Showing posts with label collections. Show all posts
Showing posts with label collections. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Surprise of surprises: I dislike the packaging produced for Kirby's Dream Collection

Considering it was home to a pair of completely awesome Kirby titles, it seems pretty appropriate that one of the Wii's last releases will be a collection of some of the adorable pink blob's best games, don't you think?

Sadly, the outer packaging produced for this collection--called Kirby's Dream Collection in North America and Kirby 20th Anniversary Collection in Japan--isn't as fabulous as I imagined it would be. Oh, it's far from terrible, that's true, but I can't help but find it kind of ... underwhelming.

That's especially true of the North American version's packaging (below), which is mucked up by a terribly boring font (the "Kirby's Dream Collection Special Edition" part), a trio of pointless product scans and that jarring swath of gold along the bottom edge.

The packaging made for the Japanese iteration is a lot more appealing, if you ask me. I especially like that the "included products" are illustrations instead of scans.

Thankfully, it seems that the cover art created for the game itself (the scans above are of the boxes that will contain the game, a soundtrack and a commemorative book of some sort) won't be so manhandled between the collection's Japanese and North American release.

Don't believe me? Compare the scan below--of the game's Japanese cover art--to the one shown on the North American packaging scan above.

Kirby 20th Anniversary Collection will hit store shelves in Japan on July 19, while its North American counterpart, Kirby's Dream Collection, will do the same on Sept. 19. Will any of you be picking it up, as I will, on day one or shortly after?

(Via and