

GaymerCon will be held on August 3 and 4 of next year (yep, 2013) at an as-yet-undisclosed venue, by the way. Keep up to date about it by liking its Facebook page or following it via Twitter.
