While prepping my last two "Acquisition #123" (#132:
Engacho! and #133:
Tane wo Maku Tori) posts, I realized that some of you (many of you?) might like to see how WonderSwan game boxes and cartridges stack up to their counterparts in the portable world.
So, I took a few photos of a few of my recent WonderSwan pick-ups sitting next to 3DS, DS, GameBoy, GameBoy Advance, Game Gear and PSP carts and boxes.
The photos below, as I'm sure you can see, show that WonderSwan cartridges (the clear one on the left, below
Wario Land II, and the black one beneath
Balloon Kid) are closest in size to GameBoy Advance cartridges.
The photo above, on the other hand, shows how WonderSwan game boxes compare in size to DS and PSP cases. The box on the right, by the way, is for a WonderSwan Color game called
Flash Koibitokun.
All "regular" WonderSwan games are in smaller/squatter boxes a la
Engacho!, by the way, while all WonderSwan Color games are in the taller ones a la
Flash Koibitokun.
Anyway, so now you know how WonderSwan boxes and carts compare to their 3DS, DS, GameBoy, GameBoy Advance, Game Gear and PSP counterparts.